Alliance Starter Gold Guide

Greetings Just my Two Copper Gold Blog Community!

My name is Rip and I am an avid WoW player, gold maker, power leveler, and profession guru on the game guessed it: World of Warcraft! I am here today to bring to you my first ever gold idea making post/guide to help the new players out, and it may even make some broke 85s a few bucks too. =P Below is a starter guide for the Alliance! If people like this one well enough, then I shall continue to write more guides, and I will make one for the Horde side as well! Here's to the community and to all you hard working gold makers! /cheers

Alliance Starters: Making gold for your low level expenses!

It never fails that I always see low levels running around Stormwind talking in either trade or whispering me and many other people saying, "Hey I need gold for my mount at level 20!" "Is there a guild charter I could sign for just  few gold!?

I need my mount!" "Hey can you give me ideas on how to make gold? I'm broke and I'm new to WoW!" Well I am here to say this to you my Alliance "newb" friends! YOU CAN MAKE ALL THE GOLD YOU NEED FOR YOUR LEVEL 20 MOUNTS!!!

Now some of you are probably thinking, "Yeah he'll tell us to go farm ore, skin, or herb for 50000000000 hours on end and then I get to try to make the money to post it on the auction house, and then I have to..." I know who you are, and I know EXACTLY how you feel! Which is why I am here to say: NEVER AGAIN!!! No more hours of grinding, no more hours of slaving away, no more hours of misery in trying to make gold and failing, HOWEVER, it will take some time! :D

The first thing you want to do is make a banker toon and post him/her at the Auction House in Stormwind (Dwarven District or Trade District). Then you need to make two more alts that will be "gatherers". One of the alts you need to run to the Inn (Pig and Whistle Tavern) inside of the Old Town District in Stormwind and park him next to Kendor Kabonka. Why you ask!?!?

Well what a wonderful question!!! Let me explain:

In WoW there are many different people, but most of them are lazy when it comes to recipes, pets, mounts, and other items, and they don't bother to use tools, resources, or take the time and effort to save themselves gold. So what do they do? They hop on their jolly old mounts, prancy up to the auction house, and say, "Hello my dear auctioneer friend! I have come to be kicked in the butt by the newbs that are ripping me off royally and I don't give a weasel's hiney!" Which is what they might as well be saying! So you're going to buy the recipes and repost them on the AH for up to 20 times as much as what you paid for them!!!

Now a little tip/hint on this to help you make maximum profit. Make sure that: 1. You do NOT buy the Bind on Pickup recipes, or else you've wasted money! 2. Write down all of the names of the recipes (On toilet paper, a post it note, or you sister's blanket! Although if you get a whoopin' then it's not my fault! :P) and check to see which ones are going for the most! Also look at the supply of them on the Auction House. If someone is posting 5000 Westfall Stew recipes, then he's obviously an ignorant moose, he is blatantly letting the other people know that it's easy to get, and he doesn't care to make a profit. So be wise, and do not over flood the auction house! NOW!!!...on to the SECOND alt!

This one will be a little bit harder to get to where he needs to go, but it is definately worth it! You need to run the level 1 alt down to Booty Bay! WHAT ARE YOU CRAZY THERE ARE LEVEL 20 AND 30 MOBS DOWN THAT WAY! THEY'LL ROFL PWN ME UNTIL I'M CORPSE
DUST! Yes, you will die MWAHAHA, will be well worth it! HOW IS IT GOING TO BE WORTH IT!?!?!? What a wonder question! :D

I'll be happy to explain!

In Booty Bay there are 2 key NPCs that will help you make money along with the Neutral Auction House. Those NPCs are Kelsey Yance, a cook/recipe vendor inside The Old Port Authority building, which is the first building you come to on the docks when you come down the ramp from the tunnel out of STV on your left. He sells many recipes that are for fishing, and many people know now that fishing and leveling up your cooking go hand in hand! So once again the high ol' jolly prancing weasel "master" of WoW is going to go to the Auction House and say, "Yes dear sir give me that fishing recipe and take my pocket book! Go on and throw it out the window! I don't care!" What
does that mean for YOU!?!? You get lots of moolah, money, gold, dough, pay, cash, etc. You get the idea! Now on the next important NPC!

The next NPC is in the SAME building right beside Kelsey Yance! That person's name is Narkk! 
What's so special about him!? Why he sells the most fantastic birds you ever did lay your eyes on AND he also sells a limited pattern of: Pattern: Black Swashbuckler's Shirt! What is so
wonderful about that? Well everyone makes a banker toon, some people like to Role-Play (NO WAY GET OUTA HERE!!!'s true!), and some people like to just run around when they are bored in different outfits! What better way than to wear a pirate shirt, get a hat, and run around with
a parrot on your shoulder me hearties! YARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!

Now the general idea here is that you want to check the recipes of the fish on the Alliance Auction House and see what they are going for and if anyone is flooding the market with the recipes! Check and do the same thing that you did with the Pig and Whistle Tavern Recipes from Kendor Kabonka. Only buy what is going for up 3-5 times what you paid for the recipe and post it to sell it! The idea here is that you want to make maximum profit and if you flood the market, then you make people think that it's easy to get, and they will check. If you only post one or two of a recipe though then most people usually go like this, "OH MY GOSH THERE'S ONLY A FEW! I'D BETTER BUY IT QUICK!" That means you get lots of money!

Now I am sure that you are all thinking, "This is a wonderful idea!....but how do I get the money to buy these recipes when it can cost up to a gold!?" That is a wonderful question indeed! Let me help you out there as well! Since you're new, you'll be leveling up a character of course, and as
you level up a character you're going to make money from quest rewards, and you will see many animals, ore veins, and flowers to be picked as you quest in your merry adventures! Now before you wig out and go, "I THOUGHT YOU SAID HOURS OF FARMING WAS OVER!!!" let me explain. As you are leveling up your professions you are questing. You don't need to go way out of your way to find herbs, ore, or animals to skin. Just make sure that once you reach level 5 (or whatever level it is you reach whenever you are out of your INITIAL starting zone) that you get a gathering profession that you think will be beneficial to you in the long run. In example: Mining = Stamina bonus if you're going to tank, Herbalism = Haste bonus if you're going to be a healer or caster, Skinning = Critical Strike Bonus if you're going to be a hunter, rogue, or maybe even an Enhancement shaman. As you continue to quest use your profession to gather materials that you can send to your Auctioneer Alt to sell for money which can then be mailed to your gatherer alts to purchase the recipes.
Now I am going to do you a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE favor and tell you how to save money, and make even more as you're leveling! Do NOT, yes I said NOT, buy gear EVER until you're level capped at 85 (Even then make it, farm regulars, do heroics, the new "Zeroics", or PvP

Grind to get gear to save gold)! Now I am going to tell you a tip to get you more gold! When you come across armor that is Bind on Equip that you do not need do NOT just vendor it! Send it to your Auctioneer Alt, sell it fairly cheap, and make a profit off of it. Do the same with any cloth that you find as you are leveling, unless you have Tailoring or First-Aid that you are leveling. Many people want to level their professions fast, and cloth is a fairly commonly purchased item that can give you a decent bit of gold. There is one more secret that I will teach you to master as a new player in WoW that many people don't ever do, or that they learn many ages later! That is the secret of "Confucious say:" Arbitrage! What is this Arbitrage you speak of you say!?!? Well let me tell you! -Rocks in a rocking chair and shakes a cane- Many years ago...oh...

Arbitrage is this: "In economics and finance, arbitrage (IPA: /ˈɑrbɨtrɑːʒ/) is the practice of taking advantage of a price difference between two or more markets: striking a combination of matching deals that capitalize upon the imbalance, the profit being the difference between the market prices. 
When used by academics, an arbitrage is a transaction that involves no negative cash flow at any probabilistic or temporal state and a positive cash flow in at least one state; in simple terms, it is the possibility of a risk-free profit at zero cost." HOLD ON THERE I'M NOT AN ENGLISH TEACHER!!! Don't worry I'll tell you in SIMPLE terms!

When you Arbitrage on WoW you're going to take advantage of a market! The Cross-Faction Market! I already here you asking "What is the Cross-Faction Market?!" This is a market that involves you taking an item that is only purchasable by one faction, putting it on the neutral Auction House
and allowing the other faction to purchase it, thereby making it accessable to the other faction! Now you are wondering, "What kind of items are those!?"

It is a simple answer that I shall say that will devistate you: PETS!!! Yes, you heard right pets, companions, animals, kittys, owls, birds, rabbits, and more that are only accessable for one faction unless put onto the Neutral Auction House. "Where can I get some of these!?" you ask!? Well that is to be revealed next:

You must go to a distant land! The land of Elwynn Forest, right outside of Stormwind, and make the perilous, dangerous journey to the dreaded, horrible, money making, schemeing, evil Donni Anthania <Crazy Cat Lady>. She resides in a cozy little cottage right outside of Northshire! As you are leaving
Northshire there will be a tiny little cottage, house, on the right hand side of the road with a fence around it on the side. Inside is Donni Anthania who sells cats, has cats, wears cats, and let's hope she don't eat her cats. The cats cost about 50 silver a piece from her, but when you acquire some, mail them to your "gatherer" down in Booty Bay, and put some on the Neutral Auction House for up to 10-20 times as much as what you have paid for them. I have sold the cats sometimes for as much as 60 gold a piece! That is roughly 30 times as much as what you paid for them! If you want to be safe, then log on to your Booty Bay gatherer and see what each cat is going for, or if there are any on the Auction House. If there are none, then you get to name your own price and don't go 
too low! As I have said, I have sold them for 60 gold a piece!

Well my friends this is just an Alliance starter guide for gold! Feel free to leave any comments, feedbacks, suggestions, or more ideas below! This is a community, so work together, improve, come up with more ideas, and expand your epic bank and become richer! If you like this post/guide then let me know and if so, then I would be happy to make a starter guide for the Horde side as well! Thank you, God bless, and happy gold making! :D

Rip the Shaman

25 comments: on "Alliance Starter Gold Guide"

  1. dragonpancakes said... June 1, 2011 at 9:16 AM

    In regards to dying to get to booty bay, there is another option. Head to southern Westfall, jump off the cliff and swim down there. If you swim far enough away from the shore you won't need to worry about Horde guards or Gators. Again it's a long trip but if you set yourself on the right course in the beginning you can pretty much AFK the whole trip.

  2. too long. did not listen.

  3. Best post in a while (no offense to mageshadow). Dude! Where was this post 2 years ago? Thanks for the tips. You hit this one out of the park. Well written and an extremely interesting perspective on beginning the game the right way.

  4. Old. You might wanna check your local AH before you do anything. On every realm I'm at (five, in EU), there's at least a handful of people trying these old recipes and pets and all other types of 'vendor snack'. Endless price wars, no real profits. Not to mention that all of these items are slow sellers to begin with.

    The only solid gold tips for low level players is still farming stuff. Not just herbs and ores, but other crafting ingredients.

  5. Good first blog post, you probably could of split it into 2-3 episodes to get more interest in your writing style.

    Could also look for help from a friend(i realize we are talking new players) to use "have group, will travel" to summon you to Booty Bay.

    I think it is hard for a new player to understand the intricacies of the WOW economy and understand how valuable the advice you just gave really is. 50s to a brand new player for a cat seems like a lot but it is a pretty much guaranteed profit for the gold and time.

  6. Ok well this is just going to be rude but ...

    Wall of text, 117 exclamation marks, to say sell vendor recipes/pets

    TL;Wish I hadn't R

  7. Nice post and good gold making tips in there! But yah *Wall of text critts Anonymous for 250k dmg*

  8. Well, anon, that is just too bad that you can't read some text. Your loss, our gain. Hard to believe you'll get anywhere if you can't/won't read, but then again, that seems to be the general consensus with the public nowadays...pathetic.

  9. Rip the Shaman said... June 1, 2011 at 11:23 AM


    That is a very good idea. That did not pop into my head when I was writing or reviewing my post before hand! Genius work my good fellow!

    @Anonymous (June 1, 2011 9:20am)

    I can understand that is was a long post, however, you don't always get good free information in a sentence or less. I understand that some people don't like to read long comments, but as of right now I don't have a pre-recorded sound file gold guide for a community. Now if you or anyone else would be interested I could try to do this sometime in the future. That way people that don't have the time or the patience to read a long post can just listen to one while they're playing WoW or doing other things.

    Feedback: Those of you who did read the post. What did you think of it? Scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the best.

    Rip the Shaman

  10. Thatkindaorc said... June 1, 2011 at 11:24 AM

    Oh look, the same "buy vendor recipes and AH them" advice given over and over...except long, rambling, and badly typed.

    This was not the kind of content we got when Markco ran stuff. Markco's whole thing was to avoid specific lists of "go do this, gold will come" and give you the -reasons why-. The philosophy of Just My Two Copper is to teach people about how to think about making gold, not to spew specific advice at people.

    Just about every post at JMTC nowadays is telling people to go perform a specific trick. The only reason to read it anymore is to take advantage of the twits who follow the "advice" blindly when the tips drive a market into the ground.

    Markco, if you still read comments: It would have been better to just close down the blog and leave the forums open than to do this to it. I cannot believe you are paying real money to Mageshadow, a third-rate gold blogger who is ruining your name.

  11. Waay to long post, i did read it all...and its also useless.
    Don't get me wrong, but in all this time (make 3 alts, park one in BB), you can just simply make one character, make it herbalist /miner, send him to gather while doing quests.
    In 3 hours max you will have the gold for the mount.

  12. I never complain about posts. But, this one gave me a pain in the head...

  13. Thatkindaorc said... June 1, 2011 at 11:51 AM

    I'm also extremely confused about why this is labeled "Alliance Starter Gold Guide". If you had just switched it from "Stormwind" and "Booty Bay" to "Orgrimmar" and "Ratchet", it would apparently be a Horde guide.

    Or you could have just written what everyone else whose ever written on the subjects has - buy vendor stuff, sell it on the AH. Maybe even linked to a list in wowhead. Saved us the reading.

    Vendor recipes can be a great way to make your first 10-20g if you're setting yourself a challenge like "make 1000g in a day without leaving Org", but really, putting mining/herb on your character and grabbing nodes while you're leveling, or just AHing the greens you get while actually leveling a character will be more gold/hour.

    And you actually get to level while you're doing it.

  14. Yes, this post has some good ideas, but doesn't really tell me anything that I didn't already know 3 years ago.

    Now, if it had mentioned the Tailoring Supplies vendor, Xizk Goodstitch, that sells Pattern: Crimson Silk Cloak
    and Pattern: Enchanter's Cowl upstairs from the parrots and the recipes, or the Engineering vendor literally 2 steps from the recipes, Mazk Snipeshot, who sells Schematic: Accurate Scope, I'd find it more useful. Well, if I hadn't already known it, of course. :)

    I'd say work on the conversation style and flesh out your points a bit better. Just exactly how does one get their L1 to Booty Bay? I can think of at least 4 maybe 5 ways, but it might be nice for the starters to have that spelled out!

    Keep on writing!

  15. That was way too long and obnoxiously written for what little info it contained.

  16. I read the entire article and all the comments...everyone is entitled to their own opinion. It's like a smorgasbord. You don't have to eat everything put before you. Just take the things you like. i felt the ideas of purchasing which recipes/pets for resale filtered out of the conversations were extremely useful. I would like to see a guide like this on the Horde side, as well. The New WOW player is exactly that...NEW. We tend to forget how we were when we first started playing. How we needed things spelled out for us until we learned it. Now imagine if you had no friends to show you the ropes. This was geared for those people. I wish I had this advice when I first started playing. Thank you, Rip, for taking the time to spell things out for the Newby.

  17. Personally i thought this was a very fun read, true i didnt really learn anything, but it wasnt targetted to players who have been playing since vanilla. Some people commenting seem to think it was, serriously though no reason to rip it apart because it was long and you didnt learn some huge secret, this is one of the best 'new' player guides ive seen in a while. I'd love to see a horde version.
    The only thing i would add would be to make a booty bay horde alt and a main city horde banker to list your ally exclusives on the horde ah. Most players too lazy to just make an alt on the other faction to send them over are too lazy to go to bb to look for and buy them.

  18. The plethora of exclamation points and entire parenthetical sentences in CAPSLOCK made me, as many others have mentioned,




  19. While I do agree with the comments about how this site has gone downhill since marco stepped down and let mageshadow took over it someone should point out that marco actually posted this article and neither of them wrote it. It seems to be a reader contribution by someone named Rip.

  20. Read the whole post. Far too long winded with no substance.
    Certainly nothing new

    I would rather have read a guide to graveyard hopping.

  21. Okay, I'm a very new player. WoW is my first gaming experience, and I am still trying to figure things out. I'm not completely overwhelmed as I was in the beginning but a real newbie. So, I found some of this helpful, and I liked the specifics because my knowledge base is slim. I still need detailed info.

    I don't mind reading long pieces, but some of the "cute" stuff was annoying, and I could have done without it. Perhaps if I weren't such a newbie, I would be more amused. I wanted information more than entertainment.

    Sometimes the WoW site and the other big sites assume I know more than I do, so it is difficult to wade through the information and find the details I need.

    Since this article was intended for a new player, I think it did a pretty good job (7 for whoever wanted a #) -- a lot of it works; some of it doesn't. It may just be me, but I'd cut extensively on the stylized language that shouts, "Look at me. I'm so clever and funny." A little is fine, but I found myself skimming to get to the information. Cut the exclamation points.

    I can't evaluate the information until I try some of it, but from some of the comments, I'm cautious. Since I discover the AH, I've been able to make more gold. In the beginning, I didn't realize how important the money was; I tried to take a flight and didn't have the coins--the gold light turned on. Thankfully, I had a friend, a long time player, who sent me some gold, or I would have been up the proverbial creek.

    Thanks for the article. Thanks, dragonpancakes, for the swimming to Booty Bay. I think I'd rather swim than die over and over.

  22. scottiegazelle said... June 1, 2011 at 10:09 PM

    Question: how many totally new toons read gold blogs?
    Question: why don't you just buy the (cheaper) cooking recipes in Stormwind rather than running all the way to STV?

    The tone of the blog has definitely changed, for better or worse I can't say, but /shrug, things change and that's life.

    To the author: you can't always sum things up in a few sentences, but the web has made people expect things quick. As a professional (paid) writer, I'll tell you - you were excessively wordy. If your paragraph is four sentences, it's too long. And excessive punctuation is...bad.

  23. After reading all of these comments, I feel a need to leave one of my own. I recently decided to make a horde toon and see how much gold I could make on it, keeping the character at level 1. I've been doing nothing BUT sell vendor recipes, and after a week (about 6 hours played, but 5 of that was just loitering around watching trade lol) my lil banker is up around 1.3k. So wall of text? Maybe so. Informative? Definitely. Keep up the good work :)

  24. I like the content on this article, but the "humorous content" was over the top and made it almost unreadable.
    Walls of text weren't the only problem; the exclamation points, the unnecessary commentary wasn't funny. Emoticons are generally a bad idea in journalism.

    If all the commentary was edited out, the article would have been shorter and much more readable.

    Now, the content itself was AMAZING for a new WoW player. There are specifics of where to go, which recipes to buy, etc.

    That being said...are there a lot of new players that receive JMTC? Based on the other posts of the week, I'd guess not. This article couldn't hurt (something to keep in mind if I'm starting from scratch on a new server), but I'm not sure if this is the best place for it either.

    So please clean up the article for the upcoming Horde guide, and I would still be interested to read it for the future.

  25. that was... surprisingly entertaining to read. :)

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