Arbitrage: What is it and why aren't I doing it?

Post by Faid of Nerf Faids

Arbitrage is, quite simply, buying things from the opposing faction's Auction House, or the neutral AH, to sell on your faction's, or vice versa.  It's a pretty simple concept that seems to be lost to a lot of auctioneers.  Why? It can be very intimidating, the pure logistics of moving the items across factions was daunting enough to scare me away for a long time.  Many players assume that the prices they pay are the same the opposing faction is paying for the same item, but it rarely is.  Don't be scared, and don't be fooled: Arbitrage is a gold mine.
What's so great about arbitrage?
Arbitrage . . .

    * . . . requires very little time. You're profiting from the farming of others!
    * . . . will help develop your goldological imagination.
    * . . . is not as cuthroat as other options. It's an intimidating practice to get into and so competition is low.
    * . . . is extremely fun and profitable!

Why now?
Arbitrage is not a new thing, people have been doing it for quite some time and certain addons, such as Auctioneer, actually have built-in tools to help in arbitration.  So why focus on it now? Fluctuation!

New Cataclysm items have flooded the Auction House and demand for everything is high.  Be it something as simple as Whiptail or Volatile Air, or be it a big ticket item like a Crossfire Carbine, there's a lot out there for people to purchase.  Factions can value items very differently.  How much gold is available, how much farming is happening, how much demand there is for raid consumables, and many other factors can influence how much an item is worth and, so long as players prefer their AH to the neutral auciton house, these factors are unique to each faction, not each server.

The overwhelming demand for anything coupled with the uncertainty of item values makes this a prime market for arbitration and you should be taking full advantage.

How do I do it?
The bare bones of arbitration requires a bit of gold on both factions.  If  you're looking to buy a big ticket item, expect to need a lot of gold on the purchasing faction's side.  If you're going for smaller items, like pets or trade goods, sometimes just 100g can be a good start.
The other requirement is a way to move these items across faction lines.  You are not able to buy the auctions of a character on your account. I personally use a second account but often you can request the help of a friend, guild made, or even tip someone from trade (if you trust them) to buy the auctions for you.

   1. Check both Auction House markets. Watch them for a while before you spend large amounts, you don't want to be caught up in an unfortunate market spike!

   2. When you've decided what you'd like to move across, buy as much as you'd like to move.

   3. Head to your preferred Neutral AH. (Gadgetzan, Everlook, or  Booty Bay)

   4. Have your other account, friend, or business partner parked at the Neutral AH as well.  Items can be subject to being sniped when on the auction house, but quick buying can nearly eliminate this risk.

   5. Post them on the Neutral AH for your preferred price. I will usually post them for the minimum amount of gold buyout, knowing that I will be able to snatch them right up before anyone else has a chance. If you expect a delay from your buyer, consider posting them for more. You're going to control the gold in the end, it's just effecting the 15% cut you'll be taking by moving them via the Blackwater Auction House.

   6. Once the items are purchased, move them onto the preferred AH and wait for the gold to roll in.

10 Hot Arbitration Items
In my experience these items can sell very well and vary drastically in price across the factions. Other items can be very profitable, but these are great ones I've had fun playing with so far:

   1. Volatile Air
   2. Volatile Life
   3. Embersilk Cloth
   4. Archaeology Tablets
   5. Reins of the Crimson Deathcharger
   6. Netherweave Bags
   7. Faction-specific  Vendor Pets and Recipes
   8. BoE Cataclysm Epics
   9. Pyrite Ore
  10. Whiptail

What are some of your favorite arbitration items?
Arbitration can effect almost anything that can be sold on the Auction House and there are vast possiblities for how you can use the practice. What are some ways you use arbitration?

9 comments: on "Arbitrage: What is it and why aren't I doing it?"

  1. Yay! But it would appear my link broke and my image didn't make it through. :( Oh well! *feels honored* :D

  2. I'm very sorry about that Faid, I put both of them in and they didn't go through, it took me about 15 minutes of messing with the HTML code of the image to get it to show up, so it's been fixed.

    Great post by way!

  3. I have made more gold from cross faction trading then anything else in the past years.
    Cloth from Alliance to Horde
    Cut Gems from Horde to Alliance

    Always makes money

  4. Firstbankofwow said... January 3, 2011 at 9:45 AM

    This really is a great way to make a ton of money cheap. Bought about 15 ToC pets on horde for 800g each. Flipped to ally for 4k each, hard to find as high a margin as that anywhere else!

    It can also be GREAT to buy mats cheap on one side (done this a lot with netherweave) and then craft with it to get your item made for less then the average market cost. This will let you undercut the competition and still profit!

    Posted from my Galaxy Tab

  5. This used to, and may still be, against the ToS of WoW, under the exploitation of market umbrella. I have heard of disciplinary action being taken against accounts found to be doing this; however, the last I heard of this was over a year ago.

  6. One of the issues is if you sell items on the opposite faction of where most your characters are, is the gold is sitting on the "other side". Best way around this is to buy more stuff, and switch it back to your normal faction. Even if you don't profit on that final purchase, you get your gold without the 15% cut!

  7. DMF Cards. Decks Fluctuate on both sides. EQ Deck sells for 8k on Horde 13k on Ally. of the Winds are cheap on ally, expensive on Horde. Etc you get the point.


    Best $3 ive spent for moving items across factions.


  8. @ Anonymous:
    For some time now, Blizzard has said it is within the rules to arbitrate; however, a player does so at their own risk. GMs won't restore any items or gold that players lose through arbitration.

    Basically, Blizzard has said it's an open market and they aren't messing with it.

    I'd find the blue post for you, but all the forum links I've tried to follow seem to be dead -- it keeps redirecting to the main forum page. :\

  9. if u post ur items for 3c on the Neutral AH, the deposit will be returned to ya. no taxes! ^^ just use an AH scanner for auto-buying.

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