4.2- An End to Profitable Jewelcrafting....Or Maybe Not?

This post is a submission by Yoni to become a writer here at JMTC. If you'd like Yoni to come back again then give a thumbs up in the comments!

Hey my name Yoni , I much like many Jewelcrafters/Alchemists  am making a considerable profit from cheap ore (prospecting and transmuting into inferno rubies). But, unfortunately it looks like Blizzard has caught on. In patch 4.2 Un-cut green gems (Jasper,Nightstone etc.) will no longer have a vendor price of 5 gold, it will be reduced to a mere 50 silver.  At first I was devastated, at 50 silver per green gem, prospecting ore will no longer have the guaranteed vendor value that keeps the ore market from dropping.  Now, this seems to be all bad, but there is also a positive aspect to the 4.2 nerf.
      Inferno Rubies.  On many realms the price of these, both cut and uncut, has plummeted. This is due to Jewelcrafters ability to prospect ore and "recycle" all the gems other than Carneleian (transmuted into inferno rubies) by selling them to a vendor for the same price or even higher price than the cost of the ore.  So simply put, Jewelcrafters can obtain huge amounts of Carneleian from prospecting for very cheap.  The Inferno Ruby market is then flooded by a surplus of gems and prices drop. 

Current Ore Recycling Method


In 4.2 the reduced vendor value, from 5 gold to 50 silver will effectively stop the "ore recycling" that has created such a surplus of gems in the current patch.  Jewelcrafters will no longer have a way to offload large quantities of surplus green gems with no loss.  There will still be some uses for gems such as creating D/E items, but the demand for these material wont come close to the amount of gems being dumped on vendors in the current patch

4.2 Patch Ore System

So, I expect the price of Carnelians and subsequently Inferno Rubies to go up considerably because the market should become less saturated with Gems, not to mention the need for gems to fill the slots of all that new shiny gear coming with 4.2.      I also don't see the ore market collapsing completely because it doesn’t rely solely on Jewelcrafting, though prices will drop. 
So my final advice is this: if you have stacks of greens, get rid of them before 4.2.  Possibly stockpile some Inferno Rubies, as their price will likely go up considerably.  Lastly, don't give up on Jewelcrafting just yet, prospecting in 4.2 will still be profitable,  and there is always epic gems to look forward to in later patches.

Thanks for reading, comments and criticism welcome :)

Do you want to write for JMTC? Send in a post to Markco and if it makes it past the initial screening process then I will publish your submission on the blog. JMTC pays 50% commission to writers on the day that their post goes live.

28 comments: on "4.2- An End to Profitable Jewelcrafting....Or Maybe Not?"

  1. I think there are a few small thing Yoni has overlooked a bit but good article otherwise.

    -Green gems aren't even being vendored now as far as I know. Crafting and disenchanting is the way that anyone will get the most bang for ther work.

    -he also seems to just focus on Inferno Rubies and there are changes coming that will create a need for some of the other gems again. I will look for a link when I go on break but I really can't rigt now sorry.

    Otherwise great article my vote is yes.

  2. I'm confused; is Yoni saying he's not been DEing jewelry this whole time? So, basically you cooked an entire Thanksgiving turkey, took off one leg to eat, and threw the rest in the trash?

    Anyone who isn't already crafting Jewelry is doing a tremendous disservice to themselves, the blue jewelry sells amazingly well (200g/piece on my server) and the greens I DE and sell as enchanting scrolls which account lately for about 40% of my profits.

    Today I spent 5600g on Elementium to prospect. I sold some Zephyrite ('Twas the daily!) crafted all applicable jewelry types, transmuted Inferno Rubies, and DEd jewelry for enchanting scrolls. All in all the value of items I ended up with was about 19,000g.

    Add to that the selling of Zephyrite, Nightstone, and Jasper on the appropriate day for the JC daily and you have a very delicious looking turkey. This is even leaving aside transmutes for Shadowspirit Diamonds.

    Then again, I guess if everyone did this "lazy man's shuffle" I wouldn't see such great sales on my enchanting scrolls and Celestials. :3

  3. Good post; will be helpful to those people who don't know what to do with the spare uncommons. I've been in the process of levelling a char for enchanting. I just don't know whether the gold it's going to take to powerlevel it is worth it though.

    There is another option though!
    Keep all gems and transmute shadowspirits.

  4. Don't forget about transmuting greens into Shadowspirit diamonds. On my server, at least, these sell extremely well, frequently for more than the cut metas. You don't get as many Inferno Rubies, but on my server, at least, that's a fairly saturated market.

  5. I think it was a good article. I myself don't know much about JC so it baught some things to light for me. I did use to buy Obsidium and get someone to prospect/make gems for me to sell on although most of the time I gave them to the person doing it for me at a lesser price than AH, but still with profit for me. (The profit margin has fallen on my server).

    On the writing side....as a keen reader and some one who likes to write myself I think it was very well done.

  6. I don't like being a hater, but, I vote Nay on this article.

    Sure on the surface it seems like a good article. But this is purely common sense stuff.

    The writer has not done his research in regards to new ways to use gems in 4.2.

    Simply put, I could of written a better article.

    Next time before submitting an article, try doing a little bit of research.

  7. Yoni, thanks for taking the time to write! Now for feedback:

    Writing is a tough horse to ride, especially in WoW. You need to cover all the bases, and you got 1st and 3rd. There's still second base and home that you missed (mentioned above in comments), but I still enjoyed the article. Now some advice:

    Please take comments with a grain of salt, don't get discouraged with negative responses (or too cocky with the positives). Your post obviously took time to put together, and your mind is in the right place, but to refer back to the beginning, you can't talk baseball without covering all the options.

    It's funny, but in blogging, titles mean quite a bit to what folks expect in a post. Maybe a "Patch 4.2 Inc- JC "Vendor" Shuffle is Dead- But Inferno Rubies aren't" or something like that would have changed readers perspective (with a little bit of changing in the article).

    I remember back when I first started, and it's tough. You get feedback, some good, some bad, but it's all a learning experience. Once again, grain of salt...

    I vote yes to get more posts from you! Even though we have heard about the shuffle many times before (emphasis on many), I still liked the article. Great job, look forward to seeing more.

    To the haters: Take a walk in Yoni's shoes and write a guest post. Here's your challenge. If you can write better, email Markco or Mage and get something set up!


  8. @Yoni: I think that you did great and I have emailed you in the hope that you continue to write here at JMTC. Your post was original and well written, even if maybe you missed a fact or two, that's what comments are for!

    @Everyone else: There are a lot of writers that will be appearing over the next two weeks and more submissions come in every day. I'm very excited to see how this goes for the community here.

  9. Good job Yoni.

    Zephyrites cause a catch 22 situation. You need 3 Zephyrites to do the jewelcraft daily and you also need them for transmuting Shadowspirit diamonds if you have an alchemist or access to one. Otherwise, they are not used as a reagent for anything else. I'm tempted to vendor my excess Zephyrite before the patch hits.

    I thought about 'what if' I only had the jewelcrafting profession
    and no way to transmute gems and no way to disenchant the jewelry.

    Vendoring or posting gems and jewelry on the auction house would be what I'd have to do. It's a hassle. Stuff sells slow or not at all. The auction house is swamped with green jewelry and some of the blue jewelry sells, but the demand is low. Auction house posting fees can bite into profits, especially if you must post the item more than once.

    What a person really needs is a jewelcrafter & enchanter & transmutation alchemist to really process an abundance of gems prospected from ore.

    I have all 3 professions and make heavenly shards from level 82 jewelry made from Hessonites. The dusts, celestials come from disenchanting green jewelry. Since I discovered transmuting Inferno rubies with Carnelians--I never use them for Carnelian spikes anymore to get greater celestial essence. The spectrum of green gems are used for transmuting Shadowspirit diamonds.

    I think I will pare down my supply of Zephyrite by vendoring some of it for 5 gold now instead of silver later.

    Jewelcrafting is the ultimate profit-maker IF you have support professions to truly process the gems/jewelry. Jewelcrafting as a stand alone profession is not very profitable.

  10. Yoni,

    This was a good first try for the site and I liked the visuals a lot - may use those in my next piece (the concept).

    I just recently decided to join the WoW gold writing community with the auctionhouseaccountant.blogspot.com and I note in the end of the first article that I am going to be doing my second piece, which I now think I will do tonight, on why the shuffle is still great!

    As with Faid above, I did a shuffle this weekend and walk you through the full process from start to finish. Keep in mind this was my first "full shuffle" so I don't know that it was optimal. What I do know is it increased the value of what I prospected by 3-4 x...

    Good luck in your gold making quest and future articles.

  11. *Forgot to add this part Yoni

    I'm buying up Ocean Sapphires on the auction house because not only are they gonna be in demand for stamina and hit gems for people replacing their gear, but they are also reagents in the new gear recipes.

    I bought a few amberjewels, (yellow gems don't sell well), since they are also reagents in the new gear recipes. Ditto for dream emeralds.

    Inferno rubies? OMG forget it--I'm actively stockpiling them!

    Gems are reagents in gear recipes
    and this is gonna boost gem sales in patch 4.2

    Jewelcrafters can rejoice for a while. Here's a tip for jewelcrafters...save some tokens for the new recipes coming and buy some volatiles while they are 'cheaper'.

  12. Hey Yoni

    I think you article was great. It was simple and to the point. I understand the shuffle better thanks to the visuals. I think some gold bloggers understand the subject so well they have difficulty relaying that info to baht goblins. Your article was very helpful.


  13. On my server the thought of vendoring any uncut uncommons, even Zephyrites, is absurd. Shadowspirit diamonds, jewelry to disenchant (and possibly sell the blue procs), and inferno rubies take care of the supply without every having to vendor anything.

  14. I think the cycle he described is the lazy shuffle. I personally go all the way into the DE route myself. In 4.2 some of the BS patterns will be using the rare gems. I see that JC will become harder to turn profits in solo, but I tend to think that Blizz is pressing it into a spot where it integrates with the market instead of staying ahead of the market using the vendors.

  15. What worries me most about 4.2 is the stackable gems. I think this will make having a large stock of gems too easy, and the JC Market will become like the Glyph Market.

    What I would have preferred is non stackable gems with very expensive 36 slot JC bags.

    Great post though Yoni, I'd like to see more!

  16. I honestly couldn't understand your first 2 sentences lol.

  17. Hey guys, yoni here. Just wanted to say thanks for all the comments, great input!! Also wanted to say that I dident focus very much on the D/E spectum mainly because not all of us have an enchanting alt, and, atleast on my realm, it is very hard to sell large quantities of enchanting matts due to viscous under cutting. Also, I don't like doing the shadowspirt transmute because I lose 3 carnelian such can be transmuted into an inferno ruby. Also, the jasper and nightstone can be sold quite well when there the daily. That and the fact that shadowspirts are a hard sell on my realm. Though, this is very realm specific and what doesn't work for me may work well for you. Try new stuff, learn your realm economy. Thanks again for all the feedback, hope to have more posts in the future. -yoni

  18. I'm not sure where Yoni was coming from in his first 2 sentences either.

    Don't matter coz I get the gist of his article. Blizz is changing the uncut gem vendor price and making it a whole lot less profitable to prospect ore and sell the gems to vendors.

    *It's hard to edit our own writing.

  19. Thumbs down from me, Thanks to Yoni for posting the same thing that everyone else posting about: The shuffle.
    Not only was it not well researched, but it was the same sh*t i've read over and over.
    Only positive note: Charts are an attention grabber- great way to bring people to a post.

  20. Good writeup, I liked the graphics, but I too am shocked you weren't disenchanting the greens and selling the blues. The majority of my income from elementium shuffle is from that.

    The only gem I vendored was blue, which didn't have any green ring/pendant to make.

  21. Not a bad piece. He really needs to work on his spelling and grammar if he wants to do more than relay basic, well-known information.

    People have already pointed out the lack of research and simplicity of it; but sometimes simplicity is good. I think we just need to take from it exactly what he was saying: that the shuffle is going to shuffle in a different direction for those without enchanting in the mix. ;)

    As for green gems, yeah, you could vendor them before 4.2; or you could work out if transmuting into the other colours that currently don't sell is going to be worth it with the new PvP pieces that are coming.

    Bonus points for images, although those too needed a little copyedit before publishing. :p

    I know it's hard to write so publicly because you never know how it will be received; but keep working on it and take everything with a grain of salt. :)

    Well done for having the courage to submit something! Now, take it up a notch and consider stepping out from your comfort zone a bit. Dip your whole foot in, or even a leg. Be adventurous! ;)

  22. AMFG Mage Get on vent.

  23. I am one of those who are vendoring a large portion of what I prospect. I keep the carnelians for transmutes into rubies or being DE'd into essences and I keep the jaspers for DEing. Just about everything else gets vendored. I play on a large server and the raw enchanting mat market is pretty saturated and volatile, as are the blue jewelry markets. There are also several enchanters consistently sell scrolls well below the material cost so it's often easier, cleaner, and ultimately more profitable to just vendor everything else.

    Honestly much of the ore I have been traditionally prospecting is instead being DEd into heavenly shards via blacksmithing because of the amount of aggressive players in the gem market as of late.

  24. this is not a good article at all. This is the absolute bare minimum you can do with the shuffle. Obviously little to no research was done to make this article.

    I am more shocked that JMTC would actually post something as bad as this article is. I used to love this site, but between this and the article telling us to stockpile valor. I have lost all respect for this site.

  25. Wouldn't it be better to use them for Fire Prisms - rather than vendoring them?

    I'm not doing the shuffle, so I don't know if this is a bad idea.

  26. This is precisely the reason I have stopped listing cut gems that sell for <200g. I have been stockpiling all rare raws via prospecting and transmuting. I now have 400 raw Infernos and will have about 350 Ember Topaz, about 250 Demonseye, and 300-450 of the others. I expect to make a killing in early 4.2.

  27. I don't so much mind the fact that the author failed to focus on the very important DE steps in the shuffle. What bothers me is that he didn't explain his reasoning for leaving those steps out of his article...he explained in a separate post after people repeatedly pointed out the lack of significant info.

    That lack of explanation made the article mediocre when it could have been much better by simply clarifying that the options around enchanting mats could be considered by some folks.

    I have no feelings one way or another about seeing more of Yoni's writing on the blog. But if there are to be more articles by this author, then PLEASE, PLEASE require that they use an editor and spell-check before publishing. Seeing so many typos really brings the overall quality of the blog down.

  28. It's Stede.

    Any Jewelcrafter currently vendoring anything but Zephyrite is leaving money on the table, except on the whackiest of servers.

    To say that 4.2 demand for DE mats will not be able to keep up with the amount of uncommons prospected represents a deep lack of understanding of how the ore market reacts to external influences, as well as how new tiers of PvE content affect demand for Enchanting mats.

    It also completely neglects market psychology, and how a 1-fold nerf to vendor value will affect the risk tolerance of shufflers.

    Not to mention the fact that 4.2 will break your bots for two weeks, crafted weapons will be gated for the first month, and will be eclipsed by the 378 crafted gear, which will renew the demand for elementium witnessed in December and January.

    To try to predict how the shuffle will react in 4.2 without considering these factors is quite incomplete.

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