Arena Update 2484 PROT

Looks like we are definately in the running for gladiator this season.

However, our team took a huge nerf with the vindication change, meaning that we have to deal another 20% stamina in damage to kill our opponents :(

We'll adapt but things are going to get a lot more challenging.

5 comments: on "Arena Update 2484 PROT"

  1. What battlegroup are you in? I'm in Stormstrike and there are 0 prot warriors in the top 100 from what I know of.

  2. Wow, grats! Now imagine how high you would be if you played arms...

  3. prot damage in arena is hilarious. I am just starting to roll with with it. There is at least 1 other high rated prot war 2v2 team though: at 2701. I sent you an email or two about the comp before I started rollin with it as well, hopefully I can surpass the mentor pretty soon!

  4. Haha yeah we've only played 219 games, so we still have a lot of games to catch up to jelly in my beans.

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