I've been extremely busy lately with some things in real life, and the fact that I just moved and had no internet for a of couple days didn't help much. I'm going to go ahead and delay this months blogging carnival by 2 weeks to give bloggers a little more time to get their submissions for this month.
I'm also going to change the way that topics get announced, instead of putting up a post on the site I'm going to start to e-mail all of the bloggers that wish to participate in the Carnivals. Topics will be announced a full month ahead of time to give bloggers time to write on said topic.
A couple more things, first I want to get in touch with the readers and as you guys: What type of content would you like to see here posted at JMTC? Drop a comment below with your suggestions of simply e-mail me at artsytorres AT gmail DOT com. I've gotten a of couple e-mails from some of you and one major trend/topic is a "series of posts". I've got a couple ideas in mind but I'd like to really know what type of content you'd like to see here posted at JMTC. I really want to help you guys out and I feel by asking you this that I can really touch down to base with all of you.
I'm also going to be starting out YouTube videos in the near future. They're a great way to deliver information in one small package that packs a nice punch. They'll mostly focus on farming tips, areas, and such, I'll be doing a post along with every video. I'm thinking 2-3 videos per week perhaps on a schedule such as Monday, Wednesday and Saturday/Sunday. The Friday slot will of course be filled with the weekly JMTC meetings which haven't happened in a bit but they will most definitely be starting back up this upcoming Friday.
That's all for now, but if you've got any suggestions for the site/posts please either leave a comment below or e-mail me at artsytorres AT gmail DOT com. You can also chat with me on twitter @Mageshadow.
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12 comments: on "Blogging Carnival Delayed + News"
Anonymous said... June 3, 2011 at 9:57 AM
Content? I'd like more JMTC weekly meeting recordings. I don't know what happened recently, but I miss them.
In fact, a lot of gold making podcasts (and even blogs) have been in hiatus the past couple of weeks. Blogs are nice, sure, but I like audio content that I can play on the go or in game. :)
The Gold Queen said... June 3, 2011 at 10:24 AM
Eeek I'm late! And I can't find the carnival topic. It's not up at
It's hard to find things around here :(
Saffronia said... June 3, 2011 at 11:20 AM
A toon was complaining in trade chat that he's new and broke and needs gold.
I told him to come to Ironforge, so he did. I gave him gold and figured I'd never hear from him again.
He said 'thanks' and later said 'hey you are a hunter'!
I said mmhmm.
"Do you want to tame the white and black lions in the Barrens?" he asked. I said 'sure do'.
We ran thru Ashenvale to the Barrens coz he seemed to have very few flight points. OK we killed ourselves to get thru the horde camp and spawn over in the Barrens.
Anyway, this guy shows me the rare black lion 'Humar' and I tame him.
Then we run over to the area where Horde has the quest to blow a horn and summon Eyekachee or however you spell his name. He's the white lion.
The guy logs and suddenly a level 85 horde blood elf death knight jumps off the mountain scaring the crap out of me and proceeds to run toward the area where the lion will spawn.
Oh damn this is great! I thought.
Freaking death knight is gonna kill the lion before I can tame him.
But, it turns out that the death knight has a gold making niche happening. He sells the summon to hunters on Alliance side!
It cost me 600 gold coz that's what I gave his broke Alliance toon. :D Also, I love the black & white lions on my hunter.
Adam said... June 3, 2011 at 11:26 AM
Mageshadow, could you please get someone to proof read your posts? Having to read sentences in your posts multiple times makes my brain itch.
Handera said... June 3, 2011 at 1:46 PM
No offense, but you really need a proofreader.
Kavan said... June 3, 2011 at 2:00 PM
Mageshadow, please... PRETTY PLEASE with sugar on top... proofread or have someone else proofread your posts. Just look at the first sentence of this post for crying out loud. Sometimes there is good information in these daily posts, but the writing is so bad that it sometimes hurts to read. I have to re-read some sentences a couple of times and it breaks up the whole flow of the post. Blogs are meant to be easy breezy reads, but JMTC has become anything but that over the last few months... :(
Lilpeach said... June 3, 2011 at 8:18 PM
Hey Mageshadow and company. I would love to see a series of posts explaining the types of "market manipulation" that trade chat is always accusing us of so that it is no longer a mystery to the up and coming goblins and informed population in general. Basic topics such as: buy low, sell normal, controlling niche markets (and which ones not to), along with a simple how to guide for stockpiling materials. Thanks for the hard work you guys put into the blog.
Jafo said... June 4, 2011 at 7:18 AM
Hey Mageshadow, I really come here to read your gold making tips. I really dont care about spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Please keep up the good work.
20k leveling guide said... June 4, 2011 at 8:36 AM
some one really needs to get you a proofreader -.-
Jael said... June 4, 2011 at 4:56 PM
I may be the minority but I strongly dislike audio/video posts. If I can't read through something quickly, I won't bother. If there is a news "article" that requires me to watch a video, I will google the text version instead. Lately this seems to have become a new trend within the (gold) blogging community. I enjoy several of the blogs, but I really can't sit and listen through minutes to hours of "content", something that could have been wrapped up much quicker in text.
As for the proofreading comments (funny how one person will come out and say something and suddenly several people have the guts to agree), when I come across a post with bad spelling or particularly bad grammar, I will actually not continue to read and move on instead. That's not even directed at you, just pointing out what kind of effect it can have on readers.
Regarding content, I definitely don't like seeing the 10th blog with a tutorial on how to set up TSM and other addons. What I do always enjoy are the "little" tips, such as what new gem or enchant suddenly sells well *after a patch* due to class changes and such. That's probably what I struggle with most as an Auctioneer. I also love the tips on crafting items that disenchant into valuable mats, or discovering niche markets. I do really like the "series of posts" idea you mentioned.
Lastly: thank you! :)
The Gold Queen said... June 4, 2011 at 8:01 PM
After reading /trade channel for 6 years, I'm not put off in the slightest by occasional spelling or grammar mishaps!
Faid said... June 5, 2011 at 7:23 AM
Just curious, why are you not announcing the topics publicly? I liked seen what non-bloggers put in the comments, often as good as if not better than some of the resulting carnival posts, plus if someone sees a topic they'd really like to write about it may even invite new bloggers onto the scene! Just curious why the change. :)
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