Wow Farming Spots

Guest Post by: Wow Farming
Everyone has at least one friend who disappears in Twilight Highlands or Uldum for a few hours every night. He's the guy who undercuts your Pyrite Ore with 30 stacks and drives you insane! If you're not a farmer, you might be wondering if this stuff is real or if it's just something that prisoners in China are forced to do.

It IS for real, and that's why I've put together WoW Farming - a comprehensive one-stop shop for details on where and how to farm most items in World of Warcraft. Don't just head over to the site and look at a few maps and take your miner out to Twilight Highlands because you might be disappointed. There are a few important steps I recommend you follow before you try to farm.

Check the prices on your realm. You don't want to farm for two hours collecting Pyrite Ore only to find out that prices are low on your realm because some character named Botfu has 100 stacks of Pyrite going for 18 gold each on your auction house.

Start by taking note of what gathering professions and special skills you have at your disposal. Use tools like The Undermine Journal to check prices and carefully determine what is the most likely to make you a profit and if it's even worth it.

Know what you're getting into. You can farm for a 30 minutes, 60 minutes or hours on end. Most farmers that I know chat, watch TV, watch Netflix, listen to audiobooks/podcasts or find something else mildly entertaining to do at the same time. Figure out how long you're going to spend and how you're going to keep yourself entertained. If you go unprepared, you'll probably fizzle out quickly.

Check the latest addons. There are a few addons worth checking out. There is Gatherer, which will remember the locations of both veins and herbs and mark them on your map so that you can come back to check on them later. There is also Carbonite, which will generate a custom route as you fly through the zone. Some players swear by these addons but you might not even like them. All I use are basic routes which are all available at WoW Farming.

Do it. With the right addons, a plan and the knowledge of the right trade goods - go have some fun farming! If the area is too busy or things aren't working out you can hop into the LFG queue or PvP and try again later.

You can find maps for all of the popular level 85 trade goods including Skinning, Mining and Herbalism at WoW Farming. Some of my favorites are Farming Pyrite, Farming Elementium and Twilight Jasmine. There are maps for a lot of low level trade goods as well, like Goldthorn and Silk Cloth. I'm adding new routes every day and encourage experienced visitors to share their routes and locations in the comments.

7 comments: on "Wow Farming Spots"

  1. Reported to wow professions dot com you have clearly stole the farming maps / route maps from that established site.

    Perhaps it was best to point people to the original site instead of recycling and claiming there work!!

  2. Hi Anonymous, this site is not associated with Just My Two Copper. If you think that they are stealing content, please contact them directly. The email address I have for this site's owner is:

  3. Rich Uncle Pennybags said... June 8, 2011 at 9:31 AM

    If he ripped off the maps, that's pretty bush-league. But "reported?" Will they throw him in WoW Blog Jail or sumpin' ?

  4. Anonymous, I'm pretty sure they aren't exact replicas from wow profressions dot com. There are only so many finite amount of routes you can possibly use for a certain mining node of herb.

  5. Nice. How about tying in TUJ to list server-specific prices for the various gatherables?

  6. They are not exact replicas, it's just the style and color of the lines used in these guides are pretty similar to what I use in my mining and herbalism guides.

  7. I put the pyrite ore maps side by side from both sites, and they aren't very similar at all (do a few dozen TW ore runs, and the differences will become quite clear) Anonymous, please research a little before you make wild claims.

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