Every so often I get a message while playing Warcraft telling me how much someone made from a sale. I've always thought it's important to encourage players to learn from experience and not just read words that are typed on a page.
But occasionally I will cringe when told what someone made from a sale. It becomes difficult to not mentally calculate how much an item is worth, and where it could have been sold for more.
Egotism tends to build in a gold goblin the more knowledge they have. Mental muscles get built with each learned ability, and the mental change in how to view gold making. It becomes more and more difficult to not kick sand in some peoples faces flexing those muscles and showing your expertise.
One thing to always remember is that one bad choice, one time you loan your account out to another person to "just look at something". One time you log into another computer without protection, and you are back to getting sand kicked in your face. Your inability to drop 10,000g on an investment becomes scrambling to find 100g to invest in some ore.
This is why learning not just the big investment flips, but also the basics can make things that much better in the long run. There have been many challenges from bloggers saying lets start a level 1 toon and see how much gold can be made in 30 days. I have gold guru friends that gave away a majority of their gold to start all over with just the professions and their wits. They loved the experience and enjoyed having gold that much more.
So the next time you cringe over someone elses success. Keep it to yourself, pat them on the back and let them enjoy their victory. They deserve it just as much as you do.
Good luck and Good Hunting.
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