Once again... Here's Mommar (I really should get a sidekick to announce me).
Part 1 of MOP Prep: PokeWOW talked about engineering pets. This next part is going to talk about the vendor pets as well as my overall strategy towards pet making.
For many servers it's going to be a smorgasbord of choices on what will sell. Some players are going to look for power (Min/Max points) on their more powerful pets to put on the field. Others are going to make with what they like the most (Dragons, birds, Cats etc). The goal is to be ready to sell to
all of them.
Knowing where to obtain pets to sell is going to be very important. Knowledge is power, in this case it's going to be sales power. Players generally do not take the time to look up things on WowHead. They will either ask in trade channel (getting pummeled many times by chants of noob or loser), or they will depend on the Auction House and Trade Channel Barking.
Vendor pets will sell to those that are uninformed (or unmotivated) to go and obtain their own. Especially if they are trained one or two levels. An untrained pet will not obtain as much of a price as one that a player has taken This is going to be very important for your exotic or hard to find pets.
For our pet business we're going to work on a pyramid system. Starting from the bottom our bread and butter pets are going to be easily obtained vendor pets. Pets such as
Anaconda Chicken (Plucky Johnson in 1000 Needles)
Blue Clockwork Rocket Bot (Multiple vendors in Dalaran and Stormwind/Orgrimmar)
Ghostly Skull (Darahir in the sewers of Dalaran)
Tree Frog (Flik During the Darkmoon Faire.)
Winterspring Cub (Michelle De Rum in Winterspring)
(You can find information on http://www.petbattles.net/ which has a breakdown of exactly what pets can be traded and battled and which ones cannot).
My next plank of my Pet pyramid is made based on hard to obtain pets. These are the ones that either are more difficult to find, or in places that players no longer go too (read Lost Pets for MOP)
So lets take a look at 5 rare pets that I'm looking at training and trading.
First I choose 5 of the pets I have to sell
Giant Sewer Rat (Rare fishing Capture)
Magical Crawdad (Rare Fishing Capture
Pengu (obtained at Kalu'ak Quartermaster at Exalted)
Phoenix Hatchling (Rare Drop at Magister's Terrace)
Razzashi Hatchling (Rare Drop from Stranglethorn Vale)
Obviously these are going to get a premium because of how rare they are (not impossible, but to obtain
them either the player has to put in their time, or purchase them at a higher price). There are more but
this is a sample of the ones that I'm looking at specifically. Some of these (such as Razzashi Hatchling)
can be obtained from the AH already. Investing in these now will offer returns once demand increases.
Next plank on our Pet Pyramid is going to be our Arbitrage trading. Arbitrage is taking advantage of
that are limited or unobtainable by one side of a market. In this case it's both pets sold by the Horde
(or alliance). Also included are pets that are obtained in areas that are limited traffic. These include
Blue Dragonhawk Hatchling (Horde Pet from Dealer Rashaad in Silvermoon)
Brown Prairie Dog (Horde Pet from Halpa in Thunder Bluff)
Cornish Rex (Alliance Pet from Donni Anthania just outside Stormwind)
Leaping Hatchling (Obtained in Takk's Nest in Northern Barrens)
Our next level is the crafted pets I can create from my other toons. These include
Pet Bombling (Engineering pattern From Gnomeregan)
Mechanical Squirrel Box (Learned through Engineering)
De-Weaponized Mechanical Companion (Engineering Pet)
Enchanted Lantern (crafted by Horde Enchanters) (Magic Lamp is the Alliance Version)
(I discussed this early in the first half of this two part article)
Planning and discipline will become very important. Knowing what pets are able to be traded and which ones will not is going to set you ahead of the majority of players. A wonderful database has been created at http://www.petbattles.net/. This is an excellent database on which pets can be traded and which ones cannot.
Also included in my strategy is going to be banking on the possibility of allowing wild pets to ultimately be traded at some future spot. So as I roam in different areas both in Azeroth and Pandaria, my intentions are to pick up peculiar or interesting pets for possible sale later.
Each of these planks is from my own personal strategy. They don't guarantee success, nor is it required for you to have them for your own pet battle strategy. Similar to the Transmogrification item market. Much of the gold making possibilities are dependent on the server you are on, and the interest your fellow players show in the new pet battle system.
Tools such as www.petbattles.net and http://www.wowuction.com are going to be necessary to keep ahead of the tide of sales. Veteran players who have gold are already purchasing the pets they are interested in training. With new players entering the fray, new money will follow them and purchasing will continue to pick up. Keeping a finger on the pulse of your server will be paramount to your success.
MOP brings an exciting idea of pet combat. And with it a new area of moneymaking opportunity. So get your plans together, go buy and craft those pets and be ready to go from the start.
Good Luck and Good Hunting
Want to get in contact with me? . Email me at Dragonbearjoe @ gmail. dOT com or find me on twitter at "@JMTCMommar" You can find me hanging out on the Shandris Server, chat me up and I will buy you a glass of juice.
Previous Entries
MOP Prep: Pokewow Part 1
Time to close businesses..
Would You Save World of Warcraft?
Tips for the Junk Impaired
Its not being lazy, it's being unmotivated
Lost Pets for MOP
Leveling Digging, Grass Picking O My
Is it Worth It?
MOP Prep: Enchanters Pt 1
MOP Prep: Enchanters Part Deux
MOP Prep: What to save for the Pandas Pt 1
MOP: Powerleveling Leatherworking in the Vale
MOP Prep: Prepping the Farmer
MOP Prep: Get to the Points
MOP Prep: Reduction in Inventory
MOP Prep: Stuff to Gold, Gold to Stuff
MOP Prep: Setting the Lineup
MOP Prep: Setting up the Cartel
MOP Prep: Zero Balance Investment
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