No Shirt No Service

Mommar Here (Aren't you surprised????)

Each warcraft profession has multiple side businesses that they can delve into.   Sub professions that can be just as lucrative as regular posting of armor and weapons.

One of these comes out of the Tailoring profession with the demand specifically for crafting shirts.  They offer no armor value,  but they score high on the vanity list.   The patterns are picked up from multiple places.  Some are trained while leveling the profession,  others are either vendor sales or rare drops in specific areas.  

We're going to look at two specific ones to watch out for (there are multiple ones but these two tend to be highly prized).

Pattern: Rich Purple Silk Shirt is a rare world drop that is highly valued.   First the bad news,  it's very very expensive for someone to purchase this pattern.  Ranges from 3k all the way up to 25k are seen.   But every so often you will see it listed on the AH for cheaper,  be prepared to grab it at a moments notice (if you use Trade Skill Manager or Auctioneer add this pattern to your search list)

Pattern: Black Swashbuckler's Shirt is a much easier pattern to obtain.   The Vendor for this shirt pattern is Narkk in The Cape of Stranglethorn at coordinates 42,69 (inside the city).  It's a limited number pattern so if it isn't there when you first arrive,  wait for the pattern to reappear.

Other patterns of interest include

Tuxedo Shirt (Sold by Millie Gregorian in Undercity or Outfitter Eric in Ironforge)

Pink Mageweave (Sold by Borya or Lizna Goldweaver in Orgrimmar or Outfitter Eric in Ironforge)

Dark Silk Shirt  (Sold by Mallen Swain in Hillsbrad Foothills or Sheri Zipstitch in Duskwood

(Here is a link to the rest of the shirts that can be made:  Tailor Profession Crafted Shirts )

a 1 hour vendor run can net you the majority of this shirts to process and sell to others.   A few lucky breaks from listings on the auction house can net you a large amount of gold as well (most of the patterns are BOE so selling copies you have on the Auction House can add more gold to your scissors case)

This is one of the many side businesses you can build that specialize in low materials/high income depending on the demand on your server.   Shirts and by extension pants can be the money maker you're looking for to push you over the top.

Good Luck and Good Hoarding

Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice. 

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MOP Prep: Stuff to Gold,  Gold to Stuff
MOP Prep: Setting the Lineup
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