Too Much Stuff

After having dug myself out of an avalanche of a guild bank I purchased recently,  I came to the realization that I might have too much stuff saved for MOP (blasphemous words I know).

It's not that difficult to get into the hype of buying things to resell quickly for massive profits.   That will occur.  We've talked about Pets and Leather and cloth and ore to save.   And even for the rest of this week and next week we will talk some more about it.  It can be exciting to figure out what other players both old and new will want to purchase for high prices.

But there does come a time when players will balance between investment and holding.  The biggest challenge is to make sure that you are getting as much bang for your buck and storage area as possible. Many players by now have at least one separate Guild Bank of their own.   Even if you are just using your regular character storage bank each slot becomes a chance for investment.   So planning out exactly what you should buy,  and where to place it becomes more and more important.

So when you continue to buy items for investment,  keep and mental picture of exactly what amount of profit you want to obtain from the item.   If your stocking up on Netherweave for bags,  then how much profit will that be compared to purchasing a blue weapon for resell.   Will a stack of Iron Ore obtain the same profit as a stack of Heavy Leather?

Each slot that you fill for investment purposes become more important in the next two weeks.  Mists of Pandaria and the panda invasion is just beyond the horizon.   Preparation and expectation will start to build to a fever pitch.   So look for investments,  but keep that measure of resistance to buy everything without purpose.

Good Luck and Good Hoarding

Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice. 

Previous Entries

MOP Prep:  PokeWOW Part 1
MOP Prep: PokeWOW Part 2
Time to close businesses..
Would You Save World of Warcraft?
Tips for the Junk Impaired
Its not being lazy,  it's being unmotivated
Lost Pets for MOP
Leveling Digging, Grass Picking O My
Is it Worth It?
MOP Prep:   Enchanters Pt 1
MOP Prep:  Enchanters Part Deux
MOP Prep: What to save for the Pandas Pt 1
MOP:  Powerleveling Leatherworking in the Vale
MOP Prep:   Prepping the Farmer
MOP Prep:  Get to the Points
MOP Prep:  Reduction in Inventory
MOP Prep: Stuff to Gold,  Gold to Stuff
MOP Prep: Setting the Lineup
MOP Prep: Setting up the Cartel
MOP Prep:   Zero Balance Investment

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