Bang the Drum Slowly

Friendly neighborhood Mommar here.

If you're a leatherworker who has a good beat,  patch 5.4 brings out a very interesting item that could get some good sales.

The PTR has Drums Of Rage on it's items to be released.

If you remember the old Drums of Forgotten Kings and Drums of Speed,  these gave a nice boost to leatherworkers pocketbooks,  especially when people were wanting to run quickly through raids and didn't bring a pet Paladin with them.

These are only on the PTR's currently so it's already been said they will end up being lowered to 25% increase in abilities.  But that's not a bad item to have if you don't bring a Shaman or Mage along for the ride.

The Drums of Forgotten Kings and Drums of Speed are still viable sales,  but many players have long forgotten their usage.  Selling them in Trade chat would seem to be a better tool than just dropping a large amount of them in the auction house.  The same goes for Runescroll of Fortitude III which can spark sales into your coffers the more players gear up for raiding content.

There are many long forgotten sales items that can be added to your arsenal to increase your profits for just a little research and work.   What other items can you be selling that are long forgotten tools of the raiding trade?

Good Luck and Good Hunting

Five Rules For Dating My Gold Stash
Transmog Me Baby

Five Rules For Dating My Gold Stash

Everything that I write here is what I apply when it comes to my deals.   Little pieces of information on how I have enlarged my warcraft fortune.   Some are tips and tricks that I've picked up from other places.   Some ideas are purely my own.   Other ideas are general opinions on how I believe someone should act every day of their life.

Everyone makes choices on how they will act and react when it comes to trades.   Noone should give a definite 'Act like this and you will win a million gold' response.  There are no guarantees in life.  And there are no guarantees that all of your deals and sales will happen in your favor.  For me these rules set up for better opportunities in my life.

1.   Be honest in all of your sales.

Through 6+ years of playing wow I feel that I have never actively messed someone over.   I have taken advantage of situations,  but always gave them what I felt was fair market value on what they sold.   There have been some sales that I decided where too much to my advantage that I explained what they could do to obtain profits.   They returned to thank me and became some of my best customers over the years.  

2.   Be creative

Thinking outside the box is half the fun of gold making.  Any gold goblin can run the same economic structures and procedures to obtain gold.  The creative side is what takes those materials that you just obtained and turn them into a gold making machine.

3.   You will lose from time to time

Not every deal that I have started worked out well.   For the longest time I sat on a plethora (there is your quarter word for the day) of Elementium Ore in my banks.  I won't say how much I had but lets just say that I could have supported at least two guilds in how much was in my possession.  I ultimately broke even (and if you count time lost a few gold) on the entire deal.   But instead of complaining,  I went onto the next deal and learned my lesson.

4.   Speculate,  and Instigate

You can sit around and hope that deals fall into your lap.  There is a ton of information available through not just this journal but other places.   The more you research,  speculate on what might occur and look to instigate deals,  the more opportunities will 'fall' into your lap.

5.   Have fun

I have said this time and time again.  It's a game.  It's not a chore,  or a job unless someone is paying you to play.   When it stops being fun,  take a break.  Go and walk,  enjoy the family and never ever EVER turn down date night for this game.  It just isn't worth it.  Have fun.

What are your rules for dating your gold stash?

Good Luck and Good Hunting

Transmog Me Baby

 [ tranz móggrə f ]   
  1. Change form grotesquely: to change the appearance or form of something, especially in a grotesque or bizarre way

I have not actively written about Transmogrify (yes,  it actually is a real word) because it's such a perilous market that you can gain and lose a fortune by one or two decisions.

In layman's terms transmogging an item change how players view the item when looking at your toon.  Whether it's a Chestplate or pants or a big hulking sword.  It is a change in appearance and not in the stats or abilities of the item.

This area of expertise is very dependent on how the server acts and functions.  Some players will spend thousands of gold to obtain a specific look (many times having to do with skimpy clothing for women or awesomely dark and omnious for the guys).   The important part is whether you have an economy that players are willing to spend obscene amounts of gold to look good.

As Mists of Pandaria gets older,  players are going to be looking for other things to spend gold on.  Mounts,  pets and just being able to strut around their home city looking actively awesome.  This is where you study and expertise will come in handy.

My favorite sites to use to look at how something looks  when it comes to the possibility of sales and transmogging is  Where many of the sets include BOP items,  the occasional BOE items pop up that are wanted for big gold.   

One of my favorite items to still sell is the Black Mageweave Leggings.   For women it's black and skimpy and still very popular.  Also don't ignore the grey or white items that pop up such as Diamond Tipped Cane from bag of fishing treasures.   Where you might not want to spend the time to get the fishing quest done,  looking on the auction house might net you a good flip if someone unsuspecting added it cheaply to the Auction house.

So before you go and DE that weapon or that chestpiece,  take a look at just how it looks.  It might be something someone is interested in buying for their new look.  Every girls crazy for a sharped dressed toon.

Good Luck and Good Hunting

Distopian View Of Money

Mommar here.

First I will apologize for the Quarter word (or is that two silvers word) in the title.  But that describes the view I have from time to time having gold.

I"ve told my rags to riches story a couple of times here so I won't bore you with the details.   The short version is that I started this game knowing nothing,   stumbled, bumbled and made mistake after mistake to get to where I'm at now.

You've also heard me say time after time to find your own motivation.  Whether you are the gold thirsty goblin that never has enough.  Setting up your own goals to have every pet or every mount or own every piece of tier gear.   Whatever gets you to roll out of the proverbial gold making bed that day is entirely up to you.

There is a catharsis to starting at a minimum and building it up again.   There have been many players that have given up their vast fortunes and started all over for the challenge.  Saluting them I know that the fallback position of having a large bank account has kept me from taking this drastic of a jump.

As more and more new toys and items are dropped for people and made more available in the auction house,  there becomes a chance to decide whether that item is worth the time it took to make that gold.  A farmer that ends up with 1000g a day is going to value each and every gold piece a little bit more than someone who is generating 10,000g a day.  Each item becomes more or less valuable depending on the difficulty of obtaining it.

That same thought process goes to running instances and scenarios/world bosses to obtain items.   Where you cannot truly put a monetary amount on how much those boots of awesomeness were,  you can figure out a rough estimate of just how much time you spent to obtain them.   And just how quickly they will be replaced by something much more shinier.

This doesn't mean that it's hopeless to buy things from the Auction House.   Gold Goblins not only deal with pluses and minuses with gold.  But also just how much they can save depending on the item.   Have you looked to start a panda on a different server and then level them up to obtain the pets that are only available to them?   You get the enjoyment of trying something completely new,  and when you're done you can sell those pets for cash and prizes.   How are you dealing with the greens and even the purples that you obtain from running low end instances.   Do you just automatically drop them to be disenchanted,  or sell them for a few rounds to see what you can get.

Whether you make an instant decision on value,  or do a little research on an item.   Just how much of a value an item has is determined by the vlue you have for it yourself.  Keeping this in mind will help you price things better for mass consumption,  or for that big sale that noone believes you could have made.

Good Luck and Good Hunting

Dailies, Weeklies, Now yearlies
The Barrens Feel So So Barren
My Favorite Addon
I Need More Fun Sales
Toxic Sales
Engineering Love With 5.4
Why Warcraft Needs Microtransactions
The New Face of Opportunity
Bring Out Your Pets
Bring On The Next Wow Killer
The Value of Material Assets
PVP Sales Are Not Kind To Me
Finding A New Rhythm
Breaking The Million Gold Barrier
Bye Bye... I Will Take Your Gold Now

Dailies, Weeklies, Now yearlies

Everyone has a certain amount of luck when it comes to playing World of Warcraft.  That last bleed you dropped on an epic boss that killed him just as everyone was dying.   That timely dodge that happens when you least expect it (first time I ever survived Murmur was by pure luck dodge just at the end).

But the bane of my farming existence has always been Ice Chip.  This is the pet that drops from the bag reward when you kill Lord Ahune for the first time every day.   The temptation was to just buy the thing from the AH (about 2200g) but then I always choose the more natural way to obtain many of my pets.

When I was hunting for the Reigns of the Raven Lord from Sekketh Halls I had the most horrendous luck.   Before it was able to be soloed I had to drag a couple of friends with me.   On what had to be the 110th time it dropped,  but I gave my partner a shot to win it and they beat my roll.  Many dents were left on my desk after that.  Finally after about 6 months of work,   going day by day running the instance I was finally able to watch it drop.   I did my nekkid run around all of the major horde cities in celebration.

So why am I telling you all of this self induced misery?   Because I am not the only pet person in the game.  But many are just as willing to pay the price of the auction house or trade chat for a pet.  The Ice Chip as well as the pet that is available from the Darkspear rebellion quartermaster are difficult to obtain,  and will be worth gold in your pocket.   Not just now but later on in the future.   For the Darkspear rebellion pet those will be much more valuable when they won't be available to the masses.   Same with the Ice Chip that once the Fire Festival is finished it will be in demand til the next holiday.

Yearly events can bring quick gold in your pocket,  but the savvy and always thinking gold goblin will measure the quick profit of today vs the possible future profits when items are more limited.  

Now time to go and beat on Lord Ahune again today.   Whats my name... yeah that's it

Good Luck and Good Hunting

The Barrens Feel So So Barren
My Favorite Addon
I Need More Fun Sales
Toxic Sales
Engineering Love With 5.4
Why Warcraft Needs Microtransactions
The New Face of Opportunity
Bring Out Your Pets
Bring On The Next Wow Killer
The Value of Material Assets
PVP Sales Are Not Kind To Me
Finding A New Rhythm
Breaking The Million Gold Barrier
Bye Bye... I Will Take Your Gold Now

The Barrens Feel So So Barren

One of the parts of Mists of Pandaria I have enjoyed the most is the epic storyline with how much of a pain in the butt Garrosh has become.   From when he took over as leader of the heart and a small 'skinning' raid to the beginnings of the epic conclusion to the storyline sometime in the future.

Patch 5.3 brought the next step to the Garrosh's quest for a refocusing of the Horde to Durotar and the Barrens.   Since I was busy playing on another server with low level characters I had not taken a look at the storyline til a couple of days ago.

Your first steps start with a letter (the post office department in Warcraft has to be losing money somewhere) that takes you back to Pandaria.   After finishing a couple of quick scenarios you're sent off to talk to Vol'jin in Sen'jin Village.

I"m not going to bore you with the details other than most of these directed quests are relatively easy.   But after you talk to Vol'jin the first time if you look a little bit to your left you will see my favorite word.   Quartermaster.   Quartermasters always have interesting things that might bring more profits to my pocket.  And this one is no different.

So as I was thumbing through the different items most of them were personal bind on pickup gear that probably wouldn't be able to be resold.  But then I stumbled upon an interesting little item.

Gahz'rooki's Summoning Stone

Okay.  So this suspiciously looks like a new pet.   New Pet generally gives good profits.  Especially for players who don't participate in storylines.   It requires one Radical Mojo which can either be obtained from the weekly quest provided after finishing the directed plotline.

But look at the logic here.   This is going to be one of those areas that will end up disappearing sometime in the future.  At some point the Darkspear rebellion will no longer be in rebellion (at least we hope so) and that means no more quartermaster.  Oooo I am starting to like the sound of this one.   Disappearing quartermaster,  possibility of a rare pet that won't be obtainable anymore (anyone hugging their Spirit of Competition yet?

So what to do,  what to do.   A quick jaunt over to Theunderminejournal gives me the average mean of 700-1500g per pet.  Not a bad profit for about an hour and a half of work.  But I look at what the future might bring.   How difficult would it be to start to finish a dual profit campaign.   700g is nice but I like to be a gambling person.  And at some point there will be a new influx of players who want this pet.  

So I started working the auction house to see just how much on my home servers they were going for.   Not surprisingly they were hitting the average cost of around 900g.   I can invest a few thousand gold to flip the market and end up with my favorite Zero Balance Investment strategy.

This was my thought process from just a simple idea of what the future might bring in a pet.   The other items are very similar (if you notice,  the items from the Darkspear Rebellion Quartermaster are BOE,  it's the mojo that is BOP) you can drop some of these on the Auction House for the extra lazy players as well.  

Profiting from a simple plot driven storyline,  and learning how to take advantage of new areas becomes second nature once you have done it once or twice.   Just keep an eye on your server and see if the economy can support it.   And as always your milage may vary so don't go too deep in the hole just to end up on the other end of a bad deal.  Sometimes just taking the gold and run is as good of a strategy as any.

Good Luck and Good Hunting

My Favorite Addon
I Need More Fun Sales
Toxic Sales
Engineering Love With 5.4
Why Warcraft Needs Microtransactions
The New Face of Opportunity
Bring Out Your Pets
Bring On The Next Wow Killer
The Value of Material Assets
PVP Sales Are Not Kind To Me
Finding A New Rhythm
Breaking The Million Gold Barrier
Bye Bye... I Will Take Your Gold Now

My Favorite Addon

Mommar here.

Over the amount of time during my Warcraft 'career' I've added and deleted a cubic ethereal ton of add-ons. Some performed one specific duty such as keeping track of how many attempts I ran Sekketh Halls to obtain my Raven mount.  Others performed much more complex tasks such as Trade Skill Master.   Each become very important in the overall setup of performing tasks towards gold making.

But one add-on is the most powerful add-on I have.  Without it I would be crippled in my exploring of gold making tasks.  It's taken years and year for me to develop and is so important that I would guard it with my Warcraft life.

It's my Notebook that sits next to my computer (yeah,  I know.  Cheesy).

There are all sorts of note taking tools that can be used as add-ons.    And with more and more powerful computers, it's just as easy to swap between windows to bring up Springpad or notepad or lily pad or whatever you choose to keep notes.  When I first started playing WOW, my computer just barely crawled over the minimum requirements for the game.   My video settings were at the lowest they could be and I was tanking with a 6fps.  You can imagine how my monitor whined at the end of any boss battle that covered the entire screen with flashing lights.   Ultimately I upgraded my computer to a much better setup but I still remained conservative in how I did my note taking.

I used to note everything that I did or bought in Warcraft.   Looked for trends and researched offline and even noted players that I grouped with that didn't fit my view of how to play.   Keeping records for my guild was an extension of this record keeping.   Now that I do not run as much with my guild I do not keep as detailed records as I did from the start.

But what I do still have is copious notes on financial trends and expectations in the market.  It's how my brain organizes information.   Your brain may do something different and that it becomes easier to use much more computer based ways to keep your notes.  The important part of this is that you are looking for trends and keeping track of your decision making.   Some trends repeat itself every season.   Others are one time deals that are here and gone.  

“Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it”

This ideal doesn't just apply in real life but also in your Warcraft life.   Your mistakes should not be repeated while your successes should build you to the next step.   The notetaking will allow you to know which is which.   

So buy yourself a notebook and a good pen and keep your own personal gold making journal.  You might be surprised just how much you can learn when you put pen to paper.   

Good Luck and Good Hunting

I Need More Fun Sales

Mommar here.

Everyone has their strange quirks when it comes to life.    Some like pizza with no sauce,  others like pancakes with peanut butter (I've dated girls who did this).   Others do not like animated movies (blasphemy) etc.   Individuality makes us special and not the carbon copy of others.

In the world of sales it is no different.   Each person has likes and dislikes.  Having played for over 6 years in the land of Azeroth I have run into many different characters.  One of my closest friends likes to collect hats. Especially pirate hats.  There are few in the game including one that requires exalted reputation with the Bloodsail Buccaneers.   Their goal is to have every hat in the game.

To me these are items that I'm not going to make a lot of profit off monetarily.  But I will profit my fellow player in knowing that they have something they can enjoy.   I've found many hats on my travels and have sent many of them to my friend.   Others have requested rocks and gray item level gear.  Things that normally would be vendored for a few gold that make other players happy.

Once you reach a certain level in your sales,  you have much more freedom to be a little bit more quirky.  Because not every connection you make with someone will be based on how much you can get gold from them.   Interestingly enough where I did not intend to make a lot of gold with this person,  they connected me with five other people who were looking for items and willing to pay lots of gold for them.   That indirect gold from my 'fun sale' added more to my coffers than if I would have just fleeced my friend who their last dime.

Fun sales might look like they are not worth the time or effort.  But you never know just who is sitting on the other side and who they know who might flood you with gold,  and gratitude.

Good Luck and Good Hunting

Toxic Sales
Engineering Love With 5.4
Why Warcraft Needs Microtransactions
The New Face of Opportunity
Bring Out Your Pets
Bring On The Next Wow Killer
The Value of Material Assets
PVP Sales Are Not Kind To Me
Finding A New Rhythm
Breaking The Million Gold Barrier
Bye Bye... I Will Take Your Gold Now

Toxic Sales

Mommar here.

I've always been a proponent of being honorable in your sales.   Now before everyone gets the pitchforks and torches hear me out.

There is nothing wrong with taking advantage of a supply and demand market.   Raising prices and even obtaining a corner on a market for a short period of time.   When I speak of toxic sales I am talking about encouraging bad behavior.  Gearing up players that are cheating or even causing damage to your guild or group.

A previous guild had a new member that seemed to be wanting to pick up new tanking gear.  This was during burning crusade and they were a Druid so they needed a new set of tanking gear.  This required heavy amounts of Thick Clefthoof Leather from the Negrand area.   I spent a lot of time farming (yes,  I said farming) to provide for my guild.   Then I started to recognize that this player wasn't showing up to guild runs but appearing to be 'busy',  all the while a couple of days later tanking for a new group.

Players in my guild started to put our heads together because this player was asking,  begging and pleading for free items all the time.  To the point that it was becoming obvious they were stockpiling for something bigger.  Ultimately I started to sell this leather for higher and higher prices (I was still doing a decent job of controlling the market on the Auction House so the player in question couldn't just run to the AH and undercut me).   Finally they crafted their set and then decided that they needed to leave for another guild.

This move really didn't surprise me.  They were a good player,  but obviously with a toxic attitude of grab everything you can from where you are at and then ditch the 'cooler' side of the pillow.   This isn't this only time that I've witnessed this type of behavior.  Players grabbing items from the guild bank and then reselling them to 'recoup' the cost of leveling a profession.   This caused one player to be escorted out of the pseudo gilded walls and shown the door.

The idea is that there is a fine line between taking advantage of a situation and becoming a problem in general.  Not every sale has to be made and not every advantage should be taken.   Keeping an eye on how it will effect,  being generous when it's time to be generous and holding onto your reputation as being a good fair trader is much more important than grabbing all the gold you can.

There are plenty of opportunities to make gold in this game.   Keeping your head above the muck will reward you down the road.

Good Luck and Good Hunting

Engineering Love With 5.4
Why Warcraft Needs Microtransactions
The New Face of Opportunity
Bring Out Your Pets
Bring On The Next Wow Killer
The Value of Material Assets
PVP Sales Are Not Kind To Me
Finding A New Ryhthm
Breaking The Million Gold Barrier
Bye Bye... I Will Take Your Gold Now
Post Patch 5.3:   The Lineup
Patch 5.3:   It's here... well tomorrow
Patch 5.3:  Preparing for the Arrival
Patch 5.3:   Grasspicking World Order
Patch 5.3: Bring Out Your Miners
Enchanting add-on for quick flips
Prepping for 5.3:   Profit lines

Engineering Love With 5.4

I love my engineers.   They don't make much money but they are very enjoyable to play for me.   With Engineering it's an expectation that they will be the redheaded step children by making gold.   Their gold making abilities have advanced with the last two expansions but still they have a long way to go before challenging the heavy money hitters.

I was reading the PTR notes,  especially the changes that occur in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.   With many of the quest hubs changing or being eliminated and the Sha blight covering the area's reputation and rewards become more interesting.   But a little tidbit caught my eye:

A couple of these items were promised in previous patches to be removed due to programming issues.  But to add 5 items for sale for engineers will give a quick boost to profitability.  The pets and mounts especially.   So looking at the items that are required to produce these you can put together that having a large quantity of  reserves can put you in the driver seat.

(all of these recipes might change,  but you can get a good idea of just what will be required from even the PTR recipes).

Sky Claw
Requires 30 Jard's Peculiar Energy and 30 Living Steel

Advanced Refrigerator Unit
Requires 5  Jard's Peculiar Energy and 5 Living Steel

15 Jard's Peculiar Energy and 15 Living Steel

15 Jard's Peculiar Energy and 15 Living Steel

Jard's Peculiar Energy Source Is the main component of each of these recipes and depending on whether it is BOE or BOP will determine it's viability to sell by itself.

The common link of all of these materials is the use of Ghost Iron Bars for production.   Living Steel is transmuted by alchemist so it will again be in high demand.   The Living Steel market has been depressed as of late so now is a good time to grab some quick low priced purchases.

As more from the 5.4 PTR is identified finding the niches ahead of time and preparing your farmers and purchases can get you that ride fast and have you ready to ride the gold lightning.

Good Luck and Good Hunting

Why Warcraft Needs Microtransactions
The New Face of Opportunity
Bring Out Your Pets
Bring On The Next Wow Killer
The Value of Material Assets
PVP Sales Are Not Kind To Me
Finding A New Ryhthm
Breaking The Million Gold Barrier
Bye Bye... I Will Take Your Gold Now
Post Patch 5.3:   The Lineup
Patch 5.3:   It's here... well tomorrow
Patch 5.3:  Preparing for the Arrival
Patch 5.3:   Grasspicking World Order
Patch 5.3: Bring Out Your Miners
Enchanting add-on for quick flips
Prepping for 5.3:   Profit lines
Realities Of Making Gold

Why Warcraft Needs Microtransactions

Microtransactions if you're not familiar with them are items (skills,  buffs,  gear,  toys, etc.) that can be purchased inside a game.  Most give an advantage of some type over players that only use the 'free' items.

World of Warcraft has a subscription based system with a modified microtransaction system.   You can purchase pets to play with inside the game but actual gear that can help you become better,  stronger and faster is not directly available.  (Before you say it,   yes I know there are mounts and other items that can be purchased that technically can enhance your gameplay).

I have been a member of Facebook for about 5 years now.  And up to now I've never spent a penny on games such as Farmville,  Cookville,  Monkeyville and others.   It boggled my mind just why someone would pay good hard earned money for a completely fake item.   Even in Warcraft you could find ways of spending hard earned greenbacks to obtain gold.   (Hopefully if you have read any of these entries that are on this site then you never ever have to buy from a gold vendor again).

But recently I've had a slight change of perspective.   The one thing that has made me hesitant to spend my hard earned Georges (I have other names for them) is that I spend 15 dollars a month just to get access to a game.  The idea of opening up a game to let the rich become more powerful and the less fortunate end up having to work twice to three times as hard to get there.

My suggestion that if a micro transaction system is created and the free to play system implemented by Blizzard is that there be a cap on the amount of real money able to be spent.   I expect that soon (perhaps next year) that there will be a rise in the subscription cost to play World of Warcraft.  If a hard cap of 20 dollars real money is placed on what can be purchased for any account it keeps the playing field even,  but still allows players a lot more diversity on what they purchase.  

Warcraft has a large fan base that stays loyal to the brand even through the large amount of 'WOW Killers' that take their shot at the King.  So a conversion to a micro transaction system can generate the same revenue and still allow players to continue to play in Azeroth.

Good Luck and Good Hunting

The New Face of Opportunity
Bring Out Your Pets
Bring On The Next Wow Killer
The Value of Material Assets
PVP Sales Are Not Kind To Me
Finding A New Ryhthm
Breaking The Million Gold Barrier
Bye Bye... I Will Take Your Gold Now
Post Patch 5.3:   The Lineup
Patch 5.3:   It's here... well tomorrow
Patch 5.3:  Preparing for the Arrival
Patch 5.3:   Grasspicking World Order
Patch 5.3: Bring Out Your Miners
Enchanting add-on for quick flips
Prepping for 5.3:   Profit lines
Realities Of Making Gold

The New Face of Opportunity

Mommar here.

Patch 5.3 is just a few weeks old and patch 5.4 information has already been leaked out.

One of the exciting additions will be the idea of Virtual Realms.  

  • Virtual Realms are sets of realms that are fused together, and will behave exactly as if they were one cohesive realm. Players on the same Virtual Realm will be able to join guilds, access a single Auction House, join arena teams and raids, as well run dungeons or group up to complete quests.

This will open up a floodgate of cross realm sales.   Combining weak economies and material heavy servers to compete with high inflation servers.   Think the auction house in Tanaris on steroids.   There isn't a ton of information on how the combinations will be rolled out,  but planning ahead now can add a lot to the plate once more specifics are provided.

One of the benefits of reading patch notes and even datamined items is that you pick up on major changes like this quicker than others.   And knowledge is power in the gold goblin field.   This gives players 2-4 months to start looking at their strategy on how to take advantage of this change.   This is assuming that this new idea doesn't go the way of the dance studio (I so wanted to watch my Tauren rock it out like an undead).

The other thing to keep in mind with this change is that the playing field will be leveled when it comes to making gold even more.  Many players gripe because opportunities don't smack them in the head saying here I am.   They will meander around not expanding their horizons on how making gold.  A gold goblin lives on the ragged edge of disaster with taking chances on what they craft and sell.  Through my 'career' of making gold I have won and lost when it comes to make a fortune.   Some of my major buys have ended up being duds in sales.  Other times they excelled farther than I expected.   The key to the success is the plan and to be ready to take chances.  You can grind out a fortune from playing it safe.  But you can play the game,  take chances and have multiple fortunes at your fingertips.

As this new technology unfolds your strategy can come to life and be prepared for the next round of the gold goblin gold Olympics.  Where every medal should be gold.

Good Luck and Good Hunting

Bring Out Your Pets

Mommar here.

I will admit that when Blizzard announced the inclusion of battle pets in the World of Warcraft universe I was at the minimum skeptical.   Warcraft is a beautiful if a simplistic game of its own.  It's as complicated as you want it to be and is playable at many levels.  But who really wanted to add Pokemon type action to the mix.   It would get a lot of 12 yr old kids wanting to play,  muddying up a lot of the ambiance that is found in the game.

Even with my questions on just how popular or annoying this addition would be,  an opportunity arose of buying and selling pets.   Even with the announcement that captured 'wild pets' wouldn't be tradeable I still had hopes of a very nice lucrative business opportunity.

Now that patch 5.3 is on us,  and many players are looking for other things to do.  Much of the rumbling on the boards are flipping maximum level pets for profit.  The same as when your buying weapons and armor at low cost to sell at a much higher profit.   It's a proven tactic that works over and over again.

But a major difference between armor purchases and the pets you can purchase is that you can level those pets to be worth more.   Even leveling a pet 5 levels from its original level.  Take for instance a pet you purchase at level 5.  Do a quick search on your auction house and they may flip between 5g to 25g.  Taking that pet and as your leveling a lower toon,  doing a few pet battles you have a pet at level 10 rather quickly.    Announcing the pet (especially if it's a popular pet in demand) in trade chat,   the buyers will be running for your wares.   Remember you can have 3 of the same pet in your book so instead of just selling one at a time,  have three to sell.

This becomes much more profitable when you buy a level 20 pet and sell it at level 25.  Level 25 pets are in seriously high demand as more and more players become uninspired with the day to day grind.   Investing a 1000g for the level 20 pet and selling for 25,000g or more at level 25.   There is a larger gap of time needed to level that pet to 25 but the profits are much higher.

Two places to look for information on speeding up this new profit machine.

The gang at give you the top 25 pets in demand across a lot of servers.

Warcraft Top 25 Pet

The gang at Wowinsider gives a pretty good guide on how to level your battle pets faster than just meandering along hoping to get a good fight.

Wow Insider Fast Pet Leveling

Now remember your milage may vary when it comes to the profitability and demand for certain pets.  If you see 20 of the same tradeable pet in the auction house at level 25,  your profit margin will be lowered.   Same with the low end of the tradable pet market.   Demand can drive prices down in a heartbeat.

Still this is a good time to open up a new branch of your goblin gold making machine and try something new.

Good luck and Good Hunting

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