We strive as writers to offer our best, and sometimes our worst ideas to readers. Many times to challenge ourselves in our game playing. Always there to try to help others gain experience and gold making prowess. It's an added part of our gaming experience to share tidbits, or even the smallest of tips to I hope allow you to gain a little bit more gold in your pockets.
We are also a competitive bunch from time to time. Never anything wrong with healthy competition. Many times it brings the best out of us. Our tips become our raiding mobs in that we search for something that no one else has found. And hopefully we all celebrate when someone finds something that no one else has found before. Or has paid attention before.
We also thrive on our emails. I've enjoyed every e-mail, both good and bad from those that want to comment. Looking for specific answers to problems they have come up with. Many times looking for personal guidance in what I know, or even ideas i do not know with the gold making in warcraft.
Every time that someone reads what I write, even at times with the grammar mistakes that get by my proofreader (they have been sacked, then the person who sacked them was sacked after rehiring the original grammar checker), I get to share some of my experience, and my future enjoyment with the Warcraft series of games.
The adds, the guides, the information presented is for one thing. To allow you to enjoy the World of Warcraft on your own terms. Growing up the reality is that the only on in control of your future is you. Players who say they aren't able to make money, usually have not looked at finding the right tools to become successful. Or unfortunately are not willing to put in the time and effort to make the gold. This is not a condemnation to those that have not found the right market on their server, or time is difficult to give to a game that rewards time sacrificed. But too often it is presented that a player doesn't want to spend 30 minutes researching a sales tactic, just looking to be handed gold on the streets of Orgrimmar. Having seen it many times, trust me on the idea that the 30 minutes of research will make you 10 times the amount of gold that you will earn by just saying "I cannot find gold" and wait for it to be given to you.
Today is the end of the Love is in the air event. If you finished the dailies everyday on even one of your toons, you should be in line to have at least one mount to sell. Adding 30k+ to your coffers. Sometimes it isn't an advanced strategy that will gain you gold. It's just a daily ritual that will give you the most coinage to buy or to save for a rainy Stormwind day.
Did you learn something today? Hopefully you did.
Good luck and good hunting.
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@Dragonbearjoe" or leave a comment here. You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
You talk to much... losing the sale
Five things you should be selling: Cooking Edition
Five things you should be selling: Engineer Edition
Dealing with Mid Sales Blahs
Love is in the air: By the numbers
The Nerf, the nerf, the nerf is on fire
Love is in lunar fair
Just call me patch Mommar
You talk to much... losing the sale
Five things you should be selling: Cooking Edition
Five things you should be selling: Engineer Edition
Dealing with Mid Sales Blahs
Love is in the air: By the numbers
The Nerf, the nerf, the nerf is on fire
Love is in lunar fair
Just call me patch Mommar
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