Woah.. Woah.. Woah..

Yesterday while browsing/reading some of the blogs I stumbled upon a very interesting post. It was a real shocker to be honest. It's a very interesting post to be quite frank, and it definitely caught my attention. The post I'm referring to is a post over at Venture, LLT.

To sum up the post, Stede believes that epic gems won't be coming from Pyrite, there are far too many things that lead up to Blizzard possibly adding a new Zone ( and possibly a new ore ). Patch 4.2 is being ran through the pipes and a new zone/daily quest hub location is on it's way so it got me thinking.

My thoughts on this? I ended up doing a ton of research, going back through a million MMO-Champion pages, flipping through data mined stuff/content from the Cataclysm beta and you guys won't believe what I found. It's been right under our noses this entire time! We've been worried about stockpiling Pyrite Ore... but I think I've found the new Cataclysm ore that will yield epic gems.... Black Iron Ore.

I'm fairly certain that this will be included in patch 4.2 - If Blizzard had any chance to add in a new ore 4.2 would be the perfect timing, a new zone - a new ore. It just works. There are a couple comments there hinting that this ore will yield epic gems - which makes stockpiling pyrite ore almost a ticking time bomb.

What do you guys think? Could it be possible?

24 comments: on "Woah.. Woah.. Woah.."

  1. Inc flood of cheap Pyrium Ore on all servers lmao.

  2. If so, Sinshroud, sounds like a good time to buy it up and shuffle it.

  3. If so Sinshroud, would be a good time to buy it up and shuffle it.


  5. I do hope that's true because I would love to buy a bunch of cheap pyrite for my JC. Also, if they add the ore they will probably add new BS patterns, maybe some engineering pet (your very own black iron dwarf companion!). As well as some new Alchemy transmutes. The list could go on. Looking forward to it.

  6. That ore is still white, and beign white it wouldnt make any sense for epic gems to come from these. They need to do some tuning before they announce that epic gems will be prospected from these. Sigh all miners get biggest profits..

  7. If its so, pyrite prices go down, you prospect them and transmute epic gems. Anyways it would be kinda lame for blizzard to add this white value ore to prospect epic gems from, so miners get more profit

  8. April Fools indeed. Good one. :-)

  9. It's an interesting move, to be sure. Blizzard has said that they wanted farming to be a legitimate way to make gold. Unfortunately, the bots have about destroyed that. Everyone is sitting on a huge Pyrite stockpile, and in the scenario where epic gems did come from pyrite, the farmers would still lose because nobody would buy Pyrite at decent prices when they're sitting on a stockpile that was stupid cheap. they'll use their reserves until the price drops back down to stupid cheap.

    Enter the new ore, and the market gets a hard reset, where legit farmers now have a chance to make some gold.

  10. New ore would make a lot of sense- there's also an unused 85 herb (Deathspore Pod) in the database that would make sense for continuing herbalism in the same way. http://www.wowhead.com/item=52989

  11. New ore would make a lot of sense- there's also an unused 85 herb (Deathspore Pod) in the database that would make sense for continuing herbalism in the same way. http://www.wowhead.com/item=52989

  12. I love how you mentioned this a couple weeks back during a JMTC meeting Mageshadow and no one really paid any attention. I hope this opens people's eyes.

  13. I'm not going to do anything based on this until at least tomorrow. If it's legit and I get stuck with my pyrium, I can still use it. If this is an April Fool's joke and a bunch of gullible people end up losing gold because of it, shame on you.

  14. Assuming this post isn't some sort of april fools joke, I noticed this ore was added in 4.0.3 and is marked as deprecated according to wowhead already. Also, I'd like to know the source of those commenter when they claim where it is from.

  15. yeah - be wary..

    could be april fool's joke - but if you're devious enough...I'd spam it in trade all day and buy it up....

  16. lol - I'm sorry, I just have to have a laugh at the guys who are talking about how they could lose a fortune on pyrite ore if this isn't true.

    "I lost 70k on Pyrite Ore Man... screw that Mageshadow!"

    "Pyrite? As in - aka, 'Fool's Gold'?"


    "How much did you lose again? :D"

  17. I have to say if this is an April Fool's joke, I'll be a bit disappointed.

    It is not a very good joke as this is actually plausible. Not only that, I think it is a good idea. It would be fun to have a new resource to farm and explore, I rather like the idea of epic gems coming from a new ore.

    I found the Titanium spike of Wrath a bit annoying and weird actually. Adding new ore sounds much nicer to me.

  18. Don't forget the Black Iron Bar:


    These have been in since the Cataclysm beta. There's a reason some of us decided to pass on the Pyrite frenzy.

  19. What was the ore that was introduced in the Mt. Hyjal CoT Raid? That was how they introduced new gems in BC

  20. And yet Wowhead has removed today the ability to see the recent additions list, so there's no way to know when it was added to the database, and all of the comments on the bar are in the last few hours.

    There are all sorts of things in the db that aren't in the game, and never will be in the game.

    It could also be an item like the obsidian shards in AQ20 or the guardian stone. The only indication is a flag that says prospectable, which is possibly the default on new ore. There's no indication that anyone's ever prospected it, nor that if it does get into the game, that it'll be prospectable.

    Not much point storing tons of pyrite on my server. Too many people here are sitting on banks of it. If/when pyrite becomes prospectable, all of that will be immediately prospected, and dumped on the AH, effectively reintroducing the horded Pyrite into the supply.

    Within a week, I expect epic gems to fall in price to almost sustainable levels. I only need enough pyrite to supply me with gems for that week.

    Unlike WotLK, our JC dailies don't require us to fly halfway across the world every day. All but one of them takes seconds to do, so any version of Titanium dust will be in less demand.

    There are way too many variables to make an informed decision. Will they release more recipes requiring truegold, causing the price of pyrite to rise? Will the next rank of crafted PVP gear require more pyrite to make? Will epic gems occasionally drop from elementium ore? Fire prisms? Will Alchemists get a recipe with or without a cooldown? Will Engineers be given a good use for the muck? Will Black Iron ore be moved from the Trade Goods to the quest items and only be useful on one quest? Will it be the primal saronite? Will Blizz goof, and make fishing up epic gems a near certainty for 24 hours (precut Epic gems were first introduced as a very rare fishing reward; uncut gems were only introduced weeks later)?

    When WotLK epic gems were announced as prospectable from Titanium, the price of Titanium ore shot up to 10g. When it became prospectable, assuming a 100g raw epic, the profit from 10g Titanium was the same as the profit from Saronite. Within 2 weeks, the price of titanium stablized around 10g, and cut epics were selling for 90g-140g .

    To this day I still think prospecting titanium instead of saronite was a waste of time (on my server).

    For bloody &@$!@& sake, they haven't even confirmed that there WILL be epic gems. For all we know, they might have decided having 3 tiers of cutable gems (4 if you count JC-only) was a mistake they wont repeat.

  21. The post linked was from the 30th, so i highly doubt that blog and this one had a grand scheme for an april fools joke planned like that... Plus i also doubt Mageshadow would risk causing his readers a big loss like that, he'd have a lot of angry people on his hands

  22. My bet is still on pyrites.I really don't care if pyrites will be 500% or 20% of actual price.I invested a lot into pyrites, and keep stockpling, going for a second GB with 5 tabs (one is full already) along another 2 chars that have pyrite ores in normal bank.
    I didn't become a multimillionaire in gold because i had luck.
    Its going way to long to explain why epic gems will be available from prospecting pyrites.

    But i am still betting on pyrites:D

  23. We've known about this ore since ages ago. Much like any expansion, lots of information is always data-mined that never comes to fruition. A primal might equivalent in Wrath comes to mind that we all saw and waited for, yet never actually came to fruition.

    Black Iron Ore has and will be a concern when stockpiling pyrite ore. However, it once again all comes to speculation with no real solid data to back it up as any more likely than the pyrite ore we currently have.

  24. I think Blizzard adding a new Ore to obtain epic gems into a new questing zone would be a catastrophic failure. The PvP realms would be utter nightmares and then throw in hacking bots to the mix. Epic gems would be a couple thousand gold a pop for the first week or more and the player outcry would be enormous.

    I agree with many of the players who have cited dozens of examples of items that never actually made it into the game.

    The fact that the "mystery" ore is of common level, instead of uncommon or "green" like Titanium or Pyrite is, further leads me to believe that it's not of significant importance.

    If you look at what Obsidium is today, it sounds like Blizzard couldn't decide what they wanted to call the entry level ore. Even the color of the node would have fit both.

    Lastly, to leave everyone with a gold tip regarding Pyrite Ore and what you can do with it while we wait.
    My server is seeing lower and lower Pyrite Ore prices, yet Pyrite Bars haven't followed suit. I've been buying Pyrite Ore @ 75g a stack and selling bars for 16g each. Check your prices and give it a shot.

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