Kits, they're not just for breakfast anymore

Mommar here.

Many players when MOP starts will be starting from scratch with their professions.  They will be creating new monks and other classes.  Looking to add to their own personal arsenal of toons to quest and raid as quickly as possible.

One thing they have in common is that they will need to level professions.  Many will take the time to plunk out each point,  buying items from the Auction House or collecting the materials themselves.  Time they could be put to questing and raiding.

I did say time there,  and time is always an opportunity in the making.   We have power leveling guides available in many different places on the internet (my personal favorite is found at the website. buy you may have one of your own personal choices.

We need to pay attention to the part that gives exactly what materials are necessary to use this guide to bring a selected profession to its maximum.   This isn't a new idea.  Kit selling for professions have been occurring since the beginning of Warcraft.  But it is very profitable based on the margin between time/investment and sale.  

Prices will inflate at the beginning of Mists of Pandaria.  It's a guarantee of warcraft gaming life just as much as my cats will want to be fed in the morning.   Selling profession kits give us the opportunity to relieve players of having to run around and collect the materials.  

Let us take Alchemy for instance (which is guaranteed to be very popular with players).

We know that it takes according the guide we are using. (using approximate values)

  • 59 x Peacebloom
  • 59 x Silverleaf
  • 93 x Briarthorn
  • 20 x Mageroyal
  • 33 x Bruiseweed
  • 45 x Stranglekelp
  • 20 x Liferoot
  • 30 x Kingsblood
  • 35 x Goldthorn
  • 10 x Wild Steelbloom
  • 25 x Sungrass
  • 45 x Khadgar's Whisker
  • 10 x Blindweed
  • 40 x Gromsblood
  • 30 x Sorrowmoss
  • 15 x Dreamfoil
  • 45 x Golden Sansam
  • 18 x Mountain Silversage
  • 50 x Felweed
  • 10 x Terocone
  • 35 x Dreaming Glory
  • 10 x Netherbloom
  • 20 x Talandra's Rose
  • 5 x Pygmy Suckerfish
  • 75 x Goldclover
  • 30 x Tiger Lily
  • 25 x Adder's Tongue
  • 20 x Icethorn
  • 40 x Lichbloom
  • 60 x Cinderbloom
  • 25 x Stormvine
  • 31 x Azshara's Veil
  • 25 x Heartblossom
  • 5 x Volatile Life
  • 25 x Twilight Jasmine
  • 15 x Whiptail
  • 15 Jasper
  • 15 x Alicite
  • 15 x Zephyrite or 15 Nightstone

If you combine the cost of these mats purchased individually you can easily get into the 10k to 15k purchased from the Auction house.     Now consider how difficult it would be to get alll of these within a weeks time just from your own farming?   Purchasing at low prices when they come up on the auction house.   Profession kits have been known to go for 20 to 25k or higher depending on demand.  And it's a guarantee that the first two weeks of Mists of Pandaria there will be high demand for everything.   

Perhaps Herbalism isn't one of your gathering professions.  You can take out your miner and collect the items necessary to level Blacksmithing or even Engineering.   To execute an idea like this takes planning and organization.  You would want to have the bag space to give the buyer all of the items.  Or if you have a guild of your own you can give them access to one of the slots of the guild to take the items for themselves.    Mailing between the buyer and seller might be tough simply because of the rules of Cash On Delivery in game mails.

Important links to the material kit list here:


(guides provided by

The idea here is that you are doing the heavy lifting and collecting at a price.   Players power leveling their new characters is not going to want to spend a large amount of hours collecting and buying materials.  Especially living at the whim of the Auction House.   We are all familiar at how test the auction house can be when we just need one more piece of ore to level.

Information and convenience are what puts money in a gold goblins pocket.    When you have the knowledge and the know how.  Players will pay a premium for that knowledge and your own gathering time.

Good Luck and Good Hunting

Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice. 

Previous Entries

Rose By Any Other Name
Smell the Bacon and Eggs from Azeroth
It's not the size of the equipment 
It's fun to say Arrrrrghh
Zombie Auctioning
The Tripping of Theramore
You want to do WHAT????
KFC Ain't Got Nothing On Me
BMAH Blues
I am No Dunce
Hype Hype Hype
No Shirt No Service
Too Much Stuff
MOP Prep:  PokeWOW Part 1
MOP Prep: PokeWOW Part 2
MOP Prep:   Enchanters Pt 1
MOP Prep:  Enchanters Part Deux
MOP Prep: What to save for the Pandas Pt 1
MOP:  Powerleveling Leatherworking in the Vale
MOP Prep:   Prepping the Farmer
MOP Prep:  Get to the Points
MOP Prep:  Reduction in Inventory
MOP Prep: Stuff to Gold,  Gold to Stuff
MOP Prep: Setting the Lineup
MOP Prep: Setting up the Cartel
MOP Prep:   Zero Balance Investment

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