This week is going to be straight forward. After receiving multiple questions in my email asking me how they should make money in a specific profession. I am going to present to you five (sometimes more) things that you should be selling right now
First the rules of the road.
1. All recipes have to be obtained by either Training, purchasing from a vendor or via reputation.
2. No World drops or items that would require a larger than life grind to obtain (ala Fireland dailies)
3. Materials can be gathered or crafted, not requiring BOP dropped items or boss farmed items.
4. Each item should make a minimum of 30% profit over cost of crafting.
And now on with the show.
Deciding that the first one to tackle is going to be what many consider the most difficult to make money at. Engineering started off as being only having items that were crafted for personal playing enjoyment, with the occasional low level "toys". Rarely was engineering considered to be a "serious" profession.
With Burning Crusade, items were added to the fold to make some profits available. It opened the crafting of high level guns, scopes and even a mount that could be sold. Having rare world patterns in the mix such as the [Lifelike Mechanical Toad] as well as a few other farmable pets from gnomeregan that were made easier to obtain as the game expansions continued. Cataclysm opened a wide number of sales opportunities for engineers, combined with the opportunities from the previous expansions to present gold making diamonds in the rough.
So here is the list of engineer items you should be selling.
1. [Plans: Inlaid Mithril Cylinder]
This one is pretty straightforward. You purchase the ink and common paper from the engineering vendor, Craft, then sell to blacksmiths. The reason why it's so popular is because blacksmiths need it to craft the Inlaid Mithril Cylinders to sell right back to engineers for leveling, as well as many items including the [Ultrasafe Transporter - Gadgetzan]. The recipe is taught by your local Engineer trainer.
2. [Recipe: Goblin Rocket Fuel]
Another recipe that can be crafted and sold. It's sold to alchemists, many times for those that want to complete their collections. Goblin Rocket fuel is a good seller for alchemist for the lower level toys. It's also used for the [Firework launcher] and [Cluster Launcher] again for engineers. This recipe is also taught by your local engineer trainer.
3. [Tranquil Mechanical Yeti]
The end of a long, involved quest line during Vanilla wow all the way to Wrath. Cataclysm brought a quick shortening to the steps in the quest. It is easily completed in around 30 minutes, allowing you to be taught the pattern by Umi Rumplesnicker. There are three quest lines that have to be completed, starting with [Hammer Time] from Lillith the Lithe in Winterspring, ending with the quest [Are we there, Yeti?] from Umi. The materials are easily farmable or purchasable from the auction house, with a strong profit margin for new players as well as seasoned pet collectors.
4. Gnomish Army Knife
Another item from your trainer, this item will be a decent seller now, and will become more valuable as we get closer to Mists of Panderia. 10 Saronite bars, 1 Skinning Knife, 1 Mining Pick and 1 Blacksmith Hammer nets you a decent sized profit. I've sold these continuously from between 75g and 100g a piece, more on days that multiple alt toons are created. Giving a player access to multiple crafting tools, as well as engineers getting access to a non combat resurrection attempt. Making these very popular to have in players bags.
5. [Mechano-hog] (Horde) or [Mekgineer's Chopper] (Alliance)
The bulk of your time to obtain the pattern requires your toon repuation to get to exalted with either Horde Expedition for the [Mechano-hog] or Alliance Vanguard for the [Mekgineer's Chopper]. The easiest way to gain exalted for either factions are to run wrath level heroics without a tabard for any faction, or doing the dailies found in Icecrown, Grizzly Hills and in Argent tournament. The entire discussion on how to maximize your rep with these factions are on wowhead here.
The materials are both crafted and gathered, the large ones being [Titansteel bar] from miners. The Bind on Pickup items are only purchasable by engineers from the patrolling goblin Roxi Ramrocket found walking around the flight path in K3 in Storm Peaks. Occasionally these can be found on the AH from runs in Ulduar, engineers can deconstruct the mechanical bosses in Ulduar but are much easier to purchase from Roxi. The BOE items cost approximately 11.4k (any type of personal or guild level bonus deductions can lower this price and gain more profit). This is going to be again a big seller when Mists arrive due to the idea that many people will want this mount for their new Class/Race combination. Many servers have these selling for 22k plus.
The Extras.
There are others engineer crafted items that can be sold for large profits. The [Lil' Smoky] and [Pet Bombling] Schematics that drop from the last boss in Mekgineer Thermaplugg who is found at the end of gnomeregan. This can be a difficult grind due the low drop rate (personally it took me 20+ runs for it to drop for my engineer. Using real world materials, these tend to have a acceptable profit margin as well as the other items mentioned previously. Well worth taking the time to gain the two patterns.
I hope this will spark some profit making with your engineer. What other items do you see as making money for your engineer?
Sunday. we take on cooking. Bring your fire and your fish
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@Dragonbearjoe" or leave a comment here. You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
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