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Mommar here:
There are sometimes that when you get started with being a Gold Goblin you need to build your base first. The easiest things to forget are the basics, walking over dollars trying to find another dime.
In this case we're going to look at calculation of profit when it is in regards to your per hour investment.
Most players when they are leveling can do between 12-15 quests and hour. With the avg income being around the 200g mark. We're going to use this as a baseline.
Regular Questing = 200 gph (gold per hour)
Now, if your up to your dailies, finishing 15 dailies in an hour is not unheard of. So the avg of those being in the 15g range (remember this is avg, so depending on which ones you are doing your milage may vary.)
Now with both of these you need to include vendored items, and green/blue items that will drop for either resell or disenchanting. lets place this in an avg of another 50g per hour
So along with your dailies of 200gph or your regular questing take in of 225g, add another 50g to give you a grand total of 250g (275g) per hour.
When it comes to crafting, our calculations become a little bit more difficult.
Calculation of GPH will depend specifically sales. So you won't know your GPH til after everything has sold for that cycle. Lets assume that you spend half an hour per profession to gather materials, craft and list on the AH. So any sales that occur after the sales cycle (always use the 12 hour cycle for sales)
Your calculation ends up being [(Total Sales} - (Cost of material) ] x 2 = GPH
(you multiply the entire formula x2 because your using a half hour base for your crafting time)
Sword of Ubersmacking sells for 9,850 (this is minus the Auction House cost). Your cost to craft was 4500 gold in materials purchased.
With this first formula we get
[(9850) - (4000)] x 2 = 11700 GPH.
This formula works for many items that don't require BOP items (Spirits of Harmony is a good Example)
it also sets your baseline for how much your gold and time your investing and how to use your time wisely.
But there is a hole in this formula when you get into more advanced items. There is no calculation for the cost to gather the Spirits of Harmony. It may take an hour if your planting Songbell Seed on your farms in Half Hill. Also there are farming lanes in many of the zones that can produce a total of 1-3 per hour. To fully calculate your GPH you have to add the time it took to produce these Spirits of Harmony. As of Patch 5.1 these cannot be purchased via gold. The only way to obtain is to farm them or gather them as your leveling.
If you look at your dailies in another way, being able to gather Mote Of Harmony add value to your GPH when it comes to questing/dailies. The higher the areas that you are working on dailies, the higher percentage of possibility of having Mote Of Harmony to drop. Either way whether you choose to farm directly or to work on dailies as your gathering Mote Of Harmony this has an effect on both your GPH through questing and your GPH for production.
I know what your thinking, Mo, that's a lot of math there. What is it really telling us? As I've said before, your time is valuable when it comes to logging onto Warcraft. And knowing just where your time is being spent in regards to how much gold your making is just as important as going to the mailbox and gathering the coin. This has a large effect on players with limited time to play. Where 30 minutes to some players just the tip of the iceberg for playtime. Some players only have an hour to get everything done they want too, including making gold for the future usage.
In no way do I expect people to keep retentive listings of just how long they spend farming, and how long they spend crafting. But getting a general look of exactly how you are investing your time can give you hints on maybe switching to another area to obtain a higher GPH. A higher GPH can place you faster onto the track of getting your goals done.
Just keep in mind one idea. Do not let formulas completely dictate how you play the auction house game. Being a Gold Goblin isn't just about plugging in numbers, it's about knowing your business and knowing what others want. That takes experience and thinking outside the box. A formula is a tool, and a tool is no better than the person using it.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Previous Entries
Prepping For Darkmoon Faire
Limited Item Is My Favorite Word
Patch Me Now
Old World Farming
Shake Off The Bad Days
Secret Of My Success.html
Know Their Roles
Flipping Off The Competition
Kyparite: The New Pyrite
Pilgrim's Bounty For The Educated
Is Your Cartel Happy?
Brawlers Guild: Your Killing Us Here
Change of Scenery
Mists of Pandaria in 5 words
Gold Goblin,
Gold Per Hour,
Mote of harmony,
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
10:16 AM
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Mommar here.
When World of Warcraft was first introduced, it took an extraordinary player to excel at gold making. There were a few millionaires but for the most of the population there was a struggle to make gold.
In todays Warcraft a player is tripping over gold. Blizzard developers have made it so that opportunities abound in making gold. The question is not a matter of whether a player can make gold, but can a player
get back to making exceptional amounts of gold.
Looking around the blogosphere there are many journals that come and go. Some will start out with the same precepts to making gold. Craft this, farm this, go here, sell this. All are viable methods and 85% of the known Warcraft universe who read these run out and will perform them. The more that players perform the same action, the more watered down in opportunity those gold methods become.
Spartans were trained in close order combat. A solo soldier could defend himself and defeat most attackers/defenders in a one on one contest. But against an army they would soon fall. But as a unit, the Spartan formation could defeat just about any army. Even today many of the formations that were used for protection by the Spartan armies are used by modern day armies.
So what made the Spartans that much better than all other armies? It was training and discipline and technique they had developed on their own. As Warcraft gold goblins we have done the same thing. Instead of just settling for the 85%, we look at the 15% that is left over that can push our gold making above all others.
This isn't always easy. Gold making is more of an art form than just a repetition. There is a baseline of activities that will make players gold. Performing dailies, crafting regular gear and even the occasional speciality gear that is requested. But looking at the extra 15% of possibilities that exist for gold making will make a gold goblin that much higher on the food chain. Closer to their goals and able to shield themselves and the other members of their Gold making cartel.
So time to lace up your boots for the weekend, get your sword sharpened and your wits ready to pounce on good opportunities in the upcoming week. This may not be Sparta, but we are gold warriors by nature.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Previous Entries
Prepping For Darkmoon Faire
Limited Item Is My Favorite Word
Patch Me Now
Old World Farming
Shake Off The Bad Days
Secret Of My Success.html
Know Their Roles
Flipping Off The Competition
Kyparite: The New Pyrite
Pilgrim's Bounty For The Educated
Is Your Cartel Happy?
Brawlers Guild: Your Killing Us Here
Change of Scenery
Mists of Pandaria in 5 words
Gold Goblin,
Gold Warrior,
Old ways,
old world,
Shandris Server,
world of warcraft
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
8:00 AM
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The Darkmoon Faire is less than a week away. Not much has changed since the introduction of Darkmoon Island.
With patch 5.1 there is an introduction to a few new pets, a new battle trainer daily. But most important this is going to be the first Darkmoon Faire that the corresponding cards will be upgradeable.
Every Darkmoon Faire since the introduction of the expansion has ended up with many of the materials used to craft the Darkmoon Faire decjs become highly in demand. Herbs used to create become super scarce during this time. From the Pandarian herbs used to mill out Starlight Inks to the cards themselves.
This next week leading up to December 2nd your prime goal should be to both gather and purchase herbs for resell. For Scribes, continuing to do your daily Scroll of Wisdom creation will become paramount for your gold goals.
Keep in mind that upgraded cards will become BOP and non-tradable so unless you want to use it for personal use, don't be tempted to give buyers and extra jump on an upgrade.
I'm continually asked what addon I use for most of my auctioning. One of the addons I use continually is the Trade Skill Master addon. One of the large benefits of this addon is both the shopping addon and the destroyer addon. I use the shopping addon to get a good idea of just how much it would cost me for every ink i will use in a project. It will give me an average price based on the cost of a stack of the item I'm purchasing.
The destroyer module makes milling/disenchanting/prospecting a one button operation. This saves me time (and we know time is money) in production of materials for crafting.
A fair warning, the entire module is very intricate and there is a high learning curve. Reading the website, the tutorials, practicing and then reading everything again will keep you from listing items for 5 cents accidental.
In the next 4 days being prepped to sell the products used to create cards will net you a good chunk of change towards your gold goblin goal.
So be ready and prepared and let the crafting begin.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Previous Entries
Limited Item Is My Favorite Word
Patch Me Now
Old World Farming
Shake Off The Bad Days
Secret Of My Success.html
Know Their Roles
Flipping Off The Competition
Kyparite: The New Pyrite
Pilgrim's Bounty For The Educated
Is Your Cartel Happy?
Brawlers Guild: Your Killing Us Here
Change of Scenery
Mists of Pandaria in 5 words
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
7:00 AM
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If you survived Black Friday and Cyber Monday with your real life wallet intact, the words "limited deal" are probably burnt into your retina.
It is really not that different when it comes to working with the auction house and items that are introduced. The more rare the item availability ther eis, the more chances someone will want to buy it from you with obscene amounts of gold.
The key is to figure out exactly where these items come from. Whether its from a brand new dungeon or the Trading Card Game. Players are always looking for new shining armor or weapons to impress the other orcs and humans.
Now before someone grabs the pitchforks and torches and explains to me that this is simple logic. Making gold in Warcraft is all about simple logic. You obtain something that someone wants. A vendor wants your grey items for a set price. A player wants to purchase your items from the Auction House at as low of a cost as they can. Crafters want to purchase your items for their manufacturing at prices that will allow them to make more gold.
All of these are driven by consumers, and that simple piece of knowledge makes the auction house less of a guessing game and more of a math problem. Your 'limited' edition items should be in demand. The knowledge base you have from expertise and reading/research is what allows you to know when that demand is strongest.
The other important part is to make sure that you know your market and your consumers. A person who is looking for a light switch in the dark has a better chance of obtaining the light they need by knowing the floor plan. Knowing the plan of server usage and customer traffic will give you the floorplan for your business to succeed.
So in the next week, look at when players log on to do their dailies. See the patterns that are on the auction house and get a good idea of just when your items should be posted to be at their maximum potention. Remember, making gold might seem like rocket science. But it is more of a math trouble. 2 + 2 always equals 4.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Previous Entries
Patch Me Now
Old World Farming
Shake Off The Bad Days
Secret Of My Success.html
Know Their Roles
Flipping Off The Competition
Kyparite: The New Pyrite
Pilgrim's Bounty For The Educated
Is Your Cartel Happy?
Brawlers Guild: Your Killing Us Here
Change of Scenery
Mists of Pandaria in 5 words
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
5:00 PM
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Mommar Here.
On tuesday there is a high probability (not a guarantee) that patch 5.1 will go live on the servers. With this patch there is some new content added (including the before mentioned Brawlers Guild and a new group of quests to create a landing site for the horde in Krasarang Wilds. If you want a preview of the daily quests and rewards that will become live with the new patch, wowinsider has a very nice preview and listing for everything having to do with the new offensive here.
With every patch there generally is a quick change to the market. New items that drop from new raids and content will need to get enchants and enhancements. Players will want to add or subtract gems to their gear to obtain the best chances for survival.
For Gold Goblins this is also the last pre-patch time to prepare for the patch by buying materials to sell when the servers restart. This patch does not have any big market items that are obvious to hold and sell for large profits. Your base materials for all of the different crafters will be in demand at the start. So make sure to take a few extra minutes before you go to bed tuesday to see if there are any quick deals in enchanting materials or raw Blacksmithing/Leatherworking materials.
But also remember that for now there is no complete guarantee the patch will go live tuesday morning. Until the servers come back up for play or the powers that be acknowledge that it is patch day Gold Goblins should keep their business at an even keel.
Also don't forget that with any patch to keep your auction house based addons updated. Before logging on checking with Curse.com or Wowinterface.com can save you a lot of heartache at the start.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Previous Entries
Old World Farming
Shake Off The Bad Days
Secret Of My Success.html
Know Their Roles
Flipping Off The Competition
Kyparite: The New Pyrite
Pilgrim's Bounty For The Educated
Is Your Cartel Happy?
Brawlers Guild: Your Killing Us Here
Change of Scenery
Mists of Pandaria in 5 words
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
8:00 AM
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Mommar here.
Patch 5.1 is on the horizon, and it brings a new wrinkle to the pet battle game.
With the new patch there are stones that will be dropping from wild pets and pet tamers that will allow you to upgrade pets. Many of the are BoP so won't be able to be resold (though the upgraded pets will be able to be upgraded).
The stone that should be looked at for investment purposes is the Flawless Battle Stones. These are the only stones that are being added into the game that are BOE. Their investment potential is going to be based on three different criteria.
1. Strength of Pet Battles on the Server.
Just like investing in PVP or PVE items for resell. A server has to have a strong pet battle scene to be healthy. The best way to look at this is at http://www.wowprogress.com and see where your server ranks. If your server is weak on pet battles, then the sales opportunities for Flawless Battle Stones will be low.
2. Cost and rarity of stones
Even in a healthy pet battle scene on a server, some players are stingy on reselling items. This will be the first item other than caged pets that will be available for sales on the open market. Players might want to hold onto them and see just where the market lies. Or instead of sales, use the stones to strengthen their own pet army.
3. Auction house issues.
Many of the auction addons had difficulty handling caged pets. This had to do mostly with the way that Blizzard tagged the cages to be different that the uncaged pets for sale. It is possible that with this stone there may be issues of listing or buying them. So be prepared to update your addons as quick as possible or even look to buy and sell these and other items sans addons.
This will be a good opportunity to get a piece of the pet battle pie. Upgrading gear has always been a part of Warcraft, and upgrading your sales will put more gold in your goblin pocket.
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Patch Me Now
Old World Farming
Shake Off The Bad Days
Secret Of My Success.html
Know Their Roles
Flipping Off The Competition
Kyparite: The New Pyrite
Pilgrim's Bounty For The Educated
Is Your Cartel Happy?
Brawlers Guild: Your Killing Us Here
Change of Scenery
Mists of Pandaria in 5 words
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
7:00 AM
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Mommar here.
One of the most important parts of having a well oiled crafting machine is materials. Many times it is easier to buy materials from the Auction House and craft items for a profit.
But as expansions start to grow older, materials from those expansions become more and more rare. After the surpluses of materials such as Netherweave cloth and illusion dust have been burnt through by crafters, these items start to get a little bit more expensive.
As a gold goblin, the words expensive can generally be turned into our favor. Soloing dungeons in Burning Crusade or in Wrath of the Lich King areas are continuing to be profitable. 3-4 drops of green items for the non enchanter and cloth drops can add a hefty sum of profit. Having a tailor available to make bags brings the profit margin even higher.
Most level 85+ toons can blow through Burning Crusade and Lich King dungeons without the need to slow down. Classes with AOE attacks can make short work of these dungeons. With the simplicity of group looting available looking large amounts of mobs takes a few seconds, where before it took minutes to look for the sparkles on dead bodies.
So in your weekly search for materials, plan a few old school runs for materials and get a jump start on your crafting profits. And while your at it, enjoy a few gloats of dominance over the bosses that gave you the biggest headaches.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Previous Entries
Shake Off The Bad Days
Secret Of My Success.html
Know Their Roles
Flipping Off The Competition
Kyparite: The New Pyrite
Pilgrim's Bounty For The Educated
Is Your Cartel Happy?
Brawlers Guild: Your Killing Us Here
Change of Scenery
Mists of Pandaria in 5 words
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
12:24 PM
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Mommar here
One of the realities of selling items on World of Warcraft is that you will have bad days. There will be days that your gold flow will be closer to a trickle. These are the days that you could try to sell your soul and someone would ask for a refund.
Bad selling days should never get you frustrated. What they should do is encourage you to figure out why they occur. Is it due to holidays when no one is playing online? A new game drew all the attention? Perhaps even the idea that there is a nice juicy expensive item on the Black Market Auction House that has every ones attention.
The key to any business equation is to figure out where and when your sales occur. Every bit of knowledge can lead to this, and keep you from spending your time hunting for sales that won't occur at that time.
Certain questions you can ask yourself to figure out the schedule your server keeps, and prepare you for the sales rush that occurs.
When is 'raiding time' for your major server guilds?
What time do people log in to look for items?
When do players 'go to bed' and leave the server barren?
There are plenty of other questions that can be asked to gauge the server sales flows and patterns. Riding those patterns can increase your sales and keep the bad days at bay.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Previous Entries
Secret Of My Success.html
Know Their Roles
Flipping Off The Competition
Kyparite: The New Pyrite
Pilgrim's Bounty For The Educated
Is Your Cartel Happy?
Brawlers Guild: Your Killing Us Here
Change of Scenery
Mists of Pandaria in 5 words
Good Luck,
Massive Multiplayer Online,
world of warcraft
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
12:18 PM
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Mommar Here.
After my Tryptophan induced coma of yesterday, it is nice to be back on track when it comes to gold making and the daily search for Gold Goblin Supremacy.
One of the things I have always tried to offer is the idea of information. And one of the best options there is about having information is spreadsheets. Whether it's keeping spreadsheets of everyone that you have grouped with (I used to do this in a previous incarnation of my studies) to working with dps spreadsheets to obtain the highest quality gear.
In this case the genius named Xsinthis over at the Golden Crusade has offered an excellent tool for information. Every expansion has offered a version of the Ore Shuffle. Wrath of the Lich King was the first where it was almost sinful in making gold using a basic shuffle. With cataclysm, the shuffle became a little bit more involved with deciding whether to craft jewelry for DEing or for sales.
Any player that has started working with Jewelcrafting in Mists of Pandaria know that it has become much more difficult to make gold with any profession. So any tool that gives you the opportunity to improve your decision making is a good thing.
Now with great tools comes great responsibility. The spreadsheet and setting it up correctly will take a little bit of a learning curve. You'll need an account with theunderminejournal.com. After that follow the instructions.
The other caution I will offer is to not let this interfere with your instincts. A tool is only as good at its owner. As you spend more and more time working the Auction House your instincts may not completely agree with what a spreadsheet will tell you. Keep this in mind for your sales progression continues.
Head over to http://xsinthis.net/the-golden-crusade-shuffler/ and add this tool to your arsenal of weapons to make more gold.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Previous Entries
Know Their Roles
Flipping Off The Competition
Kyparite: The New Pyrite
Pilgrim's Bounty For The Educated
Is Your Cartel Happy?
Brawlers Guild: Your Killing Us Here
Change of Scenery
Mists of Pandaria in 5 words
Mists of Pandaria,
world of warcraft
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
2:03 PM
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There is one constant when your dealing with World of Warcraft. Every interaction you have with someone is a possible chance to sell. Whether it's a direct sale request from a guild member, or with a complete stranger from Trade Chat. Each time you contact someone, the opportunity to sell or invest is there.
One of these places is Heroic Dungeons. Heroic Dungeons are where players are getting geared up for raiding. When a piece drops that they need and win, that is the best opportunity to find out if they need an enhancement. If it's a healing piece and your a tailor, have a good healing thread ready to sell. Leatherworkers can have armor patches all ready to sell in a moments notice. Jewelcrafters should have their blanks ready to cut and sell to the winner.
This can also be looked at a good opportunity for advertisement. Cutting a deal with a player in a Heroic can advertise your business just as good as barking in trade chat. Many players like to work with one or two players instead of having to run around finding the character enhancements for their toons.
The other point of this is to have knowledge of what is going to be the best for that player. A tailor will fit a piece of wardrobe for a new customer each time. An excellent tailor will know when to crease and fold that same wardrobe to make it stunning. Your knowledge base on what the best DPS item or Healing item can reward you with added gold in the long term.
Every contact is a potential sale. Every piece of knowledge puts you one step closer to your ultimate Gold Goblin Goal.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Previous Entries
Flipping Off The Competition
Kyparite: The New Pyrite
Pilgrim's Bounty For The Educated
Is Your Cartel Happy?
Brawlers Guild: Your Killing Us Here
Change of Scenery
Mists of Pandaria in 5 words
Prepping For The Future
Eyes On The Prize
Pattern Farming With Your Jewelcrafter
Lorewalker This Way
Brawlers Guild Blues
Prioritizing Your Daily Quests
BMAH Strikes Back
Trick or Treat JMTC Style
Steel Negotiations
For Whom Does The Songbell Toll
To Level 90 and Beyond
Tales of a Gold Goblin Bully
Chess Pieces Taking The Field

Previous Entries
Flipping Off The Competition
Kyparite: The New Pyrite
Pilgrim's Bounty For The Educated
Is Your Cartel Happy?
Brawlers Guild: Your Killing Us Here
Change of Scenery
Mists of Pandaria in 5 words
Prepping For The Future
Eyes On The Prize
Pattern Farming With Your Jewelcrafter
Lorewalker This Way
Brawlers Guild Blues
Prioritizing Your Daily Quests
BMAH Strikes Back
Trick or Treat JMTC Style
Steel Negotiations
For Whom Does The Songbell Toll
To Level 90 and Beyond
Tales of a Gold Goblin Bully
Chess Pieces Taking The Field

Posted by
J.E. Douglas
1:15 PM
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Mommar here.
As I'm getting ready for Turkey day this week, it brings to mind a lot of things. Family, friends, people I've known over the years and people that hopefully I will get to know in the future.
This includes people who may have never thought about the opportunities of making gold in World of Warcraft. Many times a week I receive a letter asking me to help them make gold. As always my first question is what are you currently doing now to make gold.
Very rarely do I hear someone start off with saying flipping items from the auction house. Somehow I think this is because the art of flipping for profit has gained this mystique of difficulty. That there is a minimum amount that has to be gained before it's a legitimate money making operation.
Nothing is farther from the truth that the idea that you have to buy a 10,000g item and flip it for 20,000g. Where that is a nice tidy sum and fully possible, many players just getting into making gold don't have that amount to spend. The range of people asking for my advice and help range from having 2,000g all the way up to 10,000g or more. Obviously a 10,000g item would be way beyond their means. But there are plenty of items in the 50-100g range that just cry to be bought and flipped.
Profit is profit no matter how much or how little. Buying 10 items at 100g and flipping them up to 200g nets a nice 1000g profit. Even if you have to list them 4-5 times you still will end up making a profit. Later on as your wealth grows, then you will be able to add larger and larger items.
I've always considered 20% to be a good line for profit margins. But doubling your money even on the small items can add up quickly.
Flipping items is not a mystery, it is a very easy concept to use to add to your money stash. Whether big or small, it all adds up in the end.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Previous Entries
Kyparite New Pyrite
Pilgrim's Bounty For The Educated
Is Your Cartel Happy?
Brawlers Guild: Your Killing Us Here
Change of Scenery
Mists of Pandaria in 5 words
Prepping For The Future
Eyes On The Prize
Pattern Farming With Your Jewelcrafter
Lorewalker This Way
Brawlers Guild Blues
Prioritizing Your Daily Quests
BMAH Strikes Back
Trick or Treat JMTC Style
Steel Negotiations
For Whom Does The Songbell Toll
To Level 90 and Beyond
Tales of a Gold Goblin Bully
Chess Pieces Taking The Field
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
12:33 PM
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Mommar here.
If you were like me during cataclysm you heavily invested in Pyrite Ore. With the tantalizing hints that Epic gems might be prospected from the ore, players went heavily into the red after liquidating their assets.
Kyparite ore is already shaping up to be very similar in investment potential. It's used in purchasing patterns from the Klaxxi quartermaster. It's also used to craft some of the 463 weapons such as the Masterwork Phantasmal Hammer. Engineers can even use this ore to craft a engineering mount (Depleted-Kyparium Rocket). Jewelcrafters even have the option of prospecting these for gems. With a higher percentage of Mid range gems being prospected overall.
So the question for investing is what will become of this ore? The odds are very slim that it will be used for Epic Gems. The Cataclysm expansion version of delivering epic gems encouraged players to run higher level raids instead of just sitting in their home towns and prospecting for profit. Many of the Professions are built to get players out to invest time in leveling. Currently the only two major professions that can be leveled to their maximum without stepping out into Pandaria is Alchemy and Inscription. (technically engineering can be leveled to 600 without any need to enter Pandaria but the materials necessary are so heinous that it isn't a useful part of the conversation for now).
With Ghost Iron ore hovering around the 2.5-3.0g mark on many servers, it starts to look at being an option of investing some gold in Kyparite ore for now. Keeping an eye on deals that might arrive, or taking a larger effort to farm your own could become profitable in the long run.
We do not know what other tricks and treats will be brought on with future expansions, but planning ahead with picking up deals on Kyparite ore can add to your coffers and your profits.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
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Pilgrim's Bounty For The Educated
Is Your Cartel Happy?
Brawlers Guild: Your Killing Us Here
Change of Scenery
Mists of Pandaria in 5 words
Prepping For The Future
Eyes On The Prize
Pattern Farming With Your Jewelcrafter
Lorewalker This Way
Brawlers Guild Blues
Prioritizing Your Daily Quests
BMAH Strikes Back
Trick or Treat JMTC Style
Steel Negotiations
For Whom Does The Songbell Toll
To Level 90 and Beyond
Tales of a Gold Goblin Bully
Chess Pieces Taking The Field
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Pilgrim's Bounty For The Educated
Is Your Cartel Happy?
Brawlers Guild: Your Killing Us Here
Change of Scenery
Mists of Pandaria in 5 words
Prepping For The Future
Eyes On The Prize
Pattern Farming With Your Jewelcrafter
Lorewalker This Way
Brawlers Guild Blues
Prioritizing Your Daily Quests
BMAH Strikes Back
Trick or Treat JMTC Style
Steel Negotiations
For Whom Does The Songbell Toll
To Level 90 and Beyond
Tales of a Gold Goblin Bully
Chess Pieces Taking The Field
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
2:34 PM
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Mommar Here.
It is that time of the year that we should start being thankful. Thankful that we have a game we can play, and that there is gold to be made.
Well, not quite exactly when it comes to the Pilgrim's Bounty holiday. Blizzard has made this holiday very achievement heavy for players with very few physical rewards. Players can get a new Holiday themed suit, and a new turkey pet (sorry gang it's BOP so no selling it seems). There are a few chances to be able to make some quick gold if you catch people at the right time.
One of the achievements is called The Turkinator. This is one of those achievements that will come easy for some classes, and other classes it will drive them batty. The basic idea is to go to Elwynn Forest or Tirisfal Glades to kill turkeys all over the area. You have to kill 40 turkeys killing them one at a time to keep the buff you receive up and running til you hit 40 (it will drop off in 10 seconds if you don't kill another turkey).
Most players found that this can be annoying if you end up with a lot of players in the area. But one item the Tracker Snacks gave non hunters a huge advantage to finish this achievement. Now that many players have this achievement under wraps it isn't as large of a market as it had been previously. Still cooking and placing a few on the Auction House will net you some gold. Especially for players who are just getting used to the market it is a good test without a large amount of investment.
For those that enjoy the pain of non food enhanced turkey combat. There is a macro that the genius group on the boards came up with that will help with killing turkeys in no time.
/tar Wild Turkey /run if not GetRaidTargetIndex("target") and not UnitIsDead("target") and UnitName("target") == "Wild Turkey" then if turkey == nil or turkey == 0 then turkey = 8 end SetRaidTarget("target", turkey); turkey = turkey -1 end;
If you have a busy server I usually suggest killing them either early in the morning or later in the evening. The turkeys become easier to find and less farmed for holiday themed cooking items as the event continues.
Now for the juicy part (hee hee) of the event. This is going to be a perfect time to take one of those alts that you have ignored their cooking and get it up to almost 400 cooking on the cheap.
Here is how you perform this cooking miracle
Learn Cooking + spiced Bread (1s 10c)
- Learn Cooking + Spiced Bread (1s 10c)Make 100 Spiced Bread (overkill, but easy to calculate with) (7s)
- Buy the Bountyful Cookbook (1s)
- Make 100 Spiced Bread Stuffing (Remember to learn Journeyman cooking between 50 and 75) (2s + 5s)
- Make 100 pumpkin Pies (Remember to learn Expert Cooking between 125 and 150) (10s + 1g)
- Make 100 Cranberry Chutney (Remember to learn Artisan Cooking between 200 and 225) (10s + 2g 50s)
- Make 100 Candied Sweet Potatoes (Remember to learn Master Cooking between 275 and 300) (12s + 10g)
- Make as many Slow Roasted Turkeys as you need to get to 350 Cooking, and then learn Grand Master cooking (35g)
If you want to go higher, you can start to kill turkeys in the above mentioned areas to craft Slow Roasted Turkey up to the 400+ mark. Most of your investment in this is time and energy. But the buffs from the turkey are very nice for long term usage.
(All credit goes to the Wowhead Forums, give them some link love)
Icy-Veins have a walk-through for all of the achievements for Pilgrim's Bounty so if your a little behind on your achievement hunting they are the guide to hit to get things done quickly.
Don't let the holidays distract you from your normal gold making procedures. You never know what opportunities might appear if you keep your ears open. From soloing Sekketh Halls for the Terrokar Turkey Time achievement to get lower players a chance at the achievement. To players dancing on mailboxes for gold tips. Thinking outside the turkey box might net you a few extra gold this week.
Someone tell Blizzard central it's time for a turkey centric boss. I would go for that for next year.
Good luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Previous Entries
Is Your Cartel Happy?
Brawlers Guild: Your Killing Us Here
Change of Scenery
Mists of Pandaria in 5 words
Prepping For The Future
Eyes On The Prize
Pattern Farming With Your Jewelcrafter
Lorewalker This Way
Brawlers Guild Blues
Prioritizing Your Daily Quests
BMAH Strikes Back
Trick or Treat JMTC Style
Steel Negotiations
For Whom Does The Songbell Toll
To Level 90 and Beyond
Tales of a Gold Goblin Bully
Chess Pieces Taking The Field
Previous Entries
Is Your Cartel Happy?
Brawlers Guild: Your Killing Us Here
Change of Scenery
Mists of Pandaria in 5 words
Prepping For The Future
Eyes On The Prize
Pattern Farming With Your Jewelcrafter
Lorewalker This Way
Brawlers Guild Blues
Prioritizing Your Daily Quests
BMAH Strikes Back
Trick or Treat JMTC Style
Steel Negotiations
For Whom Does The Songbell Toll
To Level 90 and Beyond
Tales of a Gold Goblin Bully
Chess Pieces Taking The Field
Gold Searching,
Sekketh Halls,
Wild Turkey
Posted by
J.E. Douglas
9:51 AM
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Mommar here
We have talked about cartels many times when it comes to being a Gold Goblin. Understanding that a cartel could be made up of two people, or a large amount of players. The idea is that you have gathered a group of like minded people to be able to combine your resources and keep track of markets instead of just being a one person team.
But just as you have your days of self doubt and irritation, so will the members of your cartel. That is when a leader steps up to make sure that the group is happy and functioning. Making sure that your cartel is equipped, their needs of items and trinkets sated and even the occasional gift can add to the group loyalty.
Cartels are not inanimate objects. They are living, breathing people behind the keyboard with their own issues to deal with. Whether it's a farmer that isn't able to put in as much time as they want due to personal issues, or a little extra gold as a "bonus" to say thank you. Little things can advance a cartel in the right direction.
I was talking with one of my farmers in my cartel and they were being asked to do some healing type stuff for dungeons. Taking about 5 minutes I was able to see some upgrades that my blacksmith could craft for them. Crafting that shield, putting it in a gift wrap and enchanting took me all of 10 minutes to finish. But that loyalty to know I would be the first in line for new items they farmed made it worth it.
Management of cartels are just as important as management of your own personal stock. The more productive that a cartel can become, the better profits can be shown for just a little work. A happy cartel member is a useful cartel member.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Previous Entries
Brawlers Guild: Your Killing Us Here
Change of Scenery
Mists of Pandaria in 5 words
Prepping For The Future
Eyes On The Prize
Pattern Farming With Your Jewelcrafter
Lorewalker This Way
Brawlers Guild Blues
Prioritizing Your Daily Quests
BMAH Strikes Back
Trick or Treat JMTC Style
Steel Negotiations
For Whom Does The Songbell Toll
To Level 90 and Beyond
Tales of a Gold Goblin Bully
Chess Pieces Taking The Field
Good Luck,
Shandris Server,
world of warcraft