Brilliant, Brilliant and Brilliant. When Blizzard developers announced that starting with MOP all races could be played independent on what expansion you owned, my gold goblin mind went a flying.
Why you might ask? Because i looked specifically at the Goblin and his racial ability Best Deals Anywhere. Now separate the idea that you can play a Panda without having to fork over another 39.95. That one ability can become very useful as time goes.
Best Deals Anywhere was heavily nerfed at patch 4.1 (goodbye ultra cheap Mechano-Hog parts) you will be missed. But Reputation rewards based vendors still gave a good discount on items. This might not seem a lot when your dealing with some investments. But that extra 10-20g you can save on older mounts and pets can start to add up.
Not just the gold aspect. but when Death Knights and Blood Elves were introduced (Draenei as well) there was an outcry because players didn't want to fork over real life cash to just test out a type of player. Now you can test out your Panda, see if you like it and then give over your cash. Or take the dive like many will and purchase your Mists of Pandaria from the start.
I'm looking for more aspects to be introduced in the upcoming month (yes, it's only a month and change away from coming out) to spice up the excitement in the new expansion. There has been a definite lull in excitement with the gaming world, mostly out of the belief that pandas will "ruin the realism" of the game. Not sure how that will work since it's a completely make belief world of orc and goblins and goat people.
Leave a comment, will this announcement make you roll a new toon before buying Mists of Pandaria?
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" or leave a comment here. You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Previous Entries
MOP Prep: Prepping the Farmer
MOP Prep: Get to the Points
MOP Prep: Zero Balance Investment
The Secret For Investing for MOP
I know what the Rock is cooking (in PVP Gear)
How Much Effect Do Bloggers Have?
The Death and Life of Truegold
Time vs Gold Investment
Return to your Essence
Harmony - We Don't Need Harmony
Jewelcrafting dailies or something
Its All Attitude
Good Luck,
Player versus player
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