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When I first started playing World of Warcraft there were certain yearly events that I looked forward to. Children's Week was one of them. Looking at how you obtained the different pets i knew that this was not going to be a smash and grab type of event. Originally there were three pets and that it would take three years to complete.
The first pet I obtained from finishing up the Children's Week Death march through Azeroth and Outland was One Eyed Willie (now boringly known as Sleepy Willy). Lots of entertainment and laughter was brought the first raid into Karazhan with all of our newly received pets leading the charge.
The next year I finished up the run to obtain my second favorite crack addicted pet Eggbert. How many times this little idiot looked like he was going to aggro mobs in a raid (there was always that fear even if we knew better that somehow there would be a glitch and the little twerp would cause us to die hard that round).
Onward through the next year I obtained Elekk Training Collar. The Cataclysm expansion brought some changes to the quest hub through Azeroth but it still had the same feel of go here, dance a jig, go here, buy something etc. Even the allure of selling ice cream in the middle of your home city for exhorbant fees lost its charm when it could be easily obtained.
With the introduction of account bound pets, the game has taken it's final toll on what has become a chore of a holiday. If you have all of the pets (which I have) then you can finish up the quest line for the enjoyment but there is no end reward other than 25 pet biscuits while amusing loses the charm of another pet. With the quick introduction of patches and new content it may be time for Blizzard to revamp another world event to give more enjoyment to the masses.
Now onto the fun of making gold. After that gloom and doom intro, Children's Week can be a money making venture if you think outside the box. With quest lines that require Ice Cream (Tigule And Foror's Strawberry Ice Cream, many players will be looking to the Auction House to pick these up quick. There is a vendor in both Stormwind and Orgrimmar but people tend to be lazy when it comes to items such as this. It will not make you tons of gold but you could obtain a certain amount of beer money as you continue on.
The other item to look at doing is if you have a two person mount to give guided tours. Especially in Outland it's a long trek for some players since they haven't unlocked all of the areas. Lower level new characters may be willing to throw a few gold pieces your way for a guided tour as you are obtaining your pets.
The gang at Icy-Veins has an excellent write up on the achievements needed for the long strange trip meta-achievement. Go here to make things just a little bit easier for yourself.
So enjoy the event, enjoy your new pets or pet biscuits and game on.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Patch 5.3 on the Horizon
Old World vs New World Profits
Bad Bad Robot.. The Warcraft Edition
Strengthen Your Google-Fu
Go To Sales
Weekend Warriors
Possible Glyphmas With Patch 5.3?
The Green Parade
Lions, Tigers and Cooldowns O My
Snakes in the Playground
Craft Me Some Pants.. Or Something Else
Flipping the BMAH off
Dear Blizzard: Noblegarden Edition
Throwing A Line
Prepping For the Death Of PVP
Patience is a Virtue.
I Choose You....: Reputation Choices
Thunderforge Ready for Business
Children's week,
meta Achievements.,
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
12:16 PM
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Your friendly neighborhood Mommar here.
So if you started your game this weekend, like millions of players did. You got to see the downloading screen once again starting to pick up background data for the new Patch 5.3. Usually this means lots of speculation on when will it drop, what should I do and at what point do I get to panic.
The quick answer is who knows, the same thing you're doing now and only in view of a camera for your future youtube.com fame. Mists of Pandaria developers have been pretty good at getting new content out quickly to balance between repetitiveness of previous expansion patches and not enough time to enjoy that new fresh smell that you get when new goodies arrive.
In this case it does bring to a question just what needs to change in your daily and weekly strategy as far as lower level gear. The Isle of Thunder was very much a catch up hub on raiding gear. The ease of obtaining reputation and higher level gear through crafting, grinding out the reputation to reward and Looking For Raids that were put on a farm very quickly caused low level gear to not be as desired. Sure players would pick up items to fill in spots in their ilvl gear. But greens took a serious hit unless they had an extra special look to them, or were cheap enough to Disenchant for materials.
This is a good time to start to dissect the PTR patch notes for investments and items that you expect to be in demand in the near future. And to start to do a slow burn on holding materials for enchants and armor patches when they become in demand after Patch 5.3 drops.
Just keep up the good fight. We're all in this together.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Old World vs New World Profits
Bad Bad Robot.. The Warcraft Edition
Strengthen Your Google-Fu
Go To Sales
Weekend Warriors
Possible Glyphmas With Patch 5.3?
The Green Parade
Lions, Tigers and Cooldowns O My
Snakes in the Playground
Craft Me Some Pants.. Or Something Else
Flipping the BMAH off
Dear Blizzard: Noblegarden Edition
Throwing A Line
Prepping For the Death Of PVP
Patience is a Virtue.
I Choose You....: Reputation Choices
Thunderforge Ready for Business
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
10:47 AM
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Mommar here
The past couple of days I've been busy with other projects so had to cut down my time playing World of Warcraft. Finishing my daily chores and a little exploration to get my lock up the unlocking of the gates quest eaten up a lot of my time.
I did spend a little bit of time doing some quick flips of items, including my biggest pet peeve when it comes to markets. Ghost Iron Bars should never, ever be sold cheaper than the ore itself. So I took a little of time to flip the market for what I was most comfortable pricewise.
In the past month I've gotten a little bit lazy when it comes to farming, taking that little bit of profit off the top to spend on materials instead of farming them myself. The measurement of the value of my time makes it much more cost effective than spending a couple of hours grabbing product for all of my daily timer crafts.
That doesn't mean that I don't do any farming in other areas. Old crafting materials are starting to make a comeback and keeping an eye on enchanting materials. Where the basic ore still tends to sell lower than I like, a nice burst of demand for dust and celestials from both Wrath and Cataclysm areas bring in a nice profit.
The key to this is not abandoning old world techniques, including the Elementium shuffle to generate profit. Mists of Pandaria made it much more difficult to generate gold with the combination of an Enchanter/Jewelcrafter. It required more juggling and decision making than just what was given during Wrath. The same applies now, except that crafted items for the most part are not going to sell well on the Auction House in the 80-85 range. These areas are leveled through very quickly and players take their new toons into higher areas.
I've preached the idea of knowing your market and also knowing your conversion of materials. What is that price point that will allow you to generate a quick profit, against letting items sit there to deteriorate in demand. That mental toolbox being put to the test.
Test yourself this weekend and see just where you think old world profits can be squeezed from.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Bad Bad Robot.. The Warcraft Edition
Strengthen Your Google-Fu
Go To Sales
Weekend Warriors
Possible Glyphmas With Patch 5.3?
The Green Parade
Lions, Tigers and Cooldowns O My
Snakes in the Playground
Craft Me Some Pants.. Or Something Else
Flipping the BMAH off
Dear Blizzard: Noblegarden Edition
Throwing A Line
Prepping For the Death Of PVP
Patience is a Virtue.
I Choose You....: Reputation Choices
Thunderforge Ready for Business
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
11:29 AM
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The Gang at Blizzard introduced a future pet for the Engineering profession. It helped that the picture was data mined earlier by an industrious crew that tear into PTR code with a vengeance.
Blizzard has done an excellent job with each patch of Mists of Pandaria to add weapons and items to be crafted by Blacksmiths, Tailors and Leatherworkers. Unfortunately Engineer crafted items have been slower to be delivered and the Inscription profession has been almost completely ignored for addition items.
One of the best ways to keep players excited about professions is to add new items for them to craft, both for personal use as well as sales. We all know that my gold goblin mind revolves mostly around what can be sold for a profit. In this case I expect the new Engineering Pet to be in demand.
We can only speculate on what will be required to craft this soon to be popular pet. If the powers that be stay on track with previous crafted items we can speculate on what will be needed.
Trillium Bar (my guess would be 4-6)
Spirit of Harmony (Probably 1, maybe at most 2)
Exotic Leather (4)
Of course I do not have a magic 8 ball to tell exactly what might be needed. At some point the PTR will have this pet and we will know the exact amount that will be required. But giving a decent heads up on what might be possible can help with being prepared. As with many pets, crafting and selling these will have a very short peak life. Once a player has one (or even two) of these for their personal collection the demand will take a serious drop. That first 2-3 weeks will become very important for sales opportunities and being ready.
So keep this in mind when you start storing your nuts and bolts for a later sales day. Maybe putting away one or two of your Ghost Iron Bars or Trillium bars on the possibility of being prepared to craft for the masses.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Strengthen Your Google-Fu
Go To Sales
Weekend Warriors
Possible Glyphmas With Patch 5.3?
The Green Parade
Lions, Tigers and Cooldowns O My
Snakes in the Playground
Craft Me Some Pants.. Or Something Else
Flipping the BMAH off
Dear Blizzard: Noblegarden Edition
Throwing A Line
Prepping For the Death Of PVP
Patience is a Virtue.
I Choose You....: Reputation Choices
Thunderforge Ready for Business
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
12:59 PM
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Mommar here.
As a Gold Goblin I fully admit that I prey on the lazy from time to time. It would be just as easy for someone to collect the materials together to have an item crafted. Just as easy for a player to let their miner convert ore into bars. There is a profit margin in fleecing the lazy.
Information is a little bit more difficult to obtain profit when it comes to MMORPG's. All a player truly needs to do is pop up another browser, do a quick search and they have that information without any need to pay for it. Unfortunately there is little profit in the laziness of someone asking for the umpteenth time how to find this rarity on the Isle of Thunder.
But where ethereal profit is not found in the sale of information in World of Warcraft, a sense of piece and removal to want to choke someone who keeps on asking the same question over and over can be just as pleasing. Even a little good will can be spread by giving a quick link to a site that gives an overhead map of where each rare is found.
Having attempted to spread that idea that profit in World of Warcraft isn't just about the gold that you collect from your sales but your overall experience; the next time that someone asks some question, give them an answer free of snark and snottiness that happens far too often in Trade Chat.
We were all newbies at one time.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Go To Sales
Weekend Warriors
Possible Glyphmas With Patch 5.3?
The Green Parade
Lions, Tigers and Cooldowns O My
Snakes in the Playground
Craft Me Some Pants.. Or Something Else
Flipping the BMAH off
Dear Blizzard: Noblegarden Edition
Throwing A Line
Prepping For the Death Of PVP
Patience is a Virtue.
I Choose You....: Reputation Choices
Thunderforge Ready for Business
Gold Goblin,
Isle of Thunder,
Trade Chat
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
11:37 AM
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Mommar here.
Since this journal started many people have viewed different strategies on how to make large amounts of gold. The reality of it is that making gold is not rocket science. It's keeping a balance between a strict regiment of ventures. Whether you are taking chances on a large ticket item, or clicking your way through small transactions over a long period of time.
None of these strategies are rocket science. They may seem that way from time to time, when writers through numbers at you. Buy this, sell that, spin around three times in Stormwind and hope that someone wants to pay you gold.
But each profession has a 'go to' item that continually sells. Leatherworkers have armor patches, Blacksmiths have belt buckles, tailors have bags that continually put gold in your gold goblin pockets. Sometimes these profits seem small, a miniscule portion of a larger wanted a fortune. But this is the stabilizing function of your long term goals. Any type of financial structure, whether it's stocks, bonds, gold market or even collecting pennies will be much more successful if you have a base to build the portfolio upon.
World of Warcraft is a game, it should be treated as a game with winners and losers. Making gold in this environment is just another way of keeping score. In any game you will have your star players, and you will have your durable rugged players that you know will be there every day you take the field. Your 'go to' sale items are those rugged players that might not bring the big money into your coffers, when the score is counted can equal just as many points as the star players.
My current list of my 'go to' sales are.
Tailoring - Netherweave Bag
Engineering - Ghost Iron Dragonling
Blacksmithing - Living Steel Belt Buckle
Inscription - Tiger Claw Inscription
Enchanting - Enchant Weapon - Windsong
Leatherworking - Stormscale Drape
Alchemy - Potion of Luck
One thing with all of these items you should notice. None of them require the Spirits of Harmony to craft. We have talked before about the value of these Spirits of Harmony and saving them for high profit items. You also might have your favorite items that would fit into this baseline profit making idea. Each server is different but the theory still holds it's truth.
Keep your baseline sales items strong as you delve into riskier ventures. As your profits rise you will be much happier and when the high end items start to cool, you will still be plugging along to your gold goblin goals.
Good luck and Good Hunting
Weekend Warriors
Possible Glyphmas With Patch 5.3?
The Green Parade
Lions, Tigers and Cooldowns O My
Snakes in the Playground
Craft Me Some Pants.. Or Something Else
Flipping the BMAH off
Dear Blizzard: Noblegarden Edition
Throwing A Line
Prepping For the Death Of PVP
Patience is a Virtue.
I Choose You....: Reputation Choices
Thunderforge Ready for Business
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
12:29 PM
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Mommar here.
It's the weekend. And here at Just my two copper headquarters: camp midwest it's the first weekend that has half decent weather. With everything that occured this week around the United States we all needed a semi relaxing weekend.
There is a program on ESPN that is called 'numbers never lie'. And they never do if they are looked at the right way. You can look at how many players are slinging their crafts and items on the Auction House, or in trade chat and get frustrated by the competition. Or it can rev you up to step up your game and your ability to be better than the casual gold goblin.
Some of the things to keep an eye on this weekend if good flipping opportunities. Blacksmiths are going to be to the point of being able to craft directly up to the 'reborn' series of weapons. These are the 502 weapons that use the old weaponmaster only designs. Where they aren't the most powerful pieces in the game currently they have that old school style that many players are willing to pay premium prices for.
One of the tricks that I would use is instead of burning your Lightning Steel Ingots to craft the first step of these weapons, look for an inexpensive version that can be upgraded with less materials used. For instance
You purchase Thunder, Reborn for 20,000G
You Upgrade this weapon at the lightning forge to Deep Thunder, Reborn
Now, One caveat of this strategy is that you need to already have crafted at least one of the beginning items to have the pattern for the upgrade. It is the only way to obtain the pattern. But even the original 478 item can sell/resell for a large amount of gold.
Big ticket items if your careful can be flipped for very large short gains. The important part is to know your market and what players are willing to pay. Overpricing a flip can be a drain on your bank account just as quickly. But even if your using this simple strategy as a long term flip, you have months being able to obtain that coveted sale.
Big ticket, material heavy items can be both a positive and negative force on your bank account if you use your mental toolbox and roll the dice.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
The Green Parade
Lions, Tigers and Cooldowns O My
Snakes in the Playground
Craft Me Some Pants.. Or Something Else
Flipping the BMAH off
Dear Blizzard: Noblegarden Edition
Throwing A Line
Prepping For the Death Of PVP
Patience is a Virtue.
I Choose You....: Reputation Choices
Thunderforge Ready for Business
Deep Thunder,
ilvl 502,
Weekend Flipping.
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
10:18 AM
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Mommar here.
On many servers, Inscription is the red headed step child of World of Warcraft professions. On many servers it is easily controlled by a few who will undercut glyphs and items, making the sales have low profitability and hardly worth the time for listing. On other servers players make a large amount of gold by placing glyphs up on a daily basis.
Patch 5.3 might be opening a new chance at a burst of sales. The PTR's and blue notes are showing the possibility of opening up a 3rd slot for changing your specialization. Many players, especially tank classes have filled their quotas with one tank slot and one DPS slot. With a 3rd slot possibility many of these players may look at PVP as an other slot option for enjoyment.
Where many players have filled all of their glyph slots from previous changes, others pick and choose just what they need to use for that time. With Some glyphs being up to 300g a piece, it was difficult to afford to have all of the glyphs for a class. With a 3rd slot some of these empty spaces will get filled with new items useful for the new chosen specialization. And with Inscription being where it's at sales wise, new chances at sales even if it's for a 1 to 2 week basis will be very useful.
So how do you prepare for this? You have a couple of options. Picking up inexpensive herbs will allow you to craft items as soon as demand hits after the dropping of Patch 5.3 (which no one knows when it will hit). Also keeping an eye for already crafted glyphs and picking them up for a song to flip when the time is right. The 2nd possibility for flipping glyphs can be used by both scribes and non scribes.
Every patch that gets released allows chances to maintain a steady flow of gold, plus jump on trends to obtain burst sales for your gold goblin pockets. Prepare now and ride the wave.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
The Green Parade
Lions, Tigers and Cooldowns O My
Snakes in the Playground
Craft Me Some Pants.. Or Something Else
Flipping the BMAH off
Dear Blizzard: Noblegarden Edition
Throwing A Line
Prepping For the Death Of PVP
Patience is a Virtue.
I Choose You....: Reputation Choices
Thunderforge Ready for Business
Auction House,
Flipping. Patch 5.3,
Gold Sales,
Non Scribes,
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
7:00 AM
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Mommar here.
There has been an increase in green item drops the further that Mists of Pandaria matures as an expansion pack. When players were going through their quests at the beginning of the expansion one or two green drops were the norm. Now that many players are finishing up their dailies on the Isle of Thunder, more lower ilvl items have become available on the open market.
The normal thought process has been to just instantly send these items off to either your own personal enchanter for conversion into materials, or at best vendoring them for gold. Some would cherry pick looking for certain items to drop on the AH for resell with conversion either into enchanting materials or gold for the rest.
Many players will pick and choose higher ilvl items so that they can advance into instances quicker. Once they reach maximum level they are more apt to either craft their own items or purchase crafted items to reach the intended gear level.
I found myself going into autopilot mode when it came to gear and just sending it to my enchanter for conversion. But the AH has been overpopulated with inexpensive materials all the way up to Sha Crystals. This has also dropped the cost of many of the middle ground gear enchants (Colossus, Windsong etc). A decent profit could be squeaked out between the difference of the materials purchased and the enchants themselves.
But I decided to change my practice a little bit and taking the time to list the greens I had on the AH at reasonable prices. Having TradeSkillManager on my add-ons list gave me a listing of the approximate disenchant value of an item. Disenchanting value is an inexact total of what would be obtained, so listing an item for up to three times the amount on the Auction House could net some decent sales. Even if one or two of these sold it would raise my profit levels higher than if I just automatically disenchanted the item or vendored it.
So why would this work? Are players really buying these items to upgrade gear? The short answer would be yes. Where I listed 40 items, Five of them sold at Three times the value if I had just processed them normally. I listed again and another first were purchased. After three days I went ahead and processed any of the green items that were at a lower ilvl than 410. This netted me again a larger amount of profit and continued to list the weapons and higher level gear. Ultimately after a week of this I finished processing the rest of the items.
This would seem like a round about way of obtaining both gold and enchanting materials. But with the Enchanting market being soft on many servers, alternate methods need to be placed to process gear while still obtaining good margins of profit.
The other market that I seemed to miss was the market for transmogrified items. Where an item might not be powerful stat wise, it may be the design that some players are looking for. Helms and weapons are especially useful to players looking for specific views of their character. So before you look to just DE that item, check on how it is viewed with your character and see if it looks interesting. Where some helms are just plain ugly as sin, certain helms and weapons can bring high value prices when they are in demand.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Lions, Tigers and Cooldowns O My
Snakes in the Playground
Craft Me Some Pants.. Or Something Else
Flipping the BMAH off
Dear Blizzard: Noblegarden Edition
Throwing A Line
Prepping For the Death Of PVP
Patience is a Virtue.
I Choose You....: Reputation Choices
Thunderforge Ready for Business
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
12:35 PM
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Mommar here.
Yesterday as i was puttering around Orgrimmar a player was emptying out their guild bank. Items they were selling were mostly junk items, some even from the beginning of World of Warcraft time.
As they were listing items some gems came up. Mostly gems from Wrath (Alicite, Dark Jade etc.). Now one of my favorite old markets was the Wrath version of the shuffle. Taking a combination of Alicite, Dark Jades or the other gems during that time frame and craft rings/neck pieces. At that point you could decide either to vendor them or to sell them.
In today's market most of these items sit on the AH with the occasional sale. Quickly they become vendor bait or Disenchanting bait. Still even with those decisions made an interesting profit can be made with a few non thinking crafting decisions.
But it did bring up the mental Roll-a-Dex to decide just what the limit in my quest for profit would be. In everything i have shared with you, one of the biggest decisions that a gold goblin has to make is determining what is worth their time. Is crafting an item to sell for 100g just as valuable as crafting one for 1000g.
I dislike immensely being non productive when I'm playing WOW. Either I'm doing dailies on my main or my alts, crafting for others in my unofficial clan, sorting through items to sell or gazing longingly at the auction house and new mounts showing up (500,000g for a Feldrake brought a little drool). The continual question for me is am I using my minimum profit potential on all I sell.
Next time that you look at something and say 'that's not worth my time', decide whether that small amount of profit might add up to a large fortune. Every little step gets you to the top of the gold pile.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Previous Entries
Lions, Tigers and Cooldowns O My
Snakes in the Playground
Craft Me Some Pants.. Or Something Else
Flipping the BMAH off
Dear Blizzard: Noblegarden Edition
Throwing A Line
Prepping For the Death Of PVP
Patience is a Virtue.
I Choose You....: Reputation Choices
Thunderforge Ready for Business
Determine Value: Spirits of Harmony
Hearthstone: The New Wow Killer?
What Days Do You Sell?
Loot Pinata
Taking Advantage of The Market
The Inportance of being Hot(fixes)
Don't Fret Young Farmer
dark jade,
Gold Guru,
Profit margin,
small profits,
world of warcraft,
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
12:36 PM
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Mommar here.
We have talked often about having a pattern when you log on. The different styles of setting up your chore list depends many times on the time that you have.
With Patch 5.2 all of the major professions received a cool down of some type. With Blacksmithing and Leatherworking this allowed the learning of new patterns. These should have become a part of every gold goblins daily chores.
Leatherworking - Magnificance of Leather or Scales (20 Exotic Leather or 20 Prismatic Scales)
Blacksmithing - Lightning Steel Ingot (10 Ghost Iron Bar)
Inscription - Scroll of Wisdom (1 Light Parchment + 3 Ink Of Dreams)
Alchemy - Living Steel (6 Trillium Bars)
Enchanting - Sha Crystal (5 Ethereal Shard or 25 Mysterious Essence or 125 Spirit Dust)
Tailoring - Imperial Silk (8 Bolts of Windwool Cloth)
Some of these have the ability to have more than 1 created each day with use of Spirits of Harmony but I rarely suggest using this method. There is more advantageous and money making profit from using the Spirits of Harmony for crafting items. If Blizzard decides in a future patch to remove the Spirits of Harmony BOP status then this will become a much more desired method.
Some are probably going 'duh Mommar, I already knew all this'. My answer would be to remember that when that large task of things to do seems impossible, going back to basics and getting your base materials can open up what should be done next. Whether you have 2 of the 6 major professions or all 6 in your alt army, finishing up your basic tasks will put you in a better position for gold making possibilities.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Previous Entries
Snakes in the Playground
Craft Me Some Pants.. Or Something Else
Flipping the BMAH off
Dear Blizzard: Noblegarden Edition
Throwing A Line
Prepping For the Death Of PVP
Patience is a Virtue.
I Choose You....: Reputation Choices
Thunderforge Ready for Business
Determine Value: Spirits of Harmony
Hearthstone: The New Wow Killer?
What Days Do You Sell?
Loot Pinata
Taking Advantage of The Market
The Inportance of being Hot(fixes)
Don't Fret Young Farmer
Patch 5.2: First Take
Do you Own Your Tree?
Daily Tasks,
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
12:37 PM
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Mommar here.
If you haven't read the recently released PTR notes, then I will pause while you make the choice of having a big spoiler or not.
Well I did warn you.
It looks like that Uncle Hellscream is going for a larger quotient is disappointment with Orgrimmar come patch 5.3. He is shutting down sales and just about everything in the Valley of Spirits. Where there are other options in Orgrimmar to get your banking, your vending and other necessaries finished (I'm sure he will install a quarter stall somewhere). One of the lost victims up to now is Xan'tish who sells snakes.
While it's early in the patch notes and things could change including an alternate place to purchase your King Black Snake, Brown Snake and Crimson Snake, its just as possible as these might become rare to find. Until we know for sure the fate of our slithering friends it is something to look at to see an opportunity for quick profits.
With these changes in the Valley of Spirits also keep in mind need to change your portal areas. I use the Valley of Spirits as my hearthstone area for two of my toons. It is one of the easiest access points to the Auction House, forge, and mailboxes without the need to move a long distance.
Planning ahead will allow you to be prepared for whatever changes that occur from the Garrosh changes upcoming.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Previous Entries
Craft Me Some Pants.. Or Something Else
Flipping the BMAH off
Dear Blizzard: Noblegarden Edition
Throwing A Line
Prepping For the Death Of PVP
Patience is a Virtue.
I Choose You....: Reputation Choices
Thunderforge Ready for Business
Determine Value: Spirits of Harmony
Hearthstone: The New Wow Killer?
What Days Do You Sell?
Loot Pinata
Taking Advantage of The Market
The Inportance of being Hot(fixes)
Don't Fret Young Farmer
Patch 5.2: First Take
Do you Own Your Tree?
Auction House,
Black Snake,
Brown Snake,
Crimson Snake,
Patch 5.3,
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
12:06 PM
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Mommar here.
It's Monday, the Darkmoon Faire has arrived for another visit and all is well in the Gold Goblin World. Okay, so maybe not all is well in the gold goblin world. For some it has become more and more difficult to eek out the thousands and thousands of gold they have become used to. There has become a large difference between players willing to spend extensive amounts of gold for items that they will replace quickly in Looking For Raid or Guild Raid Runs.
But never forget the army of alts that players have at their disposal. Where they may not be as interested to put in 10,000g into a main's piece of equipment, it is very possible that they will spend that same amount to get an Alternate up to Raid spec.
Most players have a limited amount of time to play, but as guilds progress many players are asked to have not just one toon ready to take a spot but even two or three. And with progression for some guilds becoming the crux of their interest, they want to put the best team on the floor. Even in tonight's NCAA championship game, if a player needs replacing the coach will use his expertise to find the best player in the game. In World of Warcraft the guild master or raid master will look to put the best equipped player in the raid for maximum success.
So if your target isn't buying for their main toon, then you can target the equipment that will place that secondary or tertiary toon into the fray. Where the 100,000g equipment might be few and far between, burning through a couple of Spirits of Harmony and Living Steel can add up to big profits as well.
Thinking outside the box and finding new avenues to sell your services can make up for the loss of the big ticket items. Diversify your crafting portfolio and you can be on the top of the heap.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Previous Entries
Flipping the BMAH off
Dear Blizzard: Noblegarden Edition
Throwing A Line
Prepping For the Death Of PVP
Patience is a Virtue.
I Choose You....: Reputation Choices
Thunderforge Ready for Business
Determine Value: Spirits of Harmony
Hearthstone: The New Wow Killer?
What Days Do You Sell?
Loot Pinata
Taking Advantage of The Market
The Inportance of being Hot(fixes)
Don't Fret Young Farmer
Patch 5.2: First Take
Do you Own Your Tree?
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
11:09 AM
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Mommar here.
The Black Markey Auction House that sits in the Valley of the Four Winds area has been forgotten for many servers. There is the occasional brave soul that goes there to pick up their invitation to the Brawler's guild, or on the off chance that a piece of epic gear sits there for a low bid. But for the most part many of the items become overpriced rather quickly.
But occasionally there are a few things that pop up for bidding that should intrigue gold goblins. Pets will appear for bidding that are more difficult to obtain than just walking up and plunking down some cash. Pets from the Argent Crusade or long lost areas that very rarely players will go to gather.
Sometimes even epic patterns will appear for purchase. Ones that can gain profit for the crafty gold goblin that can purchase the materials for a song. The key is to know your market on your server and realize just what would sell and what wouldn't sell. What materials are plentiful on your server and which materials are players struggling to obtain. What is the tipping price for sales for a level 490 items vs a 500+ ilvl item obtained in the highest raids. Just how much are players willing to spend on vanity items or the 'cool factor' to have a nice helm.
Your cost price and just how much profit you can squeeze out of a BMAH flip should dictate whether it is a good investment, or to walk away and live to bid another day.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Previous Entries
Dear Blizzard: Noblegarden Edition
Throwing A Line
Prepping For the Death Of PVP
Patience is a Virtue.
I Choose You....: Reputation Choices
Thunderforge Ready for Business
Determine Value: Spirits of Harmony
Hearthstone: The New Wow Killer?
What Days Do You Sell?
Loot Pinata
Taking Advantage of The Market
The Inportance of being Hot(fixes)
Don't Fret Young Farmer
Patch 5.2: First Take
Do you Own Your Tree?
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
12:11 PM
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Dear Blizzard.
I am a fan of your game for years. And as a fan I think it's just as important to point out the great things you do for a game. The opportunities you provide to make lots of gold in a game with simple techniques. You provide us with events that will draw players to buy items to make their toons look good, enjoy showing off and become powerful members of a online society.
Unfortunately then you have the holiday of Noblegarden. Now please understand I personally enjoy some parts of it. An Easter egg hunt for riches and prizes can be enjoyable. To be able to purchase a Swift Springstrider and resell on the AH just for running around in circles picking up small colored objects (and the occasional not so colorful object) is both a privilege and honor.
But where is the creativity in this? The glorious battle that has become a part of the holiday tradition that you have created in previous holiday events. No Epic boss to smack around like a toy pinata for prizes. No epic quest taking us all over Azeroth and beyond to enjoy not just the gold, but just how much work it is to make the gold.
Noblegarden is presented as being about new beginnings. Being knee deep in the Isle of Thunder dailies, raid progression and leveling alt's have set players on a course to greatness. It has become time for you, our accepted digital overlords, to step up your game and give us a Noblegarden we deserve.
Or at least Garrosh in a bunny ear costume and pink tail.
Good Luck or Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Previous Entries
Throwing A Line
Prepping For the Death Of PVP
Patience is a Virtue.
I Choose You....: Reputation Choices
Thunderforge Ready for Business
Determine Value: Spirits of Harmony
Hearthstone: The New Wow Killer?
What Days Do You Sell?
Loot Pinata
Taking Advantage of The Market
The Inportance of being Hot(fixes)
Don't Fret Young Farmer
Patch 5.2: First Take
Do you Own Your Tree?