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Auction house manipulation is a key area in how gold goblins make their loot. The player that understands the eggs and flows of the market will accomplish much in their Warcraft career.
The interesting part to me is that playing the auction house is very similar to playing poker. Whether you're playing Texas Hold-EM or 5 card stud, any advanced player will teach you that you are not playing the cards, you are playing your opponents.
Auction house buyers and sellers use this exact same concept every day. There is no magical entity that is setting prices for materials. Blizzard does not swoop down from above and change the cost for your uber item of smackiness. These determinations are done specifically by the buyers and sellers on the market.
Also the determination of these costs is done by availability. In poker if 4 players have 4 aces, then you have a 0% chance of drawing that Ace from the regulation deck. If there are 3 in play then it's 25% so on and so forth. With the Auction House, you have an idea of just how many items are available, but no idea just how many sellers are available to buy your items. You may have a 100% chance of selling your item in its viable sales period, or it may just end up back in your mailbox if no one wants the item.
You are always playing the other buyers and sellers on the market. Which is why knowing who is selling and what is selling on your server is very important. Even the idea of marked cards become important to how your playing. I have 5 players on servers that are heavily into markets that I play in. So I know when they are logged in and when they are not. Waiting 30 minutes til they log out or are in other areas, then listing my auctions at that point will add more viable time for sales. Know your competition becomes your mantra to higher gold success stories.
Most players when they first start playing poker go with blind luck. Some are successful, some are not. But ultimately to become good at poker, you have to play the player, and not the game.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Previous Posts
Monday Morning Blues
Jewelcrafting dailies or something
Out of the Market Too Early????
Welcome to the Cult
Born to be Mild
Its a Date
Auction House,
Five-card stud,
Texas hold 'em,
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
12:43 PM
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The weekends I tend to do other projects, loading up some articles on Friday to auto post. One of the benefits of using a good interface such as Blogger.com
It also gives me time to look at places I neglect from time to time. My personal twitter feed being one of them. It is not my most active way of communicating with the blogging community. But from time to time a message will come to me that strikes me to thinking.
A player took me to task saying they didn't have a large amount of time dedicated to making gold (This is paraphrased for the kiddies, it was a much better description including a measurement that is not normally found in the metric system).
My response was specific and exactly how I felt. Everyone should play the game exactly how they want too. Do I think that players that raid and do not spend time making gold are any better or worse than players who work the AH? The quick answer is no. They pay the same 15 dollars a month and if it makes them happy then I wish them the best in their future endeavors.
When I take players to task is when they sit and complain about not making gold, and do nothing to rectify the situation. There are 100's of journals that gives tips and tricks, farming spots. Items to sell that will take seconds out of a player's time. So to say that making gold in wow is difficult is doing a disservice to many. Where pimpin ain't easy, making gold can be as easy, or as difficult as someone will make it.
We live in a world that is used to fast food, fast cars and fast instant results. It doesn't make it better, but it makes it faster. I will throw in the towel if I ever see instant sushi on the market. This journal presents a route to obtain what I feel is a specific level of enjoyment in the game of Warcraft. But I do not feel that having millions of gold in the bank makes a player better than someone else. This same belief is also found when a player pats themselves on the back talking about how they have the uber weapon of smackiness mark 3. Either way it's all dots and pixels and numbers on the screen.
Real world and gaming world overlap from time to time. Being proud of what has been accomplished is everyone's right. But it is also everyone's right to sit and eat cheetos and watch reruns of E.R. My choice is to do something different. And it's my 15 dollars that I put on the Blizzard table asking them to entertain me.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Past Entries
Jewelcrafting dailies or something
Out of the Market Too Early????
Welcome to the Cult
Born to be Mild
Its a Date
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
9:00 AM
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The powers that be at the Blizzard control center have released the second part of their master plan for the Jewelcrafting profession. Along with the Zen Jewelcrafting token there will be a daily mechanic to produce the possibility of new patterns.
The whole thing seems to be revolving around having 3 of a specific color of raw gem. After you have gathered this, then you perform the spell based on the color of the gem.
There also is a wildcard Jewelcrafting transmute based on the BOP item Spirits of Harmony. The Transmute called Secret of the Stone ignores the normal Jewelcrafting timer so it can be repeated based on how many Spirits of Harmony you have (it requires 3 each time) So that gives you the possibility of multiple attempts to gain access to new patterns. Look for a lot of money to be sunk in this, and the base gems to get expensive from the start. Once the new Elementium Shuffle for MOP is found, this is going to be a huge advantage to Jewelcrafters.
The BOP nature of the Spirits of Harmony crafting material also gives a huge advantage to players that quest and enter into dungeons. It allows them to be able to craft items that other players can't due to the requirement.
The target gems needed for the Jewelcrafting transmutes will be:
Wild Jade (Green)
Vermillion Onyx (Orange)
Imperial Amethyst (Purple)
Primordial Ruby (Red)
Rivers Heart (Blue)
Sun's Radiance (Yellow)
With the big three gems coming from the Red Gem Camp
Delicate Primordial Ruby (+160 Agility)
Brilliant Primordial Ruby (+160 Int)
Bold Primordial Ruby (+160 Strength)
These will be the three that will be in demand the most. So grabbing these as quickly as possible and posting products for sale will be your first priority.
As with any new mechanic, something like this could change in a moments notice. Including whether there will be a guarantee recipe each timer period, or a "chance" at one. Both the token purchasing and the random pattern generator option will allows players to get into jewelcrafting quickly.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Past Entries
Out of the Market Too Early????
Welcome to the Cult
Born to be Mild
Its a Date
world of warcraft
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
1:35 PM
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The onslaught has begun when it comes to inventory. With the announcement of Mists of Pandaria released in September, players are emptying all their reserves into the market. They do not want to get caught with their proverbial gold pants down.
This is where your training and experience will come into play. As markets start to become less viable, there will still be demand for some items. Raw materials will still have some market acceptance as players finish off their crafting queues to reach their maximum level. Inventory dumped in one area can easily become saleable items now, or later down the road.
My personal favorite is the Jewelcrafting area. Players are dumping their extra gems that were produced with the Elementium shuffle. Leaving inventory at low costs and driving down prices.
But remember, you have an army of new players that will need leveling gems. They will also want to use gems for turn ins for their Jewelcrafting dailies. Plus those gems are easily converted into materials that will still sell if you have access to an enchanter. Even the lowly Zephyrite will be useful for turn ins as Mists of Pandaria begins to mature on the servers. So instead of just vendoring everything or selling at a steep discount. Look to see what can be converted or the chance later on in the market.
Volatiles will still be needed as MOP continues on. Players will want to level their professions, and make an occasional item. So investing in Volatile fire for 2g a piece could easily double your investment down the road. Gold Goblins never turn down a chance for profit.
Also look for guild banks to come up for sale. Players deciding not to return to the game after their wowcations. Raiding guilds no longer viable, jumping on a quick buy of a guild can give you a large amount of items to profit from.
Where markets are slow to buy, there is a trickle down for large items that can continue on through the expansions. Mounts, pets and vanity items become big sellers as players sort out space in their banks, and look to entertain themselves.
Keep your goblin eyes open, and be on top of the markets.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Past Entries
Welcome to the Cult
Born to be Mild
Its a Date
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
11:58 AM
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Welcome to the cult of the gold goblin my recruits. You'll find the dues are low, and the expectations are high. Our members demand large amounts of gold. They also demand information, and a little bit of humor involved. Mistakes will be made, but they will not be repeated. Membership is always optional, but once you get in, you can never get out.
There are times that I can make gold making into a cult like belief. Between changing attitudes and looking at the difference between a gold goblin and someone floundering in their own lack of options. And at times it probably even comes off that someone has to be the heavy.
Passing on information is enjoyable to me. Whether it's by something humorous that has occurred in my journey. Something that crosses my mind at the speed of thought, or just something that I want to discuss. Information is the key to enjoying making gold. We can easily accomplish our goals with a few new techniques. What makes us gold goblins is that we can share those beliefs with others, and allow them to enjoy the fruits of their labor.
Little tidbits get put out every day with this site. Do I believe that every time I post something up that it's gold? Not really, that would be egotistical of me. What I do hope to share is to tilt your thought process in a different direction. To see investments as not just a chore, but also as a chance to stretch your prowess. Stretch your abilities to become better in the World of Warcraft. Occasionally you might even be able to apply what you have learned in Warcraft to your real life. That is when we truly become a cult for good.
Good luck and Good Hunting
Past Entries
Born to be Mild
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
12:39 PM
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And the hammer keeps falling from the Blizzard control center on "minor" changes with MOP. The powers that be announced that pets caught in the "wild" would not be able to be traded or sold.
The rest of the blurb did state that this could change in a future patch. But it puts a big dent in the pet selling market. This sets up that only pets that are purchased or crafted can be sold.
It's understandable that Blizzard wants players to explore for their pets instead of just sitting around the Auction House and buying rare or extremely rare pets. But those that were looking for big gold in selling the rare pets are scratching their head over what plans to make.
Preaching to my eyes have turned blue, the home run theory of making gold isn't as successful as working on a production line mentality. So planning ahead on what purchased/craftable pets will be popular. Deciding whether buying and training pets will still be a viable way to make gold.
Blizzard will probably loosen the leash on wild pets, once exploration and leveling begins to settle down (Probably patch 5.2 or so). Think of this similar to when orbs have always started off as being BOP, then switching to BOE later on. This gives the player that explores and levels an advantage over players who crafters just sit in cities to generate revenue.
Pets such as the White Kitten in Stormwind or the Golden Dragonhawk Hatchling are good options to sell to the opposing faction. The key will be finding the niche that players are not selling. Even if it's the lowly cockroach from Undercity.
These aren't new techniques, they have been repeated time and time again. But their important in pet selling market has just increased. Even leveling a new purchased pet to level 5 can increase their selling price. The balance is between how much time is spent to level and the selling price.
Mental or even physical recordkeeping will help you determine the true value of selling a pet. And whether the selling of pets will ultimately be worth the effort. Don't be afraid to just work on your own collection for now and deal with other avenues of sales. Pet selling could easily become the new inscription when it comes to sales.
Mental or even physical recordkeeping will help you determine the true value of selling a pet. And whether the selling of pets will ultimately be worth the effort. Don't be afraid to just work on your own collection for now and deal with other avenues of sales. Pet selling could easily become the new inscription when it comes to sales.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@Dragonbearjoe" or leave a comment here. You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Past Entries
Auction House,
Patch Notes,
Pet selling,
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
12:34 PM
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So now that the Blizzard powers that has announced the date of September 26, 2012 for the release of Mists of Panderia. We have a goal date to be finished with our pre expansion needs. I will start to beging to release my notes on what to grab to save for the upcoming rush of professions, levelers and sellers.
Also this gives a good chance to review what chores you should have done before the panda invasion rolls out
Tell your boss you're going to need a "few days" off
Stop and plot out the munchies deals. Stock up on chips and pop and other drinks.
Tell your girlfriend/boyfriend/pets that you won't be seeing them except if they are online
Have all your profession toons at their maximum, and your crafting toons at 83 or higher. It would
be preferable to have them at 85 just in case the developers throw a screwball at us and require a higher
level to max out your professions.
Stack your archeology tokens to fill out each race. This should grab you a few points towards finishing
what will still continue to be a long drawn out profession. If your looking at getting a realm first this is
a must do when it comes to archaeology.
Have your toons in place where you want them to be. Remember that the first couple of hours
opening zones are going to be flooded by players killing the same mobs, turning in the same quests.
Be prepared for issues, downtime, quick patches, more down time, frustration, and overall the normal
things that happen while playing a new expansion pack.
Have your favorite web pages at your fingertips ready to see updates. Obviously I'm bias to JMTC for
the first page I hope you have open. As well as http://thegoldqueen.com/ and Consortium forums ready for any quick updates.
Don't be too quick to sell all of your items you've gathered to flip on the market. You aren't giong to be the only seller, and many players will be listing their items at prices to get a quick buck. Be prudent and prepared to not just sell, but also buy and flip materials if they are at too low a price. Items such as Netherweave and ore should be going for 2 to 3 times the cost of buying them. So anything lower and hold your ground. Some will look at it as a sprint, we as gold goblins don't sprint, we ride in style.
And the last thing. Be prepared to have fun. Even in frustration and in the excitement of the new areas. Have fun, it's a game your paying for. That's the important thing in life.
You can buy the downloadable game when you enter your battle.net account. Or go to a local midnight
opening to buy the retail box. Come dressed as your favorite Night Elf (female if your going to send me pictures thank you).
Good Luck and Good Hunting.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@Dragonbearjoe" or leave a comment here. You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Past Entries
Expansion pack,
Video Games,
world of warcraft
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
11:50 AM
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Every so often I have a note or letter that crosses my desk. I read it then set it aside. After 5 minutes of squeezing my stress ball I will reread the letter and then type my response.
Why do I take the extra 5 minutes? Because my knee jerk reaction many times would be to take the letter and scrap heap it. Something that I prefer not to do. If the readers of this humble journal take the time to write me personally. Then they should receive the same treatment and get a note back or comment back.
Generally the note that sets me off is when I see someone writing me saying "I can't make gold". Now this is a common plea from many players. And with Mists of Panderia right on the cusp of being brought out, we will see more and more please from new players who have not taken the time to learn how to make gold.
The main idea of making gold is one thing. Change your attitude. You can go in with an attitude that you can't make gold, and it's almost a guarantee that you will accomplish the negative projection. You will give up, go and scrounge around for little bits of gold that you can find, mumble and grumble that you can't afford the epic sword of smackiness (patent pending) and generally hate world of warcraft after a while.
It's the same attitude that has people sitting in Orgrimmar saying "I'm bored, I'm bored" but not attempting to do a thing with their character. There are multiple ways of earning gold. Questing, dungeoning, raiding, selling, mugging a street vendor. But there is only one way to fail at making gold. And that is to do absolutely nothing but complain that you can't make gold.
Now please understand, I'm not saying that making gold is easy or hard. Frankly it's easy if your given the right tools that I try to present here. But what does keep the growing gold goblins needs down against the ground, is that they don't want to learn, or to work at making gold. To those people, I apologize but this journal is not for you. We work here, whether it's a little or a lot. We work to get what we want, and we enjoy the spoils of that work. And we share it with our friends.
So when you start seeing new players beg for gold, or give the cry of the gold goblin noob "I can't afford my first mount". Give them a piece of advice first, show them a journal they can go too (I would enjoy it being this one, but others can do the same advice as well). Give them the fishing pole so they can fish for gold, and not just feed them for a meal. That's how you change the attitude of others in a game with plenty of attitude to spare.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@Dragonbearjoe" or leave a comment here. You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Past Entries
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
9:12 AM
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Goblins who take a look at what they have sold over their gold making careers would be surprised at the different markets they have been involved in. From Epic weapons to blacksmithing rods. Reselling cloth to ore, the limits of where to make a single piece of copper is extraordinary.
With the removal of Blacksmithing rods from the game with MOP, this brought to my mind just what other items that were going to be small, but powerful sales in the future. To me finding these small niche items determines whether you are just a seller, or have reached gold goblin status.
I've preached the benefits of Netherweave bags simply for their popularity. They are the easiest to double your money on if you're a tailor. But other items that get lost in the shuffle include Salt Shakers from Engeineers. The Salt Shaker being used by Leatherworkers to craft Refined Deeprock Salt for professing lower level hides. This is one of those items that many leatherworkers won't go and try to find, until they need it. And that's when a gold goblin smiles and says thank you when they take the gold.
Other items such as Engineers and their Flying Machine (with it's bigger brother the Turbo Flying Machine). The farther that we get to the materials, the more valuable these items become as they are crafted. The key is to find items that a player could gather the materials for on their own, but find it's easier to just pay more gold for the item.
Engineers may seem like they are the only ones that have these items, but all of the professions have items that where small in nature, can have a big reward is sold right. From crafted mid level rings from Jewelcrafters. To Low level enchants from enchanters. All of these "small items" can add up to big profits as Mists of Panderia matures.
So as your winding down your sales for cataclysm, look to see what items in your profession crafting that will be in demand by new players, or players that forgot they needed these items. This is where your sales will grow.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@Dragonbearjoe" or leave a comment here. You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Past Entries
Salt Shaker,
world of warcraft
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
10:44 AM
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Goblins who were playing wow during Wrath of the Lich King remember the portals that were in Dalaran. These portals could make zipping to the capital cities a breeze. Especially during holiday quests. With the introduction of the Cataclysm expansion the portals only went to one city (Stormwind and Orgrimmar) and limited a lot of the ease of travel.
With Mists of Panderia, the main hub will be Vale of the Eternal Blossom. During the initial beta there was an auction house found in this area. But with one of the newest beta patches it changed into portals going to the major cities. Also included was portals to both Shattrath and Dalaran.
This will make a lot more opportunity for gold goblins to become available. Instead of having to take the Zepplin over to Northrend to pick up resellable objects. You can portal over to Dalaran, finish up your vendor run for pets quicker. Quicker runs allow more time to list and quest.
Also this opens up making your daily cooking quests and Jewelcrafting quests much easier to finish. Setting up and win/win situation for players overall.
I'm hoping this is the final change they do portal wise. Shattrath and Dalaran were very missed portals during Cataclysm. So plan ahead on which toons you plan on parking in this area. Building a pattern of travel from the start will make things a lot easier when you need to get somewhere quick.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@Dragonbearjoe" or leave a comment here. You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
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