Trade Skill Master Goodies

If you've been auctioning for a long time, you've undoubtedly heard about (and been using) the addon Trade Skill Master. Well, sapu and the gang have recently released their first "release" version, officially moving out of Beta. With the release came an entirely new interface and design. Here are some of the cool new features, or old features that I'm just discovering with the new interface. For a more comprehensive video guide to TSM, you should check out Faid's post.

Custom Post Scans
I've talked about multiple profiles before. The basic idea was that I could limit the items I was scanning for by setting up different profiles that contain different groups and pricing structures. If you right-click the Post Auctions button, you can create a custom post scan. Basically, this allows you to only post certain groups, or even just a few items in the group. Maybe you're not interested in posting your entire cycle and just want to do enchants and gems. Now it's easier than ever to do it.

Custom Cancels
Right-clicking Cancel Auctions also produces a custom process. It has the same functionality as the custom post scan, limiting the groups you want to scan for. It also has the option to cancel only items with short (30 minutes), medium (2 hours) or long (12 hours) durations. In my auction groups, some items are posted for only 12 hours total because there's high competition and I want to re-post more frequently. Some items I only post once/day for 24 hours, or even 48 in a few rare cases. One frustration I've had is posting auctions before leaving for work, then returning home and posting again, except not all of my 12 hour auctions are expired. I don't want to cancel everything, and now I don't need to. I can custom cancel short duration auctions and leave up my longer ones.

Automatic Database Updating
I love having up-to-the-minute data. I regularly update my Undermine Journal Addon so I can have accurate pricing that isn't dependent upon me logging in and scanning hourly. Now, TSM author Sapu has a separate program that runs in the background outside WoW and updates your AuctionDB data. Read this post for instructions. Some people are concerned about running executables from users, but I've had it running for a few days now with no problems. It worked right out of the box for me.

These are just a few of the hidden gems I've found. How is the new version working for you? Any tips to share with your fellow readers?

  1. Wow! Thanks for incredibly helpful and informative post!

    Since the release of TSM I've been searching for those features, especially the option to cancel short-duration auctions. It's sometimes essential before going to work and I've been really unhappy knowing that my auctions would expire and sit in mailbox a whole day. I've watched guides and read blogs but no one seemed to mention this feature and where it was moved to.

    You're really a godsent! Thanks again for saving my profits!

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