Stuck... Stuck... STUCK!!!!
Yes, it's the dreaded "stuck" scenario that you all hear so much about from fellow players and maybe you yourself have experienced. I wrote about dealing with being stuck in the past, but I thought that today I'd share some more thoughts on the matter since inflation has changed so much about the way players accumulate gold in cataclysm.
Have you found yourself saying "I can't get past a hundred, a thousand, a hundred thousand gold"? With inflation these days, I doubt that people at level 85 cannot get past a hundred gold, and most will probably get past a thousand with questing. If you are stuck at a thousand, you need to really consider the idea that you are probably spending too much. Cut back and see what happens. Just doing dailies should be enough to cover the base expenses of your character as well as normal upgrades to gear. If you want to go beyond that point then you need to learn the auction house.
Addicted to Buying
Perhaps you know how to use the ah and you are getting stuck because you buy too much in order to make more gold. Guess what people, if you are always putting your excess earnings into buying new items then you will never have more gold than you started with. Yes, your net value will be higher and higher each day, but the number of coins in your pocket will not grow alongside this number. If you find yourself in this situation, then please, try not buying for a week. If you have the stockpiles to survive more than a week without buying new items then do it and you'll be amazed at how much money you pull in. Go back to what you were doing the next week and then try to get into a more balanced ratio of buying and selling that perhaps even favors selling over buying.
Poor Investments
Another reason you could be stuck making gold is because you make poor investments or you don't utilize your professions correctly. Re-evaluate your strategies and go elsewhere to find additional opinions on the matter. I've seen people who shuffle dead wrong but when they are told the correct way to do it they tend to ignore the advice and continue failing. Be open to new ideas and try everything at least once until you get into a system that works on your server.
Ask Questions!
For more professional advice on professions and making gold, as well as access to a forum where you can ask questions to many experience players, try the Cataclysm Gold Forums.
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15 comments: on "I Can't Get Past XXX,XXX K"
Faid said... June 6, 2011 at 9:27 AM
I'm not usually one to link to my posts on other folks' blogs, but I can't help it. I was really proud of this post, and it directly relates to this topic.
I wrote on this a few months back when I was dealing with a post-500k plateau I was finally able to break. =D
Dugley said... June 6, 2011 at 10:17 AM
Thank you, for the next week I am going to be making the biggest investments of my life; my competition reads your blog like the bible
thanks ;P
Kuja said... June 6, 2011 at 11:14 AM
I had the problem too! Was buying too much stuff, got like 500 mails daily and it got tiring to relist them all the time.
Haven't bought anything new in 2 weeks and now they've almost all sold, for 2-6x more. :) Time to buy some more!
I like herbs that have a "180%" discount in particular.
Anonymous said... June 6, 2011 at 11:18 AM
Nice post. Since I've only begun my gold making journey I often find myself bouncing back to broke. I find the prices of raw materials on my server to be extremely volatile (for example: 20g/stack for Cinderbloom one week and 60g/stack the next) so I keep "reinvesting" almost the entirety of my previous profits when those dips occur.
Because of that, I would definitely fall under the Addicted to Buying category. I'm okay with that though. I'm confident that all of my buying and preparation will pay off in larger profits later. :)
Anonymous said... June 6, 2011 at 12:51 PM
Am I the only person who preferred both of marcko's recent posts to anything put up by mageshadow in the last 2 weeks?
Anonymous said... June 6, 2011 at 2:08 PM
No, your are not :D
Adam Paul said... June 6, 2011 at 6:41 PM
It's so strange to me how some people can slam a person for doing a public service. JMTC is a kick-ass website that has done nothing but help people since day one. When Markco ceased playing WOW he had the integrity to realize that he needed someone who played the game regularly to keep the site going. In my opinion Mageshadow has done just that. Sure not every post is going to be a homerun--but it wasn't that way with Markco either. It takes a ton of effort to blog each an every day and see great information.
It just bums me out because Mageshadow is catching crap from every direction lately and the guy really doesn't need that on top of what he is already doing.
Markco has a special writing style that Mageshadow doesn't have--yes that's obvious; however, that does go both ways. Mage can present things in a way that Markco can't.
On top of everything I've said there is a guest post tab on JMTC that no one EVER uses. So it means that everyone hates what he is doing apparently. Yet have an avenue to fix it themselves and choose not to....
Gaiwyn said... June 6, 2011 at 7:38 PM
I like Mageshadow's posts. He's right in there, playing the game right now, and even though he does make mistakes - don't we all do dumb things? I know I sure as heck make dumb mistakes all the time.
I'm all for Markco coming back in and posting some great reminders and such, but please, don't overshadow your successor.
With regard to the post, I have been at a plateau for ages. I invested for 4.2, spending over half my gold (but of course drawing in a little here and there with continued endeavours).
Just having a really hard time making much at all with my current pursuits. I've eased off spending already (still grabbing volatiles and savage leather, though, when they are below my threshold), but my gold currently isn't climbing past 30k.
Perhaps all this investment into things will truly pay off in 4.2. Only time will tell if I can actually break that 100k mark - my second milestone (50k was my first).
Darth Solo said... June 6, 2011 at 8:43 PM
You know, I've never had this issue, at least not after making my first 20K. After that it became very easy.
I used to make about 1000G a day, without trying very hard. I'm not one to spend 100% of my playtime making gold.
There are exceptions though, when a new expansion or new patch hits. On those occasions I've made between 30K-50K a day but I get bored at some point and I go back to enjoying the game in other ways.
So yeah, I have never got stuck but there is a point where making gold just isn't so exciting anymore. When I stopped playing WoW I had over 500K (which isn't even that much) but I never knew what to do with that money anyway so I wasn't desperate to make more.
Kat said... June 7, 2011 at 12:18 AM
I've read about this happening to many ppl. Luckly I haven't had this problem yet. Sometimes I do get stuck into buying all the cheap farmer items. Prices get low it's hard not to buy them up.
Artose said... June 7, 2011 at 6:15 AM
I'm actually sick of the haters on mageshadow he does a great job and would love to see anybody else do better.
Sincerely, not a raging anonymous hater.
MoxNix said... June 7, 2011 at 7:04 AM
Another reason for being stuck is the competition.
The bigger you get the more players compete with you and for some of them the focus eventually becomes not to make gold themselves but to hamper your making gold.
Dicci said... June 7, 2011 at 8:23 AM
See my problem is that I am a hoarder. I've finally hit 150k gold, and when i look at my husbands (Catharsis-Grizzly hills) gold count of 2.5million liquid, I feel extremely poor! Therefore I won't spend it. I'm rarely investing in anything anymore; I'm just sitting on my gold and gouging markets for great profit haha.
Evlyxx said... June 9, 2011 at 8:17 AM
This was a problem for me once I hit 50k back in Wrath until I devised a cunning plan.....
I decided that to increase the pot the only way was to limit my spending. So instead of keeping the 50k I had on my banker toon I put all the coin into the guild bank.
This meant that I was only able to spend what I earned without going to the bank to get the gold. Now initially this was painful because sales were slow but once I hit 10k back in his pockets I put 5k into the guild bank again and repeated it until recently when I upped the gold I kept to 10k and now everytime I hit 15k I put 5k into the guild bank.
So now I have close to 200k and that has included spending gold on epics for my alts, buying them all 310% flight and I now have nothing to waste my gold on and the gold is growing faster each day.
So squirrel some of your earnings away and only delve into the GB fund when the unmissable bargains appear, like the 2 Soul Blade's I picked up for 8k gold each, sent 1 to my alt tank and flipped the other for 20k gold.
Anonymous said... June 21, 2011 at 5:51 AM
I cant come past the 1k... Im so nab in this...
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