Mommar here.
It's less than 24 hours before Mists of Pandaria open up the panda invasion. All of the excitement of new lands, new quests and new players to sell items too.
For the past months fellow gold goblins and goblinettes have been storing items for resell. Herbs, minerals and all softs of other items saved in guild banks, and personal vaults. But the question this
morning were all the good things hoarded already?
Prices have been rising for many items in a combination of supply and demand. Players getting last minute characters organized and not farming items for sale. But it's not too late. There are a few items that you should look to purchase today for big profits.
- Maelstrom Crystals.
These have been hovering at the 40-60g mark for a bit. Where their normal use has been for epic enchants, Enchanted Lantern and Magic Lamp are still going to be in demand for pet enthusiasts and
pet battlers.
- Low and Mid Level Inks
Each new player will want new glyphs for each of their characters. Where the mass rush of Glyphmas part 2 has passed, there will still be a demand for those inks from players not looking
to pay high prices for glyphs on the Auction House. Look to be able to flip inks such as Lion's Ink
and Jadefire Ink for decent profits. Look for deals on Blackfallow Ink especially to turn into the Ink
Vendor for different inks (make sure to do this before midnight when the ink vendor is expected to change over to Ink of Dreams being the trading currency.
Turn Ins from Darkmoon Faire
New players will be clamoring for many of these turn ins that can be obtained for low investments. Picking up a few at discounted prices have the opportunity to offer good profits to shrewd gold goblins.
Mid level minerals and Herbs
Players are going to be going through leveling like never before. Much of the old content in Azeroth, Outland and Northrend will be lightly used by leveling players. This means that many of the minerals
in these areas won't be as farmed as heavily as before. Look for deals in Thorium and Fel Iron Ore to sell to Jewelcrafters
Common Gems from Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King
Jewelcrafting will still end up being the king of the money making professions during Mists of Pandaria. So players will want to have their own Jewelcrafting business to rake in profits. First
they have to level their Jewelcrafting profession. Leveling Jewelcrafting from 300-375 takes many of the common gems prospected from Fel Iron ore (Flame Spessarite, Blood Garnet, Shadow Draenite, Golden Draenite, Deep Peridot, Azure Moonstone). These can be flipped from 2 to 3 times their cost
depending on demand on the server.
And one tip.
Don't get stuck into the one thought that only what the gold making journals have to say is the gospel truth. Use your own judgement and what tools you've been given for logical thought. You might see a quick deal that no one else has seen. The auction house is a dynamic entity and can change at a moments notice. Be prepared to be a Warcraft day trader and jump on deals in a moments notice
Good Luck and Good Hunting in Pandaland
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Previous Entries
O Be Careful Litle Goblin What You Buy
The End of Warcraft? Whats Next?
Not So Bottomless Bag of Holding
MOP Prep: PokeWOW Part 1
MOP Prep: PokeWOW Part 2
MOP Prep: Enchanters Pt 1
MOP Prep: Enchanters Part Deux
MOP Prep: What to save for the Pandas Pt 1
MOP: Powerleveling Leatherworking in the Vale
MOP Prep: Prepping the Farmer
MOP Prep: Get to the Points
MOP Prep: Reduction in Inventory
MOP Prep: Stuff to Gold, Gold to Stuff
MOP Prep: Setting the Lineup
MOP Prep: Setting up the Cartel
MOP Prep: Zero Balance Investment
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