Saving Gold In Azeroth Tip #2

Today's tip will be regarding leveling toons. We all know that they can make a nice dent into your pocket, whether it be mount training, gear, enchants or anything else. There are multiple ways that you can reduce the costs of leveling alts and even make/save some gold while leveling.

First you can use reputation vendors to get bags - use these if you have very, very little income. They're free 16 slotters once you acquire the required reputation with said faction. If and when you're buying bags at the Auction house calculate the gold per slot for a bag [ Price / # Of Bag Slots ]. By doing so you're able to obtain the best bang for your buck.

Furthermore by buying your mount training/mounts with a reputation that's exalted will result in saving several thousands of gold. It's a simple yet extremely effective method of saving gold on your alts. Also try to get into a high level guild if possible as the perks that you obtain from guilds are simply awesome to have. On my server we have a guild which will actually pay for your first two mount training; look for guilds like these, helpful towards levelers and also offer nice bonuses.

If you need any items such as enchants or glyphs; ask your guild. I'm sure many of them will gladly craft a glyph or two for way below AH costs. Now don't abuse your guildies, make sure to tip them as you would with any regular person. The current guild that I'm in allows me to take whichever glyphs I want as long as I actually use them instead of selling them. It's a nice plus to have when you're starting out and can't afford for 100-200g glyphs.

Try not to buy gear when leveling your toons. Gear can get expensive and can take a huge dent out of your pocket. Instead run dungeons or quest, both are great ways to obtain gear while leveling. If you absolutely need gear because you still have that level 29 green when you're level 60 go ahead and do it, but never buy Blues/Epics while leveling, they never last enough for you to get what you paid for them.

If you get gear with sockets do not buy those expensive gems for them. Instead ignore the gear or simply buy the cheapest possible gems available. I never pay above 30g for a gem when leveling my toons, they're simply not worth it. +48 Agility at level 70 ( 3 +16 agility gems ) or +48 Intellect isn't going to make much of a difference to be honest.

From 1-85 you're estimated to make a bare minimum of 10,000g from quest rewards. Most of this comes from the 70-85 area as the quest rewards can vary from 10-50g per quest. You can further increase how much gold you make while leveling by vendoring items which you cannot use and are soulbound. Use the gold you obtain from leveling to pay for your mount training, gear enchants and such, this will greatly reduce the cost of alts.

Do you have any tips on ways to save gold while leveling toons?

13 comments: on "Saving Gold In Azeroth Tip #2"

  1. i dont come here for you to tell me how to save gold i come here for you to give me tips on making gold ffs.

  2. Did you know that the vast majority of people who come to me and say they can't make gold are actually failing because they spend too much? This series is meant to help those players.

    See this post for additional reasons why players are "stuck" making gold:

  3. Dear Anonymous

    Gold SAVED is gold EARNED. Mage is telling you how to save gold which in turn will give you more gold to spend on beneficial investments in the future.

    Not all gold tips are going to be:

    Do X to make X gold. If that were the case JMTC does not need to exist. It is this sort of tip that makes gold blogging unique. I commend this entire series that Mageshadow is beginning and to be blunt. If you feel this isn't a gold making tip than you are incredibly foolish or just ignorant.

  4. Don't buy gold from spammers (for many important reasons not given here), but there are a few instances where real money can save you virtual gold.

    If you buy a Sparkle Pony (aka Celestial Steed ) for $25, you get a mount that can be used in any environment and all the toons on your account (even ones you haven't created or can't ride yet) will be able to learn that mount for free. That's a lot of gold to be saved, if you have the real cash for it. It also makes a great gift idea for the gold-poor WoW friends goblins tend to attract!

    As a bonus, the Celestial Steed is zone-aware. Take it into a zone where you can't fly, and you can still use it as a ground mount. Go into a zone where you can fly and you can fly on it, so there's no switching action bar mounts when you change zones.

  5. @first anon

    Ok that as GOT to be one of the most prickish things ive ever read. Saving gold is a major part of also making it. Just because you dont wanna THINK(which this is what this blog helps you do) about how to make x item do more for you, doesnt mean no one else wants to hear these kinds of tips.

    Yes this is a repeat tip sorta from when mageshadow talked about making 10k gold while leveling or something, but the fact is majority of us like these sorta tips that help us apply to almost any server and any situation.

    If your so inclined to getting specific tips then either buy markco's guide,read other blogs,or STFU!

    Anyways now since that's over it i would like to bring up one other thing though. When your powerleveling your characters to get to 75-85 and whatnot then your best bet is to pick up 2 gathering professions and mail the materials to an alt.

    Not only will it increase your gold gain, but at least one of them will give you exp as you gather.

  6. Silverthorn added a really good tip. If you have the IRL money, the Blizzard Store mount(s) are a great way to save gold in-game. You get a mount that scales to your riding skill level, and you don't have to purchase a single mount on your way to the level cap. It's also given to every character on your account, so if you have several alts that you're leveling, this will save you a TON.

    If you do decide to purchase a mount in-game instead, be sure you don't buy more than one. If you want to collect more mounts at the level cap, that's fine, but if you're doing it while leveling you're just throwing gold out the window. There's no good reason to buy more than one mount as you're leveling. One ground mount and later one flying mount is all you really need.

    Picking up enchanting on a character you're leveling is another great way to save/earn extra gold. Enchanting mats usually sell pretty well, you can disenchant any soulbound gear you pick up, and you can enchant your own gear to stretch out their lifespan. You'll probably only really want to enchant your blues, however, as greens typically get replaced too fast to be worthwhile.

  7. I love posts like this. I don't exactly remember when, but one day it just clicked "One way to make gold is to save from spending it." So the main reason I lvl'd alchemy on an alt was to supply my main rather than buy from AH.

    I also enjoy low-lvl twinking. And unfortunately this can be quite costly. Especially since I delete the toon at lvl30 and start all over again. But that's why I invested in Traveler's backpacks rather than buying Netherweave ones.

    Professions, in general, can make you a lot of money. But in Wow, gold just keeps coming regarless of what you do. Find a way to spend less, and it adds up quick.

    Just some green-haired gnome.

  8. I wouldn't even bother trying to educated anon1. Clearly he's one of those kids who go "HERP DERP WUT DO I BUY AND HOW MUCH DO I SELL IT FOR?" There's no saving them, no matter how hard you try.

  9. "First you can use reputation vendors to get bags - use these if you have very, very little income. They're free 16 slotters once you acquire the required reputation with said faction. If and when you're buying bags at the Auction house calculate the gold per slot for a bag [ Price / # Of Bag Slots ]. By doing so you're able to obtain the best bang for your buck. "

    Worthless tip because you have to be revered with the faction to get that bag.

    Bottom line is that if you have not saved 7-8 gold (to buy a 16 slot netherweave bag from the AH) by the time you hit level 30-35 (the time it will take to probably get to revered with both questing and dungeons), go delete your WoW folder because you should not be playing.

    If you wanted to get four of these bags, that will take you until at least level 70 to get the required rep for four factions to get four different bags.

  10. Netherweave bags vary mich in pricing, i see.
    On my server netherweave stacks go for up to 12g.
    (and bags for an avg of 23g - muhahaha!!!

  11. @anon 13 june, 3.07am

    If you complete quests in your "start area" you will be revered before you hit lvl 25. If you play BE you will even be exalted....

  12. Great post, Mage! One thing that everyone can do while levelling an alt is to sell everything - and I mean, everything: from your starter clothes to that useless looking white item that obviously has a use, to the meat that all beasts drop. You may not get a bite every time, but more often than not, selling everything - unless you have a specific reason for holding onto it - yields more profit than the loss for posting it all up.

    I would also like to highlight what Skyfangs said: never underestimate the value of a gathering profession on an alt. There may come a point where you will want to switch over to crafting; or you may want to gather/craft combo - but gathering as you level is invaluable, even if it is just gathering mats for your own personal use to level that crafting profession for profit.

    Levelling professions - crafting or gathering - is also a good way to find niches between 1 and 525. Where are there holes in the market? Where is there demand but not enough supply? How well do older mats and reagents go for on average?

    Good luck to anyone levelling a new toon, or picking up where they left off somewhere in the past. ;)

    Remember: a copper saved is a copper earned!

  13. "If you wanted to get four of these bags, that will take you until at least level 70 to get the required rep for four factions to get four different bags."

    Incorrect. By using tabards and running starting area quests for rep, you can have all four bags much earlier. I have four bags, and all revered or exalted home factions on a level 43 character. It all depends on how badly you want those bags.

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