Saving Gold In Azeroth Tip #1

Hello folks! I'm going to start out a brand new series here at Just My Two Copper. The series will be on ways you can save gold in Azeroth. Have you ever wanted that epic & amazing Sandstone Drake but you've never had enough gold because you simply spend too much? Or perhaps you have thousands of gold and you're looking for ways to help you hit that awesome 1 million gold cap. It's going for be a 10 day series on ways that you can save yourself a nice chunk of change, weather it be not spending on gear, determining the best bang for your buck on bags for alts, or simply helpful tips that will help you save gold.

Today's tip is more of a time saving tip, after all you know what they say " Time is money! ". Bank alts are a great way to save yourself countless hours, mail anything that you deem worthy to your bank alt instead of running to the auction house instantly and posting it on your main. Why you ask?

By mailing everything that you deem "sell-able" to your bank alts you're saving yourself the hassle of constantly putting things up at the auction house. I don't know about you but I like to post my stuff in one sitting rather than going on multiple toons and posting glyphs or toon a, gems on toon b and enchants on toon c.

You're also making your main toons anonymous which is a huge plus when you're selling things at the AH. People will have a hard time tracking you as you most likely won't be on your bank alt as often as your main. Even if they do manage to track your posting schedule by using the undermine journal by altering your posting schedule slightly you're able to throw them off and shake them off your tail. You could also create a second or third bank alt to post from for even more anonymity.

Bank alts are space hogs - throw them into a guild with 3-4 tabs and you've got an insane amount of space that you'll often need later down the road. You can keep everything all organized in one spot rather than trying to find out which toon had what. I like to use the space to stockpile and I never have enough room to do so ( 200 stacks of obsidium ore anyone? ). I personally have two bank alts and will soon be getting a third for more space.

In the end bank alts are a must need for any serious AH goblins. Space is a commodity that everyone needs and sooner or later you'll find yourself short on space when you buy several hundreds of stacks of ore. Bank alts are simply great to have no matter if you're simply starting out or you're already a gold making guru.

8 comments: on "Saving Gold In Azeroth Tip #1"

  1. Storage space is GOLD.When i was stared, 1 bank alt with 5 tabs GB was more then enough, since my main had only BS and mining.
    Afterwards, made 2 more characters with mining and enchanting, dropped mining on main for JC, and the third one alchemy and inscription.

    Soon after all 3 were max skilled, i needed a second banker with another 5 tabs GB.That was in TBC.

    Once wrath hitted...i needed a 3rd banker with yet again a 5 tabs GB.

    Cataclysm...i managed to do ok with those 3x5 tabs GB until may, when i made 2 more characters with tailoring, LW and skinning.One have only tailoring, what is left, herbalism and engineering aren't good prof imo.They ok, but the day have only 24 hours, and i really can't manage one more crafting prof, because herbalism is farming prof and i do not farm.Mining is needed for smelting, skinning was needed because even offering huge ammounts of gold, there were noone of the leathers i needed to skill up at some point.

    Now, i made the 4th banker, with ,yes, another 5 tabs GB.And i am running out of space :D

    I can't wait 4.3 when cuyed gems will stack.

    So, how i use the space i have.
    Well, i have 11 tabs of pyrite ores, and i don't really care if the epic gems will be available from prospecting pyrite or not.
    I have another 3 tabs of gems...2 of cataclysm gems and 1 tbc rare and epic gems.
    Another 1 tab of elementium bars.

    What is left, is filled with yet another stuff that cannot stack:
    pvp gear mainly but also bags.

    Anyway, having plenty of space if needed no matter if you are a millionaire or a rookie in AH trading.If stockpiling is gold, and it is, then space is gold, because you can't do one without the other.

  2. Another tip is: join a guild! I mean, not just signing charters, which still is an amazing 10g per, for any low-level character, but join a real guild with any toons you want to level.

    The guild perks, starting as low as guild level 2 are simply amazing. Top that off with (very often) free repairs from the guild bank and you're well on your way to saving gold... and levelling faster. See all the guild perks at .

    Of course, your best bet is a large, open (anyone can invite) guild that has little or no membership requirements. The guild gets 5% (or 10%) of every copper you loot (not taken from your loot, but in addition to it), so there is an incentive for guilds to invite just about anyone. If you don't like it, simply /gquit and find another one!

  3. Also "Cute" Nameshelp sales and people remember you Cheapchantr, banksalot, moneymaker and my fav WALMART

  4. This is what TSM is for. It has a feature that lets you 'gather' items form your other toons and even tells you where they are.

    Example you want to craft with X toon who has X profession. But Toon A has said items and Toon B has other items.

    Gathering will tell you who to login, to go to the guild or bank and when to visit the mail box.

    Doing this automatically gathering the items for you and mails them to the crafter.

    I also if your the kind of person who plays the AH with maybe a hand full of items or in only a few markets. Then yes; ONE bank alt is all you need. However any serious AH Goblin does not just play the small game. They are in all markets they can make gold at. A such using one bank alt for all of this can be a nightmare.

    What I do is each toon is a banker and crafter and I sell the items for that toons professions on that toon. I have a gathering toon which I mail all my extra mats too.

    I have another toon that handles my mains professions. Yes it is login and out, but I generally only need to do this once per posting period.

  5. Justkiddingmate said... June 10, 2011 at 2:45 PM

    Why would you leave a char at level 1 when you can get it to 80 and get the most out of it by using JC/Alchemy combo for free money.

    Not leveling a char is a waste of a slot. People who have the time to fill 5 Gbanks with stuff also have the time to get the char to 85 and then you can get +/- 300g a day for doing a daily transmute and a JC daily quest and sell the chimera eye.

    I sorely disagree with leaving chars at level 1. Im having 2 accounts and even there most my chars are capped by now.

    Just make sure that the professions which profit from bountiful bags ( occaisionally extra resources from f.e. disenchanting ) are in a guild that has that perk, you can put your chars with other professions in anonymous guilds with guilbanks full.

    That said I cant deal with only one char. Im having 1k+ stacks of ore to prospect every day which blocks everything else for me if I would do all my business on one char.

  6. Great tip, love the new concept,
    I'm really looking forward to the next tips!

    But I got a quick question, couldn't quite understand if you want to sell all your items on 1 alt (the bank alt) or to sell them on your main alt, or to sell them on all the different alts...

    I'm easily confused ^^

  7. @Justkiddingmate

    I use a lvl 1 toon to sell. having 7 85s is more than enough to lvl. No idea if I would bother doing more. I dont know that many people with all 10 at lvl 85 but there are definitely some out there.

    As to space.....The use of space may be dependant on the pop of your server and the ability to sell. I have never found the need to have tons of stuff stockpiled...regardless of when i was making 30k/day. It just isnt needed. I make 10-15k/ day these days and have at the same time streamlined what I keep.

    I have one toon that sells glyphs...lvl 1..that is all it does. The toons space is managed with 4 herb bags. I dont need 20 of each glyph....My stock is posted on the ah...i dont need it in my bags. ANother char has the herb bags and makes the ink and glyphs.

    Ore....buying stacks and stacks of ore when dirt cheap is good...i find no need to store it in a guild bank. Multiple toons..with bags can manage and excess is just mailed amongst them till needed. I bought 250 stacks of very cheap ore that I have been using over the last need to buy more unless the price is again dirt cheap.

    I used to have guild banks....but have done away with them in a stream lined approach to my gold making. I still stockpile some items ie pyrite but is done on the various toons. 10 toons is more than enough to deal with all of this. It just requires organization.

  8. Nice post, Mageshadow! And I'm saying this as someone who's given you some negative feedback in the past.

    This is good, practical information, and I look forward to the rest of the series.

    As someone with a couple of bank alts, one thing I need to do sometimes is review my inventory and make sure I'm not wasting bank space by just stashing low-value items and forgetting about them. It's easy to take advantage of all that extra storage and end up with half a tab or more of inventory that really isn't that useful. Do an occasional inventory check!

    Also, be careful about sitting on stuff too long that's in the "just in case" category. My weak spot is non-Cata herbs...I found that I'd hold onto them longer than necessary, waiting for that day when they hit the "perfect" spike in value.

    I do better when I keep my inventory moving!

    Thanks again for an interesting and fun post.

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