Mommar here:
I'm finding something interesting as I level up my Shaman goblin goddess. I placed three pieces of BOA gear giving her a 30% boost in her XP rate. As I was finishing up Azshara I was noticing that most of the quests ended up being low level giving me a lot less xp than I expected.
Some of this is due to using the Random Dungeon Finder to level as well. This is giving me a large amount of XP as I'm racing through the goblin controlled territory. I use an add-on from as my leveling source (it goes step by step, hits all of the quests in an area, and best of all it's free).
Having the tendency to stay on track when using a leveling guide I was hesitant to jump to another area and leave quests unfinished. Most of the gear that I received during the quests were vendored for cheap cash. It surprised me just how quickly that my leveling outdistanced the quests in the area.
Cataclysm had its own base of BOA gear with xp boost technology. This gives a strong advantage
to players as they level their next crafter or gatherer. It also puts them to have to pay attention to make
sure they are getting as much xp as they can. If you have run through the quests in Vanilla Warcraft as
well as the Burning Crusade and Wrath expansions, jumping ahead into different areas when the quests
turn gray can become beneficial. Adding up the biggest bang for your buck is just as important in
Experience points as it is in gold making.
My goal is to have my shaman hitting 85 by the end of next week. Not sure if I will make it simpler
because time is not on my side. But that sense of urgency of wanting to get a task done is starting to
build again. So hopefully I will reach my goals and have my own MOP prep done.
I will keep you posted
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Previous Entries
Hype Hype Hype
No Shirt No Service
Too Much Stuff
MOP Prep: PokeWOW Part 1
MOP Prep: PokeWOW Part 2
Time to close businesses..
Would You Save World of Warcraft?
Tips for the Junk Impaired
Its not being lazy, it's being unmotivated
Lost Pets for MOP
Leveling Digging, Grass Picking O My
Is it Worth It?
MOP Prep: Enchanters Pt 1
MOP Prep: Enchanters Part Deux
MOP Prep: What to save for the Pandas Pt 1
MOP: Powerleveling Leatherworking in the Vale
MOP Prep: Prepping the Farmer
MOP Prep: Get to the Points
MOP Prep: Reduction in Inventory
MOP Prep: Stuff to Gold, Gold to Stuff
MOP Prep: Setting the Lineup
MOP Prep: Setting up the Cartel
MOP Prep: Zero Balance Investment
Experience point,
Lost comet,
Shandris Server,
Windows XP,
world of warcraft
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