Yet another interesting discussion over at the JMTC forums:
Several players were wondering why Northsea Pearls were tanking and it's because blizzard made them far easier to get. There's still money to be had with these pearls, even if prices appear to be in the tank as of late. In order to explain I'm going to use Icy Dragonscales.
Icy Dragonscales are incredibly difficult to sell: there is a huge supply and sporatic demand. At any one moment the market can become barren from people giving up on selling their scales or from players purchasing forty at a time for their leather gear. Also, random auction house tycoons are constantly buying this market out and relisting at a far greater price, which can send the price into the 200-300% range.
Northsea pearls behave the exact same way in terms of selling as the dragonscales. I personally do not sell the pearls, but I do sell the dragonscales on a regular basis. How do I do it? I don't post every day and I make use of trade chat for sales. When I see that dragonscales have been bought out, are suddently few in number, or have risen in price slightly I will go on the auction house on a raid night and post forty dragonscales. That's the number that a single buyer will need and that's all I'm counting on to make a profit. Since I purchased the scales for as little as 1 gold each I usually can sell them for 1.5-2 gold.
If you want practice with your auction house craft then these two markets are the perfect testing ground. Can you make money with items that are in moderate demand but have incredibly high supply among the playerbase? Hopefully now you can!
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4 comments: on "What ever happened to Northsea Pearls"
Darth Solo said... June 1, 2009 at 7:38 PM
Unfortunately I have a few hundred of these stocked up from before 3.1. I'm slowly and painfully selling them 1 by 1 on the AH but it's a bummer. In the end, I can always vendor them for 1G each. What's funny is that occasionally someone posts a stack at less than 1G apiece. That's when I grab them instantly.
Markco said... June 1, 2009 at 10:47 PM
It's a nice 60 gold a day for me. I just post two stacks for 25-30 gold each.
Noak said... June 2, 2009 at 1:42 PM
Same as Darth Solo, Icy Dragonscales are among Dream Shards in items that won't sell for higher then I bought them for pre-3.1 =(
Markco said... June 2, 2009 at 1:52 PM
Dream Shards are selling for 20-30 gold on my server now and went for 9-15 pree 3.1
That sucks your server hasn't gotten with the program yet :(
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