A very excited Mommar here.
It's just over 48 hours before the gates to Mists of Pandaria open. Players are getting those last minute chores finished. Making one final attempt at Deathwing with the guild. Ready to take on new challenges of classes and races.
In the next 48 hours players are going to be doing both their personal housekeeping and their guild housekeeping. Even the raiding guild bank that I belong too needs a good cleaning out. This means that on many servers there will be lots of items for sale at good healthy discounts. Discounted items always bring a tear to a gold goblin eye.
Your strategy from here on out will become more important for long term sales. By now you should
you should have the majority of your epic items discounted for a quick sale. Running your Disenchant
searches in preparation for resale.
This weekend will be one of the last weekends to get your plans organized on leveling. Who will be first
to hit the lands of Pandaria? Will your add-ons be prepared to go. Now is a good time to try your hand
at running without add-ons to make sure you're not waiting for updates.
How is your sales strategy set up? Who will be the first to list items on the AH? What items will you
queue first? Will your Jewelcrafter be the first up to bat, or your Enchanter? The fine tuning of your
plans now will pay dividends as the plains of Pandaria get invaded.
Here is what we know.
- There will be no restart of the servers at midnight Pacific Daylight Time. Before there has always
a server restart before a server expansion begins. This will be new technology
(so bring your stress towel)
- A new quest will pop up on screen at midnight for everyone that can enter Pandaria lands. It starts at
the main city leader for whichever faction you are. (Garrosh for Horde, Varian for Alliance)
- Monks will be available at exactly midnight from the selection screen. No game restart necessary
Now, the parts that they don't tell you
There will be a large amount of people in the same small area (Stormwind and/or Orgrimmar) so yes
there will be lag for many players. Waiting five or ten minutes before entering the area might save you
some frustration.
I have always suggested not to be the first one to start listing items for resell on the Auction House.
If you are the first to list then you will be the first underbid. Other than die hard players,
the majority of players will not get started playing til later in the day. Get your daily chores finished,
work on some leveling and prepared to wait for a bit. It's new, it's exciting but unless you're working
on a realm first the game will be there tomorrow.
Many players will have 25 daily quests stocked up in their logs for turn-in at the beginning. This will
give you a small jump on the competition but it isn't going to be heartbreaking not to have them.
Most of the trainers the main capital cities will allow you to start your Mists of Pandaria professions.
Another option will be to have your characters sitting in Dalaran ready to start training. The
The majority of players will be in the main cities auction houses and trainers so Dalaran should again be relatively barren.
If you're looking for your fishing realm first. Have your bags emptied and ready to go. Since you can
get points for fishing everywhere I'm suggesting to be at the back end of the water in the sewers
of Dalaran. Many fishers will be at the front end of the waters. And if need be you have an
easy vendor spot just inside the inn if your bags get full. With the Giant Sewer Rat being a drop in
the area this gives you added incentive to fish here.
Fishing poles will no longer be required to fish in Mists of Pandaria (are we using our swords to fish?)
but still bring your plus skill fishing poles to give you an added advantage. If you fished your profession
to maximum before it won't add much, but you also want to look good when you get your fishing
realm first.
Last but not least. Have fun. This is a train ride up and down hills in the next 72 hours. Be prepared to
enjoy the ride, curse at the ride, and cry during the ride. But it is going to be enjoyable. If you let the
ride be fun.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Previous Entries
Not So Bottomless Bag of Holding
Kits Are Not Just For Breakfast Anymore
Rose By Any Other Name
Smell the Bacon and Eggs from Azeroth
It's not the size of the equipment
It's fun to say Arrrrrghh
Zombie Auctioning
The Tripping of Theramore
You want to do WHAT????
KFC Ain't Got Nothing On Me
BMAH Blues
I am No Dunce
Hype Hype Hype
No Shirt No Service
Too Much Stuff
MOP Prep: PokeWOW Part 1
MOP Prep: PokeWOW Part 2
MOP Prep: Enchanters Pt 1
MOP Prep: Enchanters Part Deux
MOP Prep: What to save for the Pandas Pt 1
MOP: Powerleveling Leatherworking in the Vale
MOP Prep: Prepping the Farmer
MOP Prep: Get to the Points
MOP Prep: Reduction in Inventory
MOP Prep: Stuff to Gold, Gold to Stuff
MOP Prep: Setting the Lineup
MOP Prep: Setting up the Cartel
MOP Prep: Zero Balance Investment
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