How are you making gold in Cataclysm?

Pass the twinkies, beer and arctic fur coasters, it's time for the Wow Gold Blogging Carnival! Come one come all, Markco the gold guru with the most commonly misspelled name of all warcraft legends has gathered together quite a collection of wow gold articles from across the Azerothean blogosphere! We have everyone from gold making aficionados to common yet inventive players all mixed together into a smorgasbord of useful information. Pass the popcorn and enjoy the vast range of topics and cataclysm gold making goodness. Feedback is greatly appreciated and be sure to comment on any articles you enjoyed reading. Also let the author know that you found their link via JMTC to promote collaboration amongst the bloggers here. That's the goal of a blogging carnival after all, besides providing excellent content.

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"How are you making gold in Cataclysm?"

Not So Secret Society

Now that the days of gather-everything-you-can have mostly finished (I still gather sometimes in Vashj'ir as of this post, but it's more because I find it relaxing than out of need) I'm making profit mainly from Jewelcrafting, with some disenchanting...

Making Money

The beauty of a game like World of Warcraft is that there are more ways to make money than there are ways to have your eggs in the morning. I have changed the ways I have made money more times than I care to imagine but it largely boils down to what I am doing at the time with my toons and what my goals and objectives are.

J's Cache

For me, its been skinning. First, it was farming the stone bats(skinning) and the jaspertip swarmers in Deepholm while under the influence of the treasure finding potion. It didn't take long before this was nerfed, the bats are no longer skinable. With the price of leather still high on my server I continued to search for a large concentration of easily farmed and skinable mobs.

ALTOs Gold"ish" Advice

Herbs are here, and in a big way. Whether the are in the AH solo, or milled to make Blackfallow Ink or Inferno Inks, here is the money game at the moment.

Miss Mediocre

The main way I have been funding my crazy Cataclysm shopping sprees is with my Alchemy and Jewelcrafting combo.

Player vs Auction House

I originally picked Alchemy and Jewelcrafting for my main back in TBC because I did not want to rely on the AH to supply the metagems I wanted to cut and sell. The metagem transmutes back then required nine gems and four Primals and were on the Alchemy daily transmute besides. These days, the synergy between these two professions has only deepened and become refined into almost a pure cycle.

Follow the Gold Road

Today we’ll be looking at just that and briefly going over a few methods with few different professions.  I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m finding very little new in the gold making game, with the odd exception such as the [Mysterious Fortune Card], to how things were in Wrath of the Lich King.  Unless you’re very new to this part of the game, you’re probably managing just fine with your eyes closed.

Cold's Gold Factory

Remember that post I did back in September on Nine Level 10-19 Greens That Turn Blue In Cataclsym?  I hope you stocked up too because these things have been selling well and for an insane return on investment.  Any Bind-On-Equip items that change color (and move up the color scale) will instantly gain value on the auction houses of Azeroth.  All of these items had stat upgrades on top of their color change.


I took 50 Volatile Life, 12 Cinderbloom, 12 Azshara's Veil and 12 Heartblossom and ended up with 3000g profit but to take advantage you must be an alchemist and an enchanter.

Ele-Mental Gold

Glyphs are a medium/high money maker at the moment. Ink requirements have tripled and with the ‘click once per auction’ requirement a lot of glyphers have stepped out of the market because it had become too time consuming for them. This has led to scarcity in the glyph market and this is where you can step in and make some gold!

Raimondas the Insane

It’s been almost a month now since the release of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. Since then it’s been a mad sprint to level 85, then to gear up for heroics and raids. For those of us with a bit more patience, it’s been a long marathon toward thousands and thousands of gold. Here are a few things I’ve been doing to make gold over the last month.

Bank of Wukam

Right now, I have three main sources of gold: cut gems, prospecting, and disenchanting. Other sources worth noting are smelting, glyphs, and daily transmutes.

Trading with Zoxy

Mysterious fortune cards 50k, Dreamless Belt 30k, Gems 20k.

Nerf Faids

As my last couple posts have suggested, I've been spending a lot of gold lately.  Fearful of finding myself from riches to rags I've decided to buckle down and seriously start looking at making some real gold in Cataclysm.

Capped by Cata

Jewelcrafting has always been one of my favorite professions. Not only because of the cool perks you get with it, but because it is used by everyone. Everyone needs gems. This means Jewelcrafting is a never ending stream of money.

Wow Alone

My gold-making tips this time are also restricted to certain professions, namely gathering (mining and herbalism, inscription and jewelcrafting).

The Tipped Copper

Going into Cata i only had the items listed in my post Cataclysmic Stockpile and honestly it wasnt as much as i wanted. Well so far I have only gone through 2 bank tabs at the most and i've gained a combined total for my toons 110k in Cataclysm.

This month's carnival has been brought to you by "The New Secret Gold Guide."

4 comments: on "How are you making gold in Cataclysm?"

  1. Hey! The link to "WoW Alone" is broken.

  2. You can find the post at

  3. With inflation small commodities like vendor patterns and opposite faction pets are selling like hotcakes at crazy prices. I have been able to pull in a decent amount of gold just visiting vendors and buying all the alliance pets under 10g off the neutral ah to resell for 50g. I sell weapon enchant scrolls when the markets for them are good as well, I pull in 5k a week if I'm not really trying and 10k a week if I am.

  4. I have been making some decent coin crafting Vial Of The Sands for people. My best day was 2 days ago, when I made 24k gold for crafting 4 of them. This has been awesome because all I'm doing is going to Uldum to buy the vendor mats (I'm a goblin, so I get the discount which is a 5800g savings) and they provide all the other mats.

    I usually charge around 6-7k fee to craft it.

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